Kyle Lamb Silvercore Podcast
episode 124 | Feb 27, 2024
Law Enforcement/Military
Experts & Industry Leaders
Outdoor Adventure

Silvercore Podcast Ep. 124: Stay in the Fight with Kyle Lamb

Join us in this captivating episode of the Silvercore Podcast as we delve into the extraordinary life of Kyle Lamb. A retired Sergeant Major and decorated warrior, Kyle's journey takes us from his rodeo days and love for hunting and fishing to his impressive 21-year career in the U.S. Army, with 15 years spent in Delta Force. Discover Kyle's expertise in leadership, marksmanship, and tactical training as the founder of Viking Tactics, a renowned company providing gear and accessories. Explore the impact of his custom knife making and his dedication to raising funds for the Stay in the Fight Foundation. Kyle's story is one of resilience and adaptability, as he navigates challenges and embraces a diverse range of interests. Hear firsthand about the therapeutic power of nature and the joy of sharing outdoor adventures with loved ones. Prepare for an inspiring episode that will leave you motivated and eager to embrace the limitless possibilities life has to offer.
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Silvercore Podcast 123 Kyle Lamb

[00:00:00] Travis Bader: I'm Travis Bader, and this is the Silvercore podcast. Silvercore has been providing its members with the skills and knowledge necessary to be confident and proficient in the outdoors for over 20 years. And we make it easier for people to deepen their connection to the natural world. If you enjoy the positive and educational content.

[00:00:30] Travis Bader: We provide, please let others know by sharing, commenting, and following so that you can join in on everything that Silvercore stands for. If you'd like to learn more about becoming a member of the Silvercore club and community, visit our website at silvercore. ca.

[00:00:52] Travis Bader: Today's guest spent time in his youth, working in rodeo. As well as hunting and fishing, he's a celebrated author with books on leadership and marksmanship, a decorated warrior serving 21 years in the U. S. Army with over 15 years in the elite special forces operations detachment, Delta Force. With tours in Bosnia, Desert Storm, Somalia, and five tours in Iraq, he was there at the Battle of Mogadishu made famous by the movie Black Hawk Down.

[00:01:17] Travis Bader: He's an entrepreneur and founder of Viking Tactics, which provides training, gear, and accessories. And he's a custom knife maker, which he uses to help raise funds for the nonprofit stay in the fight foundation. Welcome to the silver core podcast, retired sergeant major Kyle Lamb. 

[00:01:34] Kyle Lamb: Man, I think we're done right there.

[00:01:37] Kyle Lamb: You said it all. That is the best intro I think I've ever had. Oh, my God, 

[00:01:42] Travis Bader: you did not make my job easy because I am only scratching the surface of the information that's publicly available out there. So I know there's a heck of a lot more to Kyle Lamb than what I put in there. That was, uh, that was not easy.

[00:01:57] Travis Bader: Have you always had this eclectic background or is that something you kind of grew into? 

[00:02:02] Kyle Lamb: I've always been a weirdo. So it, you know, I was the guy that was at school. I always had a 22 or a shotgun in my car. Mm hmm. And I drove a car. I didn't have a truck. I had a 73 Buick Centurion and I would, yeah, I would go out and hunt or fish or whatever before or after school.

[00:02:24] Kyle Lamb: And then I rodeoed and then I played sports. So I played football and ran track, um, played baseball and student council president. And I, I won the spelling bee one year. I trained for several years so I could beat Carrie Kandigator in the spelling bee. It's just like, I don't have a very good attention span.

[00:02:43] Kyle Lamb: And, uh, because of that, I just, I do a lot of different things and, and that, you know, that's something we were talking about before we got going, you know, the ADHD deal, you said you were diagnosed. I was not diagnosed, but I'm practicing, I think, because I do have a little bit of a difficulty focusing on one thing for an, uh, an.

[00:03:06] Kyle Lamb: A super long amount of time. So like, if I'm going to write a book, if I set a goal that I'm going to write a book, I don't really have an issue with that because I'm going to write the book. Now I may take a couple of little, uh, beaver runs from, uh, on the way to get into that. That actual successful product in the end, or maybe not successful, but completed project in the end.

[00:03:30] Kyle Lamb: But, uh, I guess, you know, what I, what I say to that is if you have kids that are like us, don't punish them, you know, work, work for their. And I, and my, like my grandson, he, you know, he's never been diagnosed with it either, but he's a busy dude. Like he's always got stuff going on. So what do we do? We take him for a walk.

[00:03:53] Kyle Lamb: We take him out in the woods. He's been shooting this year. He killed his first deer. He's nine years old. He killed his first year with an AR on our property. Um, we're down in the lower 48, so we can hunt with ARs down here. And he, uh, he was just, you know, he's super stoked. He's been shooting for years and years getting ready to go on that hunt.

[00:04:12] Kyle Lamb: And I guess the moral of that story is if we just, if we didn't get him outside and keep him busy, he gets in trouble because he's going to get, he's, yeah, he's going to do. And I'm the same way. And I imagine you've been in trouble a bit in your life too. 

[00:04:27] Travis Bader: I got kicked out of a few different schools and for discipline and like really not even discipline type problems.

[00:04:34] Travis Bader: It was my interest exceeded what the school's capabilities were. So I like chemistry and chemistry meant disappearing or invisible ink and explosives. Well, schools didn't really like that. Right. And I liked, I learned how to pick locks in grade four, cause I like puzzles. Right. And well, that doesn't really fit.

[00:04:50] Travis Bader: So, uh, yeah, I, I agree with you and the medication thing. So when I was in grade three, about halfway through grade three, my family's like, well, We're done, you're going, we've got these pamphlets. There's a, uh, a boarding school that can take kids free of charge. I think it was a military porting school. See ya.

[00:05:09] Travis Bader: Right. And I've looked at that and at grade three, I'm like, no, I don't want to do that. That sounds scary. In hindsight, it probably would have been one of the best things I could have ever done because it's a different structure. But they ended up taking me to a doctor, got diagnosed, and he actually put me on the highest dosage of Ritalin on an experimental run.

[00:05:30] Travis Bader: In the province, we can only prescribe so much. And I have to take eight pills in the morning and another five in the afternoon. And, uh, up until grade seven, integrate seven, I'm like, I'm not going to go into high school with these took myself off cold to Turkey. So I agree with you, don't medicate them.

[00:05:48] Travis Bader: There are ways that we can deal with them. Getting outside for me 

[00:05:52] Kyle Lamb: was massive. Yeah. And you know, and the other thing too is, so speaking of being outdoors, eat what's outdoors. What do we have outdoors? We have fruits and vegetables, and we have meat, and I don't care if it's fish, or beef, or moose, or elk, or whitetail deer, or turkey, I don't care if it's what color of vegetable you eat, but eat it, and I think if we do that, like my grandson one day, we, one of our little special times, I've got a grandson and a granddaughter, and we, one of our special things together is we like to eat popsicles, And we'll go grab a popsicle in the summer and we'll sit out on the porch and eat this popsicle.

[00:06:34] Kyle Lamb: So they get to go and choose the popsicle they want out of the freezer. And we head out there and grandpa has a popsicle with him. And it's just, it's just like a special time, you know? And, and really any time with your grandkids is a special time, but that's especially. So one day I was grabbing popsicles and I really hadn't thought about it.

[00:06:55] Kyle Lamb: And I grabbed a red one and like a pineapple one or something. And I, I, I'm like, which one do you want? And my grandson looks at me and goes, grandpa, I can't eat red. Cause it makes me crazy. And it's true that the red something to do with the red dye would make him like. Insane for just you know for an hour, but he'd get in trouble because of it Well, that was our fault.

[00:07:19] Kyle Lamb: That's not his fault. Don't feed him a stupid red popsicle Give him one that's white or green or purple or any other color. He was fine So I think you know keeping those kids exercised to work off a lot of that that excessive Energy they have I know for me It's that way my wife every morning makes me go work out because she knows that if I don't work out I'm going to be a complete Dirt bag.

[00:07:43] Kyle Lamb: So make me go for three to five mile walk, you know, whatever it is that we're going to do, but get out and get moving. And then of course, you know, if you get outside, you're going to feel better in the first place there. Um, I was going to tell you a couple of stories about growing up. Um, one of them happened when my mom died.

[00:08:03] Kyle Lamb: So this was not that many years ago. She was like 93 or something when she passed away. So go to my mom's funeral. Now you got to put this all in perspective. I'm in South Dakota. At my mom's funeral. That's a significant emotional event for a dude to have their mom die Whether I mean, I don't care what you think about your mom.

[00:08:26] Kyle Lamb: You only have one mom That's your mom. And my mom was a character. She was, uh, she was a character born in like 1925. My dad was born in 1911. You know, she went through the dirty 30s. She, she could, she was, I don't know how you would call it, thrifty. Some people would call her tight or whatever. But she could, you know, she was, that's how she was.

[00:08:50] Kyle Lamb: So I go to the funeral. And after the funeral, my, my niece is there and my niece is a year older than me and she's a school teacher. And she's standing over there with this other lady and as soon as I see her and I, I, this isn't serious, but you know, when I saw her, my trigger fingers started to twitch and uh, I'm like, Oh yeah.

[00:09:11] Kyle Lamb: So this lady walks up and she goes. And this lady's just grumpy. She goes, do you remember me? And I go, yes, ma'am. I do remember you. She's like, oh, you do remember me. And I'm like, yeah, and I'm thinking my son needs to meet this lady. This is one of my school teachers and I want him to meet. This lady's like an evil beast woman, you know.

[00:09:35] Kyle Lamb: So I said, hey Lucas, come over here. I want you to meet one of my old school teachers. I go, Mrs. Waldo. This is my son. Lucas, and she's like, did your dad ever tell you what he did to me? And he's like, no. And he goes, well, you know what he said to me one day? He got in trouble, and he called me a bitch. And I was like, alright, well I'm at my mom's funeral.

[00:10:02] Kyle Lamb: I appreciate you, uh, telling this great story here, but I don't need to hang around any longer. So I was like, Oh yeah, good seeing you. And I walked away. So later on, we get in the car to leave and my son, he's grown. He's not a little kid. He, uh, got in the car. My wife didn't know this had happened. I said, Lucas, sorry about that.

[00:10:20] Kyle Lamb: That was kind of weird. He goes. Dad, I only met her for like two minutes and I think you nailed it. And it's like, this lady has been living, I've been living in her head. Like I've been sitting on a lawn chair, smoking a stogie in her head for 30 years. And I was like, you, you gotta be kidding me. Like I had a great influence on this lady, obviously from, from.

[00:10:45] Kyle Lamb: From from that many years ago, and then one other quick story. I got a call from my old English teacher I didn't get a call, but I got a an email through our website It said I had a guy that went in my he was in my English classes and speech classes And he acts a lot like you do and his name was Kyle lamb.

[00:11:04] Kyle Lamb: Hmm, and I was like, mr. Kinder Yeah, this guy was a great teacher. He was an awesome teacher He would we had a kid in our class that really didn't talk to anybody that we had a I had a very large class for South Dakota. There was 20 kids in my graduating class. My wife was from a school about 50 miles away in Castlewood, South Dakota, and she had 12.

[00:11:24] Kyle Lamb: But uh, this kid, he was a nice kid, but he rode a motorcycle. He wasn't particularly well kept. And the teacher, Mr. Kinder says, uh, what are you going to talk about? And he goes, I don't know. I don't have a subject. I don't know what to talk about. And he goes, well, what do you really like to do? Well, I like to ride my motorcycle.

[00:11:44] Kyle Lamb: And he had his dirt bike. And he goes, I want to do a class on your motorcycle. And he goes, well, like, what do I do? And he goes, well, what do you, what do you maintenance do you on her motorcycle? Well, I, I changed the oil. Okay. Change the oil. Can you teach us how to change oil? And he goes, yeah, but how am I going to do that?

[00:12:00] Kyle Lamb: And he goes, you're going to bring your motorcycle in the school, in the classroom, and you're going to teach us how to change the oil and this kid's like, Whoa, no kidding. There you go. There's a teacher that that teacher is a five star teacher because now he's taken a kid and he's taken his interests.

[00:12:19] Kyle Lamb: And he's shown him that your interests are just as good as anybody else's interests. They don't have to be the same. You know, I'm going to give a speech on guns or I'm going to give a speech on fishing or hunting or whatever. He's going to give a speech on how to change the oil in a motorcycle. And I saw that kid like dynamically change right there in front of our eyes.

[00:12:38] Kyle Lamb: And so Mr. Kinder, I said, Oh, Mr. Kinder, I, you know, I wrote a, I've wrote a couple of books. Can I send you one? Sure. That'd be great. So I sent him a book. And two months later, I hadn't heard from him. And I, I emailed him and I said, so you got the book. What do you think? And he goes, it's fine. And I'm like, he's still an English teacher.

[00:12:59] Kyle Lamb: You know, he read it like an English teacher, I'm sure, but he's, he's one of those teachers that I really looked up to. And I think that inspired me as an instructor that I want to be. Like Mr. Kinder and, and be able to come across to people like that and focus on what their interests are and making them better.

[00:13:16] Kyle Lamb: Cause as an instructor, it ain't about you. It's about your student. And if your student doesn't get any better at the end of the day, it's your fault. It's not their fault. A hundred percent, 

[00:13:25] Travis Bader: a hundred percent. Yeah. We just wrapped up a, uh, of course we have a new batch of hunter education instructors coming through the province.

[00:13:32] Travis Bader: So they asked if I could. Teach them basic method of instruction and classroom management, dealing with difficult students. And, you know, as I'm in there, I'm thinking about it. I almost failed grade seven. The teacher only passed me because I was such a pain in the ass that they didn't want to see me there again.

[00:13:49] Travis Bader: I was, I think five different high schools. And she told me that straight up to my face. She's like, I think high school, do you good? I don't want to see you again. You should have failed, but you're going on, uh, five different high schools. I went to like, I'm not a school person. Why is it I'm teaching people how to teach?

[00:14:05] Travis Bader: How did I end up in a profession where I'm running this? And maybe it's because you go through that school of hard knocks and you learn all the ways that don't work for you. I don't 

[00:14:14] Kyle Lamb: know. Well, and, and, you know, and we had a very robust shop. Class type environment too. So, I mean, we had chemistry teacher.

[00:14:24] Kyle Lamb: That was awesome. I wasn't a big chemistry guy, but he, you know, when I got to, I guess it's not chemistry, biology or whatever, cutting up frogs, I was like, Oh yeah. Well, you're not supposed to blow up stuff, but light and Bunsen burners and getting, we'd make stuff blow up. Um, And then we had our shop class where we learned to do 110, 220, we learned to, I already knew how to arc weld, I thought.

[00:14:47] Kyle Lamb: And then I had this, this, uh, this guy, Kendall Thompson, who was my instructor, he passed away a couple of years ago, but he taught me how to MIG weld. I wish he would have taught me how to TIG weld. He never did. And I don't know, maybe we just didn't even have that. But now when I MIG weld, every time I MIG weld, I think of him because he's the guy that really.

[00:15:05] Kyle Lamb: Showed me how to do that. And now I make knives, so I'm making Damascus and San Mai and I'm using my, my welder to do stuff like that. Um, yeah, I think that in America and I suppose in Canada, it's the same way, you know, in some areas they, they somewhat frown on Vo tech type schools, but where I grew up, that was like, that's, that was the place to go.

[00:15:33] Kyle Lamb: Like you want to go learn, truly learn. A craft you went to votech. You didn't go to college. Now. There's a lot of kids that went to college and God bless them. They went to college and they're still paying for it. So good for them, but those other folks that went and became diesel mechanics or welders or plumbers or HVAC people or whatever, well, they've already retired because they went through that.

[00:15:56] Kyle Lamb: They got, they made a lot of money if they were willing to work hard and. You know, that's, and I joined the army, which was, that's my vo tech school. Um, and I did that for 21 years when I got out. I mean, I get a paycheck every month because of that. At least I still do now. I don't know if they're going to take that away from us or not, but, uh, it's.

[00:16:17] Kyle Lamb: I just think that the, the attitude, the, the, what's the guy's name? Um, Mike Rowe. Okay. Uh, the dirty jobs guy. Yeah. Yeah. He does a spectacular job of getting kids involved in going to, to learn something like that. And, and when I say Votech. You know, if you can go become a nurse's assistant or, uh, work as cleaning teeth or, or anything like that.

[00:16:43] Kyle Lamb: I mean, there's so many great things that you can learn and when you're done, you have a job versus, you know, you go get your philosophy degree. And when you're done, you still have to work at Starbucks, or I guess up where you're at, you got to work at Tim Hortons or something like that, you know? Yeah.

[00:16:59] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. We've got a couple of 

[00:17:00] Travis Bader: Starbucks kicking around too. Yeah. Anyway. I had a buddy did a philosophy thing and goes to university and gets his master's and on and on it goes. I'm like, what the hell are you going to do with this? Well, he ended up working for government. So I guess there's always that, right.

[00:17:14] Travis Bader: But, uh, uh, ethics and government, he started working. And I just thought that was an oxymoron, but. Good on him for, uh, for going in there and putting his two bits in. 

[00:17:27] Kyle Lamb: Um, we, we talked before this, we said we were going to talk about politics, politics, religion, and I guess we ought to hit on race while we're at it too, but yeah, politics, man, I was joking with you.

[00:17:40] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. I was joking with you before we started about, yeah, at least we don't have Trudeau. We've only got a Biden, but it's pretty, uh, man, it's pretty dire circumstances right now in Canada for you guys. And it's, it's crazy that as an American, I can see that like your farmers and how they're struggling and they're getting just abused by your government.

[00:18:03] Kyle Lamb: Um, I don't know, man, it's, it's sad. The energy thing is what really is upsetting to me because. You guys can make, um, natural gas oil guys can, what was it like the natural gas? So it's easier for you guys to process it because it's already cold in Canada. That's right. So. Yeah. People are trying to say we should be green and do all this.

[00:18:27] Kyle Lamb: Well, if you want to be green, then you should buy all your natural gas from Canada. You know what I mean? Totally. So I don't know. It's, it's, 

[00:18:34] Travis Bader: uh, they've got the whole green thing backwards. Go get yourself electric vehicles. And actually noticed just recently, a lot of, uh, electric vehicle manufacturers are seriously cutting back on their production because the public appetite isn't there.

[00:18:48] Travis Bader: The cost to produce is, uh, so high. And the, the myth of that being green is starting to come to light. The amount of energy required in order to maintain, to create and sustain the electrical vehicle grid is, um, is tremendous, but it sure sounds good from a political standpoint. Oh, you know, carbon tax and you know, we're going to make the world green.

[00:19:11] Travis Bader: You wouldn't be against the nature, would you? You're not, you're not anti, uh, sustainability, are you? And I think they just framed the whole argument completely wrong. And it's. You're, you're right. It's easier from somebody on the outside to look in, from a US citizen to look into Canada and say. What's going on over there than it is for somebody who's on the inside, who's so indoctrinated and is only hearing half of the information like our news.

[00:19:39] Travis Bader: If I pull up CBC on Instagram or meta, I can show it to you. The whole thing's blocked. And who would think that would happen in a place like Canada? The, the thing that gets me is it's not. Biden, and it's not Trudeau, it's the people that would get behind and vote something like this in and think that this is a good idea, right?

[00:20:03] Travis Bader: These are just figureheads for a zeitgeist or a, um. Yeah. A public sentiment that is just absolutely awry and it will swing back, but it's going to have to get bad 

[00:20:14] Kyle Lamb: before it does. Well, they, you know, you have one of the greatest minds and, and I don't know what you're going to say to this. You may completely disagree.

[00:20:23] Kyle Lamb: I already know who you're going 

[00:20:24] Travis Bader: to say, and I already agree with you, but go on. Let's see if I'm right. 

[00:20:29] Kyle Lamb: We're going to say Peterson. Roger that. I was going to say him. He is, he is absolutely one of the. Great. Now, I don't know if you call him a philosopher. I don't know what you call the guy. He is a thinker.

[00:20:43] Kyle Lamb: Yeah, he's a thinker and he's brilliant because he does the thinking. He doesn't let other people think for him. Oh, wow, that sounds kind of crazy, doesn't it? Like, free thinking? That's what America was founded on. Canada, I mean, you've, you've, you've always kind of been, and I don't, I'm not trying to be mean by saying this, but you've been under the foot of other countries.

[00:21:07] Kyle Lamb: With whether it was the French at one time or the Brits or whatever. So in America, we were under that foot too. And then after you guys come in and burn down the white house. 1812 there. Yes. Yeah. But, but my, my point is now you got a guy like that, that, that if I was Canadian and I was the Canadian government, I would be embracing.

[00:21:30] Kyle Lamb: How amazing that dude is, and I would be leveraging his thoughts and all the people that he has that he talks to because he doesn't just talk to people that echo what he thinks. He talks to people that are completely, have a completely different view than him. And now they're talking about taking away his license to practice, which doesn't really matter because he's not going to practice anyway.

[00:21:52] Kyle Lamb: Sure. However, That is ridiculous. The attacks that they've, that the government has put against that man. 

[00:21:59] Travis Bader: Yeah. Re education mandatory re education is what, which was held up by the Supreme court. Um, why? Because his views differ because he is on social media and presenting in a way that's oppositional to what the status quo or the, I'm going to do air quotes status quo is said to be.

[00:22:20] Travis Bader: Yeah, I philosopher, sure. Thinker. I just think he, it's like Einstein. He says, I'm not smarter than most people. I just spend more time thinking about a subject than other people do. And there's no doubt the guy's smart. But the amount of time and energy and effort that somebody will put in to look at a problem and not just try and justify why your pre, uh, assumed position is, is correct, but try and attack it from the other side as well.

[00:22:45] Travis Bader: And then try and look at what history would say about it and try and look at how the other people and put that together. And he'll formulate an opinion, I guess, not even an argument, so to speak, but an opinion on it that people will take as an argument. And, you know, I think we have a lot to learn on our social discourse and how we can talk with each other.

[00:23:05] Travis Bader: I don't have to agree with a guy on everything to understand he's a thinker. 

[00:23:09] Kyle Lamb: He's, I don't know, I don't know him. I've never met him. I would love to meet the guy. And I would ask him if I met him, I would ask him one question. Do you want to guess what that would be? 

[00:23:21] Travis Bader: Okay. There's a whole bunch of questions going through my head, but, um, uh, why don't you move to the States would be one of 

[00:23:26] Kyle Lamb: them.

[00:23:27] Kyle Lamb: I have, I have one question. So I'm a Christian. Okay. So my question to him. Okay, so is, is, is he, has he's publicly said he's a Christian? 100%. Oh, he has. Okay. Well then you've answered my question. I never need to meet him because that's the question I had because he has dug so deep into Christianity and the Bible and he's explained it.

[00:23:51] Kyle Lamb: He's taken it down a different route than anybody I've ever heard discuss the Bible and it's very intriguing to me. That doesn't mean I agree with everything he says. But man, he inspires, he inspires thought and I think that's, you know, that's like, uh, have you ever heard of, um, Oh, what's his name? Um, on combat unkilling, uh, Grossman, David Gross.

[00:24:16] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. Grossman. So he's been on the podcast actually. Okay. Good. Good. He's a, he's a stellar dude. Sure. He is. He's, he's an, um, Yeah, he's an amazing guy, good Christian guy and all that, um, and I, I'm going to say this, and I don't want to say this disrespectfully, but I disagree with some of the stuff he says.

[00:24:35] Kyle Lamb: I agree, but how did I get there? How did I get to that? I listened to what he had to say. He inspired my own personal thought and I made my own decisions and what's he's done in law enforcement and the military around the world, not just in America or Canada, but around the world, he's inspired soldiers and cops.

[00:24:56] Kyle Lamb: To think about the act of killing and think about all this stuff of being in a gunfight and everything so that when they get in that gunfight, if something happens, like you have, uh, um, like you start to lose your hearing because, uh, uh, what do they call that? Um, there's a name for it. But anyway, as you, as you get in that position, you have a auditory physiological, but a psychological, uh, affects your hearing.

[00:25:24] Kyle Lamb: Okay. Whatever. Well, yes. That may, that may or may not happen, but if it does happen, now you know, or you get tunnel vision, or you, whatever it might be. And I think that, you know, that's like with, uh, the Christianity stuff with Jordan Peterson. He, he just, he's really made me think, not just about that, but a lot of other stuff.

[00:25:44] Kyle Lamb: And I have a hard time when I turn on Any of his podcasts or any of that, I really have a hard time shutting it off because he can be talking to somebody about the stupidest trivial stuff and he'll inspire thought, you know? Yes. So I want 

[00:26:03] Travis Bader: to, I want to, so when I say a hundred percent, I'm thinking about this now.

[00:26:07] Travis Bader: I want to make a hundred percent sure that he has said that my recollection is that he said he's Christian. A friend of mine actually works on a security detail. Um, Uh, maybe I'll see what we can do to, uh, to get a, a reach out to, uh, maybe ask that question or how that introduction made because, uh, yeah, he is an interesting fellow and the emotion.

[00:26:28] Travis Bader: That's the other interesting thing, how emotional that he'll get about these different topics. Because he spent the time thinking about that. He looks at what history has to say about that. And the best predictor of future performance is going to be past performance. And I think he can see where certain thought processes and politics will be, will be heading.

[00:26:50] Travis Bader: And it's not always a pretty place. 

[00:26:53] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. He's got a, they've got a lot of their stuff right here in Nashville. I'm just outside of Nashville. So. I don't know if his daughter lives here or what, but daily wire, they do a lot of their stuff out of Nashville and he's working with them now. So very interesting guy, but kind of going back to, um, kind of our backgrounds, the outdoor thing, you know, the clean water act is something that I, I kind of got a kick out of when the back country hunters and anglers were all hot and bothered about, well, you got to sign this thing saying that you support clean water.

[00:27:26] Kyle Lamb: Oh, well, what kind of dirt bag doesn't support clean water? That's not what they were. That was not at all what they were trying to do. They were trying to take away our rights and they're trying to say that If a duck lands in a pond in this state and then it flies to another pond in another state.

[00:27:43] Kyle Lamb: That's that's um, Commercial or I forget what they call it. Uh, there's a name for it But bottom line is they're trying to say that because of that The, um, EPA should control anything that has a bank. A bottom and a high water mark interesting. So that's what they were pushing for So let's let's talk about what has a bank a bottom or a high water mark if you live in town Your you have a bank a bottom and a high water mark on your ditch So that means all of a sudden the epa can come in and control what you put on your grass Or if you have a garden what you put in your garden, they can control every possible thing And backcountry hunters and anglers, I think I haven't tracked them for a while now, but I think they've been kind of called out for how goofball they were, um, they were for backcountry hunters that were going in and smoking dope.

[00:28:39] Kyle Lamb: And, you know, they'd never really hunted, but like, man, I'm going to go, I can kill an elk and I'm going to go stick a few arrows in a few elk and eventually one's going to die. And I'm going to post some selfies with this elk and then I'm going to go smoke more weed. And I'm like, Where I come from if if you smoke weed you got to put that down on your 4473 and you're not allowed to buy a firearm But where they're from which is also in America, they must not have to do that So I went to one of their get togethers here in Nashville just to kind of feel it out and you're gonna think I'm lying But this place I walked into was packed with a lot of very hairy very smelly dudes There was three, there were three people in that place.

[00:29:24] Kyle Lamb: Cause I, I really looked to find it. There were three people that were wearing shoes. Really? Me, my buddy, and they got a squirrel hunter that they put on meat eater. Often he's kind of a character. He, he had boots on and I had shoes on and my buddy had shoes on. Everybody else had like flip flops or, um, Oh, what are the ones that all the hippies wear the, uh, Birkenstocks or Birkenstocks.

[00:29:50] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. They all had like these and I'm like, bro, where I hunt, you can't wear flip flops, you gotta wear shoes, man. You know, cause stuff will bite you or you can't climb up a hill or whatever. But after that, I'm like, yeah, I probably don't need to hang out quite with these cats. And I think a lot of real hunters were kind of sucked into that.

[00:30:08] Kyle Lamb: And now hopefully they're, they're more awakened to the fact that it. My, they might not have actually been on the side of, of true hunters. Even one of the guys that was the main guy on their board, he ended up writing that, that book, the gunfight book. Oh, which guy was this? Oh, let me see. What's his name.

[00:30:29] Travis Bader: It was, uh, land. Tawny, I think was the name of the, uh, the 

[00:30:33] Kyle Lamb: guy in charge. Uh, I got it right here. Let me look it up. It's, um, Ryan Bussey. Okay. Heard that name. So Ryan Bussey, he, he realized after 25 years in the firearm industry that he was anti gun fair enough. Yeah, he wrote this book about, called Gunfight and I, I got a call one day from a guy.

[00:30:58] Kyle Lamb: He said, man, you made the book. And I go, what book? He goes, there's a book called Gunfight. And I'm thinking, that's awesome. I'm in a book called Gunfight. Then I find out it's about this leftist dude that wants to take away guns from everybody. And he said that guys like me and, and, uh, Matt Best from Black Rifle Coffee, we have made it sexy to have the AR 15 and made it more acceptable and we're just bad people for doing this and I'm like.

[00:31:26] Kyle Lamb: Man, that's so awesome. I call up Matt best. I call up Matt and he's like, Hey, what's up Kyle? You know, and I go, you ain't gonna believe it, bro, but you made it in this book called gunfight and he's like, Whoa, that's awesome. What'd I do? And I said, they said that we're the, the reason that so many people want AR fifteens in America.

[00:31:43] Kyle Lamb: And he's like, yeah, right on, you know? And so we were actually proud of, of making it into the book for that. Um, I never bought the book cause I don't want to, I don't want to put my money in there, but, uh, I just think it's interesting how things get twisted. And, and, you know, I guess the point of all this is not that you should not back good organizations, but you should really know what they truly stand for.

[00:32:06] Kyle Lamb: I would say before you, you go out there. 

[00:32:09] Travis Bader: What do they say about the road to hell? Lined with good intentions, right? It's clean water. Who wouldn't go want clean water? That's a great intention. Read it, go through, find out what the fine print says, because even the people with the best intentions might be going down that Primrose path.

[00:32:29] Kyle Lamb: Yeah, we, you know, we get, um, we get pushed in corners every now and again to do stuff for 501c3s. on the veteran side of things. And a few years ago, my wife went in for back surgery and, and, uh, as a military guy, and, and, I mean, I guess you could say this in Canada too, you kind of feel like if I go in for surgery, I'm going to get surgery because I was in the military that you get, you're supposed to get medical care for the rest of your life.

[00:33:00] Kyle Lamb: Well, that's not quite the truest case, and I guess in Canada you probably find that out every now and again, too. And we went in there, and they had her on the table, putting a little fancy hat on and getting her wired up, and then they said, Oh, we just realized that the insurance didn't approve your surgery, so we're not going to do the surgery.

[00:33:20] Kyle Lamb: And at the time, my wife could barely walk. She had this severe back Injury that was just like a freak thing and she needed to have that surgery now or she could quite possibly Lose the use of one leg permanently and she looked at me and kind of grimaced and she goes the checkbooks in the center Council of the my truck go grab it and just write a check So I went down and I grabbed the checkbook and I had to write a pretty big check to have her surgery And then I had to write another check for the anesthesiologist and when she, a few weeks, well, it was actually two months later when she finally kind of had this all behind her.

[00:34:00] Kyle Lamb: She's up and walking. I mean, she was walking and pain free an hour after her surgery. So a couple of months after this, she kind of finally gets her head clear from the stuff she's taken and she's back in it. And she goes, you know, if we would have been in the military, we couldn't have done that. And I would have had to go home and just get on painkillers.

[00:34:19] Kyle Lamb: And I would have. Who knows what would have happened. And she goes, I want to start a 501C3. And I'm like, yeah, you know, no, we don't want to do that. And she goes, I want to start a 501C3 where we help people, not just military and law enforcement, but any human being. And 100 percent of the money that we take in goes to help them.

[00:34:38] Kyle Lamb: So the moral of that story is not that, that I want you to send all your money to the stay in the fight foundation. The moral of that story is go find the people that actually. Do with your money what you would do with your money, you know We don't we don't take one dime out for anything other than to help people So that means all the administrative fees and all that comes out of our pocket That's our tie to that organization And if if you send a hundred dollars that hundred dollars is going to go to this person to help them, you know, do whatever so it's it's it's made my brain hurt a little bit less because now I can say more I can say no more often to people that I don't know if they're actually doing that.

[00:35:21] Kyle Lamb: Or if I research it, or my wife researches, we can see exactly what percentage is going to help people and what percentage is going to help themselves. And it's anyway, that's been a very interesting little ride for us. And, and we actually talked about this the other day, cause you're making knives. 

[00:35:39] Travis Bader: Yeah, I started, I figured it was, um, half faced blades, Andrew Arabito chatting with him and he's like, Traff.

[00:35:46] Travis Bader: Pick up a grinder, just start grinding away on some metals. Just see what you can do. Right. So I did that and picked up a grinder and been playing around and now I just got a forge and buddy gave me an anvil. So I'm going to start playing with that a bit. Yeah, that's, but your knife making that you do, you can't buy your knives, so to speak, can you?

[00:36:07] Kyle Lamb: No, you have to do a donation to the stay in the fight foundation and, and. It's a gift. It's not a, you're not, I don't know how to put it. I mean, we're doing it the legal way that we can do it. Uh, it was kind of funny. The last dagger I finished, um, this guy, he saw it. It wasn't even finished yet. And he goes, my buddy wants that.

[00:36:25] Kyle Lamb: And I was like, I'm thinking that ain't for sale, bro. You know, cause this is my first V 42 dagger. I've made other daggers, but not a V 42, like a case V 42 dagger, which was the original knife that, um, well, it's the American and Canada. SF World War II in 1942, that knife was what was ish. No, no, no, no.

[00:36:49] Kyle Lamb: That's a different knife. Okay. Now this was designed loosely on the Fairbairn Sykes, but this is a completely different knife. They wanted it different because they wanted a more of a premium blade because a lot of those knives were made in, in England and they were mass produced. They're, they're a fine knife, but they're mass produced.

[00:37:09] Kyle Lamb: So the stamped parts and this and that drop forge, whatever. The case that won that contract, and there was never a lot of them made, but you know, it was. All those parts are still made by the original jobbers that made them in World War II, which is pretty cool. So it's a, it's a, it's a longer knife. It's a sleeker knife.

[00:37:28] Kyle Lamb: It's hollow ground. It's, there's a lot of cool stuff about it. So I had made this knife and actually that knife, I call it a V42, but it wasn't hollow ground. I've got five of them I'm making right now that some of them are hollow ground. Some of them have blood grooves, which the V42 never had. The V42 is the dagger that had the thumbprint on one side.

[00:37:48] Kyle Lamb: Right. Okay. Yes. Yeah. So it has a thumbprint and that thumbprint was meant as an index point. So, you know, which way the blade was. And it's like, if you look at that knife, I don't care which way the blade is. It's you're going to go through the ribs. It doesn't matter. It's such a sweet little blade. It's like 610 thousands wide.

[00:38:06] Kyle Lamb: So it's a very thin, thin blade. So this guy says, well, my buddy said he'd give you a thousand dollars for that knife. And I went sold, you know what I mean? That's a great deal. So then he calls me. Yeah. Hour later he goes. Yeah, I talked to my buddy and he changed his mind He's not going to give you a thousand dollars for that knife and I was like, okay, that's cool.

[00:38:29] Kyle Lamb: Whatever I mean, I don't I mean doesn't matter to me. I'm doing it for my brain. I'm not doing it for money I'm doing it for my mental health, you know, and uh He says, yeah, he decided that because all the money is going to the stay in the fight foundation. He's going to give you 2, 500 for that knife. And I'm like, wow.

[00:38:50] Kyle Lamb: So he got the first V 42. And then this guy that bought it, he actually bought another knife. Um, Alan Elishowitz, you're familiar with him. Very high end custom knife maker makes folding knives predominantly. He has been a, uh, huge inspiration to me, not just inspiration. He's actually been an instructor to me and helped me learn how to hollow grind, how to just, he's a, he's just an amazing knife maker, but he's an even better instructor.

[00:39:17] Kyle Lamb: So, uh, I made some San Mai that was three layers of, of, uh, 1084 and then two layers of nickel. And then he made a dagger out of it. Well, this guy not only bought my knife, but he bought that knife. As well and all that money went to stay in the fight foundation So my buddy called me later and he said, you know, the reason he did that was He said he can buy any custom knife he wants and it's only worth 800 or a thousand or fifteen hundred dollars or whatever but Your knife is worth more because not because you made it, but because that money is going to go to help people.

[00:39:51] Kyle Lamb: And I thought that was a good reality check for me because it's not worth any more because I made it. It's worth more because you're going to help people with that money. And, and I also don't feel bad now, but when I say the other day we put a, a little. Tomahawk out that I made. It's not a Tomahawk. It's like a, like something that you would get from Winkler knives.

[00:40:09] Kyle Lamb: And I had a, a scrap piece of 80 CRV 2, which is what Daniel Winkler makes all his out of. And Daniel Winkler, Winkler has been another guy that has just bent over backwards to help me with my, my journey to make knives and, and do this stuff. And, uh, I made it kind of a weird shaped handle because the piece of scrap, I couldn't make a straight handle.

[00:40:32] Kyle Lamb: So I make kind of a swoopy handle and, and, uh, The other day we put it out online for 500 and a guy that's been in my classes bought that and he donated 500 bucks. So that's, it's, it's a very, to me, it's a very cool story of, of how this has went. And it takes a lot of pressure off me because I don't take orders.

[00:40:56] Kyle Lamb: And I don't take, I build what I want to build. And if I don't want to build it, if I want to throw it in the trash, I'm going to throw it in the trash. I'm not thinking, man, this guy, Travis, I got to make this knife for him. And it's been six months. I got to get it. I got to get it finished. And the last thing I'm going to say is I was going to send you some pictures of my knives, but after I saw your knives, I was like, well, this guy, he's already making better knives than me.

[00:41:19] Kyle Lamb: So your knives, your knives are beautiful, dude. I mean, they are absolutely beautiful. My first few knives. We're forged and well, I take that back. When I was a kid, I made knives and shop class in school, but, uh, I guess that's probably frowned upon these days, but, Hey, we all did that. We all did it. No, your, your knives are gorgeous.

[00:41:41] Kyle Lamb: And I think when you get that forge, you're really going to enjoy it because it takes, it, it, it changes. Stock removal is a lot of fun, and I think stock removal is a good way to refine your technique. At least that's how I use it. But then once I kind of refine that, I will send you some pictures later. I just did a couple of integrals.

[00:41:58] Kyle Lamb: And taking a piece of steel, actually I took seven pieces of steel, and I made this, it looked like a big glob here with this one piece sticking out. And I forge welded that all together and then that became one of them. I made a guard out of it. I never really seen that done as an integral and I know guys do it, but I, I made it a little bit bigger than I should have.

[00:42:22] Kyle Lamb: And I thought, man, I can make that into a guard, not just into a bolster. So I made one with a bolster, a smaller knife, and then I made one with a guard, which is a pretty big, a pretty big knife. I'll send you pictures of it, but it's, I'd never done that by myself. I made one with Jason Knight, who's an unbelievable.

[00:42:42] Kyle Lamb: Master bladesmith and between him and Alan Elishwitz, Alan taught me how to use a milling machine. And it's just been, it's been just awesome. If you ever get to Nashville, you need to look us up cause you come out here and we'll, we'll heat up some steel and make something. I mean, it's, it's just so fun. 

[00:43:01] Travis Bader: I have no idea what I'm doing, but when it comes, like I got the forge, I got one in, I look at this thing and I'm like, why did I order this?

[00:43:08] Travis Bader: I could probably make this thing myself. Right. But fair enough. Now I know I can see what it looks like. It's a Atlas forge. I fired it up a couple of times, just done the, um, Whatever that treating is that they ship with it. I haven't put any metal in to bang away yet. I have like, when I was younger, I would do a bit of welding.

[00:43:25] Travis Bader: Like I worked for an armored car company when I was 18 and like most of my jobs, I never actually did my job. I'd find other things that were interesting and I'd do it. I worked for A& W as a teenager and I'm like, brand new place. Hey, um, do you have an alarm system? Oh no. Do you have security cameras?

[00:43:41] Travis Bader: Nope. I'll set them up. Do you need. Uh, cabinets built, so I'm paid as a fry cook and I'm building cabinets and doing their locks and alarms, everything, but my job. So same thing with the armored car company. And, uh, I look in the corner and I see all these, uh, broken aluminum hand trucks and, uh, Oh, what are you guys doing with that?

[00:44:01] Travis Bader: Oh, I don't know. We just piling them up and maybe one day we'll fix them. I said, well, if I could fix them, would you guys pay me? Right. And, uh, can you weld aluminum? I'm like, um, I've never welded aluminum in my life. I'm like, sure, sure. Like, let me see. Right. 

[00:44:17] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. And there was probably no YouTube video on it back then.

[00:44:21] Travis Bader: There was it. But I go to the welding shop and, uh, they say, Uh, I had access to a little TIG welder and I was playing around TIG welding. I'm like, yeah, your, your TIG welder, it doesn't have enough power to be able to weld these thick aluminum hand trucks, but you can stick weld aluminum with these special rods.

[00:44:37] Travis Bader: So I started doing that. Um, I don't even know where, where the hell I was going with this story, but, uh, anyways, working, working with all the, uh, The metal, I, I have a background a bit and playing with metal. I have no idea what I'm going to do when it comes down to forging. Like, do I, uh, I get Damascus, I get that.

[00:44:55] Travis Bader: And San Juan, that looks so cool. Like, I, I guess you want to form it in an anaerobic environment, if possible, weld it into a, uh, 

[00:45:04] Kyle Lamb: uh, container. Well, yeah. Yes. And no, here's what I would say, listen to some of these guys that do it for a living and you're going to get completely different stories. And I'll give you an example.

[00:45:20] Kyle Lamb: Kyle Royer. Do you know who that is? 

[00:45:23] Travis Bader: I've heard the name, but no, I don't know who 

[00:45:25] Kyle Lamb: he is. If you were going to say who's the top master bladesmith in America right now, and everybody got in there and gave an answer. A lot of people are going to put him in the top five now. Are there other people that are just as creative?

[00:45:41] Kyle Lamb: Absolutely. But his work is just stunning. And he's, he does classes online and I'm signed up. So every beginning of the month, he downloads his videos and you can go on there and he does a really good job. He's kind of a kooky dude. He's ADHD guy as well. That's why he's successful. But I've picked up so many little tidbits from him and I've seen how he makes.

[00:46:04] Kyle Lamb: Damascus, and then I've watched how, uh, Jason Knight makes Damascus. They both end up with the same finished product. But you get to choose how you're going to are you going to do this way that Kyle Royer does it? Or you can do the way that Jason Knight does it? I've done it both ways and and what I would say is I don't like breaking a canister off when I'm done So like I don't like welding everything up with sheet metal and then having to take it off So I'm probably going to use the Jason Knight technique which is not to do that and if you do it right and your steel is clean and you You know, there's different ways guys spray it with wd 40.

[00:46:43] Kyle Lamb: They dip it in kerosene There's all kinds of different ways to do it and i've experimented and I can get now with sanmai I actually do weld the whole billet and the reason I do that with sanmai is because it's simple you weld all the way Around the edge with sanmai. You're generally not going to forge the knife all the way out You're gonna you're basically forging a piece of steel and then you're going to do You're going to cut it out like you would You know, to do a stock removal blade.

[00:47:12] Kyle Lamb: So yeah, when you get ready to do that, just, just ring me up and I'll, I'll just walk you through what I've done. And it's, if you ever, if you're going to do San Mai, um, nickel is a really good steel to start with because San Mai forge welds, it doesn't have to be extremely hot. It's gotta be pretty hot, but it doesn't, it's, it.

[00:47:36] Kyle Lamb: It forge welds really, really well. Um, and what I'm using is that nickel sheeting that is behind lights, like in your, the lights in your ceiling have that little piece of nickel that reflects. That's what I'm using is that some of that sheeting right there. So it's only got to be enough to, to, and I'll have to send you some pictures too.

[00:47:54] Kyle Lamb: I've got some, uh, some knives I've done with that, that are, that are very cool. But San Mai is fun because it's not as much work as, as Damascus. The other thing I was going to say is if you really want a good workout, go ahead and knock out that Damascus. It's a, it's a job, man. When you do that by hand, I've got a 25 ton press now.

[00:48:13] Kyle Lamb: So that. That changed my world, but uh, doing that with the first couple billets I did were with my arm and it,

[00:48:25] Travis Bader: it was a lot of 

[00:48:26] Kyle Lamb: work. Yeah, that's how guys did it. You know, a lot of guys still do it that way. 

[00:48:31] Travis Bader: Yeah. Well, I don't think I'm going to be jumping into the big press or the, uh, the, the hydraulic or electric hammer forges, uh, quite yet, but, um, who knows? We'll see where it takes me. I, all I know is I'm learning things.

[00:48:45] Travis Bader: What's a ricasso. Okay. I got to learn this, a choil in different places. There's so much that I don't know about knife making right now that, uh, I. I don't even know what I don't know. I don't know what to even 

[00:48:55] Kyle Lamb: ask. Yeah. And that's, I didn't know either. And then, uh, what was funny, Eleanor Eichwitz and I were friends before I started making knives.

[00:49:05] Kyle Lamb: And I, I said, yeah, check it out. And I sent him a picture and he goes, bro, you suck. And I'm like, well, he's just an honest guy. He's he doesn't, I appreciate that. I do too as an instructor. I don't want you to tell me I'm doing great if I'm not doing great I want to learn so he goes. Yeah, bro. You suck and he goes I'm coming.

[00:49:26] Kyle Lamb: He goes I'm gonna teach you how to grind Okay, so he doesn't just say I suck and then turn and go the other way He says I suck and by the way, I am going to teach you and I thought I was like dude You tell me when I should come and he goes You ain't coming to my shop. He goes, I'm coming to your shop.

[00:49:44] Kyle Lamb: I'm going to teach you how to grind on your equipment. Beauty. So this dude shows up with grinding jigs and because he does his stuff very precise He makes 18 knives usually at a time I think it is And when he gets done with 18 knives You can take the parts from one folding knife and put them in another folding knife And they, I mean, and he's not doing any CNC, it's all done by hand.

[00:50:05] Kyle Lamb: I mean, he's doing it on machines, but he's, there's no CNC. So he tells me this and I'm like, okay, bro's going to come to my house and teach me on my grinder. Oh my goodness. It was unbelievable. And he showed up and he told me this, he said, uh, I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm going to say it. You can bleep this out if you want.

[00:50:24] Kyle Lamb: He said, uh. He said, we're only going to hollow grind. And I'm like, okay, so I'm thinking, I don't know how to flat grind, right? And he's going to teach me how to hollow grind. And I said, well, why don't you flat grind? He goes, dude, flat grinding's for fags. And I said, okay. Now he's joking because you got a lot of these top knife makers.

[00:50:46] Kyle Lamb: You look at Winkler knives, they're, they're all flat ground. There's nothing wrong with flat grinding a knife. But for him, he gives it this different look because that's, that's kind of his trademark and these crazy grinds that he does compound grinds. Like the other day I was talking to him about an S grind.

[00:51:03] Kyle Lamb: Are you familiar with that? Uh, 

[00:51:06] Travis Bader: I think so. I got this book, um, by knife nerds and they got this different things, but the S grind would be a hollow grind with a, uh, uh, convex at the end. Would that be? 

[00:51:15] Kyle Lamb: Well, it's a hollow grind with a, it's a flat grind at the edge of the knife and all it is, it's a compound grind.

[00:51:21] Kyle Lamb: So people are calling it a S grind. I don't know why, but it's a flat grind so that if you use a kitchen knife, you cut through something, then it hits the hollow. And, and then the food will fall away from that. So the first couple of knives I made for my wife, I, I hollow ground them in a hollow ground knife is a horrendous, it's a horrendous kitchen knife.

[00:51:44] Kyle Lamb: Everything sticks to it, you know? Yeah. Yeah. So it's, I can keep it sharp because a razor, like a razor, they're all hollow ground. They're hollow ground to a zero, which is another fun one. You don't shave. I don't shave much either, but making a, making a razor. Is a, is a challenge and I actually made one for a buddy of mine who passed away before I was able to give it to him and I've just sat there staring at him at that thing because now it's, it's like depressing to look at that razor because he had a heart attack and anyway, someday I'll probably finish it and I'll give it to his brother, but making that blade was difficult.

[00:52:19] Kyle Lamb: So the, I showed, um, I wanted to do a hunting knife with an S grind because meat, yeah. On an animal is just not quite to the kitchen yet. So basically it's, it's a kitchen knife. It's just the meat's not in the kitchen yet. And, uh, right now we have a company we're working with that they're, they're making a hunting knife for us.

[00:52:40] Kyle Lamb: That'll be an S grind, a compound grind like that, a hollow, a flat grind up for about almost a half an inch, and then it goes to a hollow. So that's something that I've been working with. There's a guy named Salem Straub. Who is a if you haven't seen his stuff you should look at his youtube channel because he does unbelievable Videos of how to make damascus.

[00:53:06] Kyle Lamb: He's a guy that does that chain link damascus and crazy stuff And then there's another guy up in, he's not in your neck of the woods, but he's Canadian as well. Vachon Knives, have you heard of him? No. V A C H O N. I don't know the guy, I've never actually held one of his knives, but he is, he's a very good instructor from just watching his little video clips and he actually runs classes at his place.

[00:53:33] Kyle Lamb: And he's just north of the border, uh, I want to say he's like just north of New York. I, I looked it up because I thought, man, if I could get up there and take a class, he'd be a fun guy to go. He does mostly, uh, kitchen knives. Okay. You know, a guy that does a kitchen knife, I think is a good guy to learn from simply because they're using such a thin piece of steel.

[00:54:00] Kyle Lamb: Whereas a guy that makes, you know, like Salem Straub, he's making knives that are, I want to say 90 or a hundred thousands thick at the spine. Mm. And he's, that's why his hollow grinds on the sides. They're like a 30 inch um, wheel. So he's using a platin that simulates a 30 inch circumference wheel or not.

[00:54:24] Kyle Lamb: Okay. What is it? Diameter 30 inch diameter. Um, wheel there. So anyway, I, I went down a rabbit hole there. I'm sorry. There's that ADHD thing again. I guess I better go for another walk, you know. 

[00:54:38] Travis Bader: There's so much there that I'm, I'm just absorbing and learning as you're talking. You have the straight razors. So I'll use a straight razor to, uh, to tidy up.

[00:54:47] Travis Bader: I think the geometry is neat because you use the back of the knife or the razor to sharpen it, essentially get all your angles. So that's probably takes a little bit of math to figure out how you're going to build this thing. Um, and to get your knives, I've read that, you know, it's got to hurt, right? If you're going to make a donation, we don't have a set price on here, but, uh, I wanted her hurt and it kind of reminded me of, um, what was it?

[00:55:12] Travis Bader: The widow with the two mites. If, uh, that rings a bell. For you being a Christian and through the, the, uh, all these, uh, rich guys are coming in and making their donations. And, uh, and there's Jesus and his disciples. And I'm like, Oh, look at how great that guy is and how much money he left. And this widow comes in and she's got two, what is it, leptons, mites, two like half pennies, a quarter pennies, whatever they are.

[00:55:35] Travis Bader: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. Yeah, yeah. So, um, Uh, you got to give till it hurts. So it's not that it's going to be X amount, but, you know, give in a way that is going to make, uh, uh, it's going to be meaningful for you. 

[00:55:49] Kyle Lamb: I like that. I like that approach. You know, it. It hurts different for different people, too. Mm hmm.

[00:55:55] Kyle Lamb: And where I live, I live in a, I don't want to say a depressed area because people here are all working and they're living, they're doing fine. The county we're in is, is not a rich county. So when a guy comes over and gives me 200 for one of the very first knives I ever forged, I was ecstatic about that.

[00:56:18] Kyle Lamb: He was ecstatic about that. And he's a guy, I mean, 200. He's a blue collar dude. 200, that's a lot of money. Another guy gives us a check for 10, 000. That's actually less than the 200 guy gave now. I'm very thankful for the 10, 000 I'm very thankful for any time that we get any donation. I mean, it amazes me we had two things happen We had a bunch of things come in and we needed money and we're like we're out of money So what are we gonna do?

[00:56:55] Kyle Lamb: Mm hmm before we made the decision my wife went and checked the mail We got to check for 10, 000 just so that's a God thing. That's not us. That's God saying, okay, you used up what you got and you did. Okay. At least that's what I'm hoping. He's thinking, and here's a little bit more money. And then the other thing that happened was.

[00:57:16] Kyle Lamb: Throughout the year we took in money and we spent it for the causes that you know It might be some lady that's abused that has now got to pay her first and last month's rent so we're gonna pay that so she can get out of that abuse situation and get into a house or a little girl needs a helmet because She has a choice wear this helmet or have head surgery the helmets a much less invasive way to do it We pay for the helmet.

[00:57:40] Kyle Lamb: Well at the end of the year Melinda does the paperwork and we were 13 cents difference from what we took in and what we spent Wow So that makes me a pretty happy dude, but the universe Yeah, we went down a rabbit hole man you and I I mean we might be on this thing for eight hours to get through all this information Well, 

[00:58:02] Travis Bader: I, I wouldn't mind that touch.

[00:58:03] Travis Bader: I don't, and I'm conscious of your time. I wouldn't mind touching on the leadership aspects because you know, you've said before, you know, everybody wants to talk about Somalia. There's a lot more to me than what happened over there. Right. And you've got in a book that's so highly reviewed on leadership coming from somebody who's clearly had some good mentors and good instructors and been able to put this to the test.

[00:58:29] Travis Bader: Um, you know, as a youngster, I remember 12 years old, I was taught, I had to remember it. Leadership is the art of influencing human behavior as to accomplish a mission in the manner so desired by the leader. Fair enough. It's one thing to memorize that now, how do we affect that? So your, your book that you've put out speaks to leadership from a, such a wide perspective.

[00:58:52] Travis Bader: And it's, it's refreshing the way that things are put together in there. What drove you to want to. Make that book. And what are some of the formative, I think you might've already told me one about your past teacher there, but formative leaders that really influenced how you, how you move forward. 

[00:59:11] Kyle Lamb: Well, so the, the way it came about, so Somalia was a, uh, Interesting time in my military career and it it wasn't it was not my defining moment You know, and I don't really know If you said right now like what's your defining moment in life?

[00:59:37] Kyle Lamb: I'd probably have to say when my children were born Yeah, because that's defined like dude. This is for real getting married is awesome. But You're bringing a baby into this world. You better pull your head out of your butt and you're, you're now responsible, not just for your wife, you're responsible for this little girl.

[01:00:00] Kyle Lamb: And then a couple of years later, this little boy, you know, now life's easy because we got grandkids and it's fire and forget. We can get them all sugared up and then throw them back at mom and away we go, you know? Yeah. But I think Somalia did was inspirational for me. So as a, as a. Soldier, there's a lot of things I learned on the battlefield that day, good and bad.

[01:00:26] Kyle Lamb: I, I got to see good and I got to see not so good. And then I got to go on with the rest of my career. And are we going to just continue to be not so good? Are we going to try to be great and be better at everything that we do? And I'm not just talking about leadership. I mean, if you said right now, what, what's the very most important thing that a soldier should learn?

[01:00:46] Kyle Lamb: It ain't leadership. It's medical training because if you can't medically take care of your mates on your left and your right because if you get up and you walk outside, you get hit by a jeep, you got to treat them and it ain't, you're not even a combat environment and you got to provide first aid. So I guess my point there is that define me as far as I wanted to be a better instructor for people if I'm going to train them how to shoot.

[01:01:12] Kyle Lamb: I can go back to Somalia or Desert Shield, Desert Storm or my time in Iraq or whatever. And I can talk about why I'm teaching you this technique. I'm not just pulling this out of my butt. There's a reason I'm teaching you to use this position to think about this or whatever. So fast forward, I met this guy.

[01:01:31] Kyle Lamb: I was at a shooting range out in California and he's a DEA guy named Bill Lutz, super good dude. And I'm doing this five day class for these. DA guys and some FBI guys and some law enforcement dudes. And he keeps talking about this guy coming in and teaching this leadership class. And the guy he's talking about was not respected at all in our community.

[01:01:57] Kyle Lamb: He performed very poorly in Somalia and was not well thought of by his guys or our unit guys either. Okay. I'm a positive dude. So I'm not going to say that to this guy. Well, it was like day four. We're done night training. We're driving back to the hotel. It's one o'clock in the morning. He starts in again.

[01:02:21] Kyle Lamb: About this dude and his leadership and I just lost it. I'm like, dude, the guy's a dirt bag. Nobody appreciates him. I don't know what you guys see in him, but whatever. And he's like, Oh, sorry, dude. I didn't know I hit a, I hit a open wound there. And I, and I, I didn't have an open wound. I just, I was just like, you don't really know what you're talking about.

[01:02:47] Kyle Lamb: So I go home, everything's fine. Probably a month later. I got a DVD in the mail and it just has a little note. It's like, I'd appreciate if you would watch this. And it's from this guy and he sent me. A video of this guy giving his leadership presentation and I'm a note, I'm a note guy. I've got my, my book of notes always have a book that I'm filling with notes and I've got them all marked.

[01:03:21] Kyle Lamb: This one's not marked yet because it hasn't been finished. If you go to my shelf over here, my wife marks them when I started, when I finished each book so that if I go. And I had this thing going on. It was like six months ago. She's like Roger that boom this book here, and I'll go Yeah, oh there it is, and I'll find it, and I'm good to go So I sit down to watch this video and right away.

[01:03:42] Kyle Lamb: I'm like whoa There's a lie so I pull out my notebook and I write down lie number one Number two number three number four and I get done with this video, and there's 12 lies About what happened in Somalia or about leadership and I was pretty fired up because I was offended by somebody Lying. I don't know if he's trying to make himself look good or I don't know what's going on But the guy was a pathetic performer.

[01:04:14] Kyle Lamb: So He's thinking of himself completely differently than anybody else around him Which tells me that you're completely unaware and you're not a good leader or a great leader If that's how you're thinking because you should be thinking more about your people than about yourself so I called him up and I said I got the video and I watched the video and He's like, well, what do you think?

[01:04:37] Kyle Lamb: And I said, when do you want me to come and give you a true leadership seminar? Something to that effect, you know? And he's like, well, when are you, when will you be ready? And I said, I'm ready right now. And he goes, Whoa, Whoa, wait a minute there, tough guy. Cause that's how this guy talks, he goes, wait a minute there tough guy, what's your presentation going to be?

[01:04:57] Kyle Lamb: And I said, well, I'm just gonna, you know, and I kinda, I was mad, you know, and cause he's disrespecting all the Rangers that were his guys, he's disrespecting all the unit dudes. And over the next six months I put together the leadership in the shadows seminar. And, and it's nothing like it, it's nothing like the book it's, it, it is now, but at the time it was, I thought I kind of had a seminar put together.

[01:05:24] Kyle Lamb: So this guy then ends up hiring me to go up to teach at the DEA and I think I did a. I forget what the first one was, but it was, it was some experienced leaders. It wasn't just a bunch of chumps. It was guys that they knew with guys and gals that were professionals and knew what they were doing. And when I went up there, this guy, Bill and another buddy of mine, John, they, they sat there and they, they tore me apart.

[01:05:50] Kyle Lamb: And they, when I got done, each guy handed me. Pages and pages of notes and I'm like Roger that so what do you do with that? What do you what I was inspired because the guy was lying and I wanted to make sure I was telling the truth So I told the truth, but did I tell it in an inspirational way? Did I tell it in a, a catching way?

[01:06:09] Kyle Lamb: Did I tell it in a way that draws you in and makes you part of the story and makes you think like, how does this apply in my life or in my job or whatever? And I didn't do that. I accomplished some of that. So I'm like, okay, Roger that. So I took all their notes and I completely my wife and I redid that seminar completely six months later I'm staying up there in front of a group again And those two guys are sitting in the back taking notes and their lists got shorter And by about the third or fourth seminar I was I was getting just a couple of notes for the entire seminar that they thought I should Polish up or you know the way I should have put this before that or whatever.

[01:06:53] Kyle Lamb: Mm hmm So because of those guys helping me and mentoring me, and I think, I mean, I can do as good if not a better job than them getting up there to speak and I'm not saying that they're not good presenters. I'm just saying that I can hold my own as a presenter, but as a customer, you've got to be able to give, if I'm going to mentor you to get up and speak in front of people, I've got to put on a different hat and say, okay.

[01:07:20] Kyle Lamb: I'm the customer. What would I think and how would I feel here and all of that? So I start doing these leadership in the shadows seminar all over the country and people are hiring me And I'm doing a lot of them for the federal law enforcement guys and for the military and then There's a cop down in Florida Named Matt Buscella, and he's a former naval aviator, and he says, uh, he called me Sparky, which Kind of bothered me because we had a guy on our team named Sparky who was killed in Somalia That was his call sign was Sparky and I never really told him that but I'm like just kind of grates on me because Sparky Was Earl Fillmore and blah blah blah He goes when you gonna write the book leadership in the shadows.

[01:08:07] Kyle Lamb: I'm like, well, you know and I kind of Was slow rolling him because I'd written a couple books at the time. I wrote the the green eyes and black rifles and then stay in the fight, the pistol book and he, uh, one day he called me up and he goes, and he and I really hit it off. And I don't know why, because we're, we're not the same kind of person, but he's just a, he's a super good dude.

[01:08:29] Kyle Lamb: Very good cop. Um, great thinker reader. He's a good, good guy calls me up and he says, uh, you got to write this book. And I said, well, you're going to help me write this book. And he goes, Well, I can't write the book for you. And I said, no, no, no, no. I'm going to write the whole book, but will you give me honest feedback on this book?

[01:08:55] Kyle Lamb: And I didn't know what I was asking for. When I said honest feedback, this dude could not have been more honest. And that's what you need if you've got somebody that's going to help you read a book and make sure that's not a big pile of crap, you know? Um, and I said, well, what do you want for that? I says, cause I got to pay you.

[01:09:14] Kyle Lamb: I don't want anything. And I said, no, I'm going to pay you. What do you want to get paid? And he goes, when I get done, I want two VTAC t shirts. Perfect. And I was like, okay, he's not going to tell me what he wants. Well, when we finished the project, he called me up, he goes, I believe you owe me two t shirts and we sent him VTAC t shirts.

[01:09:32] Kyle Lamb: That's the only thing that man has ever asked of me for that, for helping me with that book. So that's one thing. Second thing is. Uh, the guy that edited that book is, uh, now the command sergeant major in charge of 10th special forces group, Kevin Dorsch. And he edited the book and it was nice to have a guy that had been an English teacher before he came in the army, joined the military, became an SF guy.

[01:09:55] Kyle Lamb: Now at the time he was like an E8, E8 I think when he edited my third book. And uh, so he gave me a good perspective too. So now that that's all done, everything's ready. I'm like, I have a manuscript that I feel is very good. Well, what's the last check? Well, I hand it to my wife, and I go, here it is. And I had it in this big binder.

[01:10:17] Kyle Lamb: And she takes it, and she starts reading it. Over, you know, a day or day and a half or whatever, she hands it back to me. She goes, there you go. I think you got a little work to do. And I go, cause, so this is your baby. Like you've been working on this for a few years and you get very emotional about your attachment to this project and how much work you've put into it.

[01:10:43] Kyle Lamb: And you don't want to start over. And. And honestly, what she told me, I had like five chapters in the book. She had X'd the entire chapter, not a word, not a paragraph, the entire chapter. She goes, you need to rewrite this chapter. And I'm like, well, let, and she goes, I'm going to tell you the subject and you're going to rewrite the chapter.

[01:11:05] Kyle Lamb: You're not going to look at any of your notes. You're not going to look in this book. You're going to rewrite that chapter. And I was like, okay, can you give me some guidance? Like what's Why is that? And she goes, I can tell that you were either tired or in a bad mood when you wrote that chapter. And she goes, you're a positive person and you want this to be a positive experience because ultimately, you want people to take something good away from it.

[01:11:33] Kyle Lamb: You don't need them to take anything bad. Who cares is bad stuff. There's everybody can point out the bad. What can we do? That's good. Let's move on with the positive and be better at the end of the day. Wow. I rewrote those five chapters and those five chapters were 5, 000 percent better than the original chapters that I wrote.

[01:11:53] Kyle Lamb: So since then, she's become kind of my go to first cut on some of this stuff. And right now I'm actually, I've just about got another book finished and it's war stories from the Bible. Right. That's going to ask you that one. Yeah, I've rewritten some not rewritten. I'm writing them as I don't know what you would call it It's it's historical fiction because we don't know exactly what happened when Jail drove a tent peg through a guy's temple.

[01:12:26] Kyle Lamb: I've never done that I don't know what that's like But I'm gonna venture to guess that when you got a wooden mallet and you got a wooden tent peg That's not an easy task, but that old gal did it. Yeah, she, she did it. So what did she think about what led her to do that? And then what did she feel after it?

[01:12:44] Kyle Lamb: And what did, you know, what did the old guy that come in there and he wanted some water and she gave him some milk and he fell asleep and she pinned his head to the ground with a tent peg. Okay. That's a story I want to hear, or like Ehud, the assassin that, and you'll like this one, Ehud, are you familiar with him who made the dagger?

[01:13:00] Kyle Lamb: He, he made this. Yeah. He went in and killed King Aglon. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He made it. It's like 18 inches long. He, he took it in there and he killed, you know, he killed King Aglon with this dagger. And the things that I learned from that was I wrote this story and everything and my buddy reads it and he's a preacher and the other guy was a missionary and he goes, you said he tested it on a pig and I'm like, yeah, and he goes, bro, he was a Jew.

[01:13:27] Kyle Lamb: He would have never touched a pig and I was like, man, I never even thought about that. And then the other guy says, good point. So how did he make this? He, you said he forged this steel. They didn't have steel. No, they didn't have steel. So that at the most they would have had bronze. So how do you make bronze?

[01:13:49] Kyle Lamb: Well, I had to research like, how do you take tin and copper and melt them and pour it? You know, it's not a big thing that's going to be forged, but it's something that you're going to pour and then you're going to file and, and polish and do all this stuff. So I had to research how to do that. And then I told the story of how he.

[01:14:04] Kyle Lamb: Made a form, beat the form down with a hammer, laid this dagger in there with some dust so that when he opened the box back up there was a form of the dagger and then he closed it back up and then he poured the the molten bronze in there and made this bronze dagger and then he went in and killed this king and that's the story I want to read.

[01:14:24] Kyle Lamb: That it never got told completely in the Bible because if the Bible went as in depth as I've went with each one of these stories, the Bible would be, you know, 500 times longer. And, uh, the goal with this book is to inspire people to believe, to have faith, and also to maybe dig a little bit deeper and go read the Bible.

[01:14:50] Kyle Lamb: Because there's some great stories. I'm a warrior, I'm a military guy, so I'm a Old Testament dude, cause there's a lot of good killin in the Old Testament. Um, Smiting, I guess they call it smiting, you know, uh, but I did include some, some New Testament stuff too. I've got Paul the Apostle in there and, and some of these people, you're going to say like, how do you get a war story out of Paul the Apostle, but then when you realize that What he went through as an apostle, you know, being made blind and then recovering from that and then following Jesus and this the whole his whole life was more of a Battle than a lot of those guys that we look at as these great warriors from the Bible When he was tortured, you know, do you know what?

[01:15:44] Kyle Lamb: So when they gave him the they beat him with rods or if you're familiar with that Do you know what a fascist is? So they had a, they had a, a thing now, now picture like a, uh, picture like a bearded ax. Let's just, cause you can picture that, right? So picture a bearded ax, but around the handle of the bearded ax, they've taken these birch rods.

[01:16:08] Kyle Lamb: And they have put a bundle of those around this handle. And this guy that stands there to give the beating, he's the guy that holds this. And when it's time for this guy to get beat, they take Paul and they take his buddy and they lay him over these rocks and they're stripped naked. And he pulls out the first rod and he starts to beat him until that breaks.

[01:16:30] Kyle Lamb: And then he gets the next rod and he beats until that breaks and they give him his, you know, whatever number of lashes they're gonna, they're gonna give him. Um, Man, that's a that's a stud. That's better than Johnny Rambo that can sit there and take that beating And then the thing that was interesting about that is he was a roman citizen So at any time he could have said hey, bro I'm a roman citizen and they couldn't have done that to him But what did he do?

[01:16:56] Kyle Lamb: He knew that his buddy was going to get beat. So he took the same beating As his buddy was going to take, and at any point he could have been a sissy, like I would have been and said, Whoa, Whoa, I'm an American. You can't do that. Whoa, I'm Canadian. Or, you know what I'm saying? Sure. You know, I could, like, I would have said, Hey, right on.

[01:17:13] Kyle Lamb: Hey, you know, you're about to, you're about to beat a Canadian over here. You know, don't you know, I'm a Canadian. Hey. You know, and they would have had to stop. So anyway, that's, yeah, that's, that's how those stories go. I want guys to be inspired and I, I, this is going to sound kind of weird, I guess to say, but we only need to sell one of those books and actually sell it.

[01:17:42] Kyle Lamb: We need, we need one of the right people to read that book. That's all we need. Mm. You know what I'm saying? Like, it doesn't matter. It, it, it, um, I'll, I'll use your podcast as an example. I was doing a, a podcast and my buddy said, well, how many downloads do you get on your podcast? And I told him, he's like, huh, we're getting like, you know, a hundred

[01:18:10] Kyle Lamb: And I said, yeah, but you just told me a story about one of those guys that listened to your podcast, um, decided not to kill himself because of your podcast.

[01:18:27] Kyle Lamb: You see the impact that you can have one person one person listens to that podcast and they don't take their life I would chalk that up as a successful podcast, you know the other side of and I don't want to get too overly Religious here, but everybody worries about their number of followers like on Instagram and face plant and all this stuff Jesus had 12.

[01:18:56] Kyle Lamb: Mm hmm. And it look where it went from there. So I, I've had to kind of step back from this book a little bit because we actually had a book agent for a while and he was trying to shop it around and book people don't want another Christian book. You know, they wanted me to write my story like about being a soldier and being in the unit and doing all this.

[01:19:16] Kyle Lamb: And I'm like, no, that's, that's never getting written. This is the book. Well, you know, and it's like, nope, nevermind. And the guy was a great guy. It wasn't his fault. It was the people he was trying to sell the book to. He was doing a great job. But at the end my wife and I were like, we just, we're just gonna do this like we did the previous books and it'll be on Amazon.

[01:19:35] Kyle Lamb: It'll be on our website. It'll be available. And we just need that one guy. We need that one young soldier to pick it up and read it and realize that There's a different way, you know, so. I really 

[01:19:50] Travis Bader: like that. You know, my ADHD entrepreneur hat goes on with each one of those stories that's in there. So you've got a, that dagger that's 18 inches.

[01:20:00] Travis Bader: That's about a cubit, I think, in length bronze. You had, what was that other device that you said was, uh, yeah, the fasces. Yep. What if you made one of each of these weapons and had it as a, um, sort of like the auction items or something to go along with the stories that, that I wonder if that'd be an interesting way to be able to promote, raise awareness and also raise, uh, uh, money for the, for the nonprofit, for what you're doing.

[01:20:30] Travis Bader: Just not that you had 

[01:20:31] Kyle Lamb: to. You're making me, you're, you're trying to make me do a lot of work, bro. That's a lot of work. Not that you 

[01:20:36] Travis Bader: don't already have a lot of things on your plate. 

[01:20:39] Kyle Lamb: Yeah, so you know it's funny you say that because Jason Knight is a Christian as well and he said he wants to get together with me and we want to make

[01:20:51] Kyle Lamb: And I'm like, that's the perfect, you know, that's kind of down the road that you said there. Um, the other thing, and I don't know if I'm supposed to say this or not, maybe I'll get in trouble for this, but, um, every chapter is going to have a special picture that goes with the chapter and it will be of the dagger, the hammer, the tent peg.

[01:21:16] Kyle Lamb: It'll be, it'll be a specific thing from that chapter. And what's really cool about that is, it's my wife figuring out what that is, and then it's my son in law doing all the artwork. So it's, it's, it's, it's a family thing here, you know? And, um, he's my son in law, so of course I gotta be a little mean to him every now and again because he's married to my daughter.

[01:21:39] Kyle Lamb: But he's a stellar dude, also a Christian, and he's, he grew up in Argentina. Now he's American, but, you know, a super dad to my grandkids and everything and it's, it's been, it's fun. He gets super motivated. He, he writes as well and he's a spectacular artist, but his writing is, is stellar as well. Um, but he writes like, uh, what would you call it?

[01:22:04] Kyle Lamb: Uh, like fantasy thriller type stuff. So like on another planet or, you know, stuff like that. And I've read, I read one of the books that he just wrote. That he hasn't, he hasn't, uh, got it published yet, but it's very, very good. It's not really my kind of book, but it was, it really drew me in. So it's, it's nice to have an artist like that, that can take a picture.

[01:22:27] Kyle Lamb: Or read my picture and then draw it, you know? 

[01:22:31] Travis Bader: You've mentioned your wife numerous times through here, and she sounds like, like, oh, I can refer to my wife as a force multiplier. Um, would you have these books out if it wasn't for your wife, would you have? Have you heard of the term, uh, doubling and it's an ADHD sort of thing.

[01:22:51] Travis Bader: I'm just curious. This is my own personal curiosity here, but I've got all these ideas and energy and things I want to do. And sometimes I just need somebody beside me while I do it. And they, they call this doubling. Like my wife will come in and every once in a while, I'll bounce an idea off or I'll ask for help on certain little things here and there, but.

[01:23:11] Travis Bader: Basically I'm then doing the project. If I've got to write something, I'm not a good writer. It takes me a lot of work to write something. And I've played around with just blog posts and short story, short things. Right. Um, but I don't get off the ground unless I got, got her beside me for at least to get this thing rolling.

[01:23:28] Travis Bader: Do you do anything like that? 

[01:23:29] Kyle Lamb: Is that a similar? Yeah, kind of like the writing. I'm a self starter on the writing. I love to write and I feel like I'm a decent writer. Recently I started writing some poetry and my poetry's. As my wife says, she goes, I was going to read something the other day and my wife goes, just be advised.

[01:23:48] Kyle Lamb: His stuff's a little bit dark and it's, it's honest. So it's some of it's dark because inside my brain or my heart sometimes it's a little bit shadowy there, you know, but yeah, I, my writing is, is sometimes she's got to push me like, Hey, you need to get back on that project. Roger that. But what she does is she runs our business.

[01:24:13] Kyle Lamb: Um, make sure that, you know, products are going out the door out of our warehouse because everything that we sell ships out from our warehouse. Um, comes up with, you know, like you're wasting time on this project. What are you doing? And I've said, I'm an, I'm not a numbers guy, but I'm a goal guy. And if I look at it, I'm like, why did I put all my time into this?

[01:24:35] Kyle Lamb: And it didn't produce anything. Well, if it's not for the betterment of humankind or anything like that, sure. Why am I wasting my time with this other company that is we've, we've made nothing. And over here, there's this little silent company. That's just crushing it. And i'm not giving them any love so she's the one that kind of keeps me like you need to get away from this company And go to these guys because they're actually producing Um, then the other side of that is i'm a goal person So I set a goal You know, like maybe i'll set a fiscal goal like we need to do this much business or make this much money And not because I'm a money hungry person, but money does allow you to have a little bit of freedom.

[01:25:15] Kyle Lamb: And if we have enough income or we have enough money in the bank, it allows me to start thinking of working on some of the projects that mean more to me than standing on the range doing up drills with a bunch of students, which I love that. And I love to be an instructor, but if I do that every day, I don't have the energy to write this book.

[01:25:32] Kyle Lamb: I don't have the energy to do another product or whatever it might be. So I've set some lofty goals and because of my wife we've attained those goals. Um, yeah, I feel bad for people that don't have a good partner in crime like that. Um, we're lucky and, and, and not a lot of people that are married have, are evenly yoked.

[01:25:59] Kyle Lamb: And by evenly yoked, I don't just mean. Working or being on the same team, but my wife is spiritually, mentally, physically, everything. We are, we are yoked together. She is. Absolutely. The only person on this planet that 100 percent has my back, you know, and if things go bad, yeah, things go bad. You see in the, in this industry, whether it's firearms or fishing or whatever it is, somebody does something, people will turn their back on that individual in a, in a heartbeat.

[01:26:38] Kyle Lamb: without even knowing the circumstances. So I know that she's always going to be there with me. So that's, you know, we've been married now 36 years. Um, that's a long time. That's a really long, we were married before I joined the army. We got married a couple of weeks before I left for the military and somehow we made it through all that and strong woman.

[01:27:00] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. She's super strong. She's way stronger than I'll ever be, you know? So yeah, I guess we are doubling. We're doing something. It's, it works because. You know, and she, she gets, she sits here and watches when I'm reading something or she's giving me feedback on a project and I'm kind of like giving her the eye and it's not that I'm upset.

[01:27:20] Kyle Lamb: It's this, that I'm trying to soak this all in and trying to understand what she's talking about, because sometimes we're on different sheets of music and it's just, she's got to hang in there and explain it more so that I finally get it. Um, I'm going to give you one quick example. So. She told me one day we were at my daughter's house.

[01:27:40] Kyle Lamb: She said I have this great idea for a chapter in your your Bible book And I'm like, okay. Yeah, I'm ready. What's the what's the idea? She goes the angels roared and I'm like, okay, tell me about it. She's like, yeah, well like When Jesus was crucified the angels roared and I'm like,

[01:28:07] Kyle Lamb: I can't see it. I don't I don't get it Mm hmm. I just don't get it so I didn't get it for like a year and a half and then one day man, I got it and Now as a storyteller, she's not a storyteller. I'm the storyteller. So imagine if you were the Archangel and these, all these angels and, and, and what are you doing?

[01:28:34] Kyle Lamb: You're seeing everything that's going on and you're, you're working with Jesus and you're, you're watching this joker and you're like, no, this, we can't let this happen. And you bring all these guys together and you say, listen, army of angels, we're going to go there and we're going to protect Jesus because he's, he's the man, you know?

[01:28:58] Kyle Lamb: And, uh, Jesus is, is beat and he starts walking through the streets on the way to get crucified. And he locks eyes with Michael and he tells him through that stare, this got to happen. So you think about this, you think about your best friend or your wife or your child, or your, if you're a military guy like me, your commander, your sergeant major, you're going to go there and you're going to stand there.

[01:29:33] Kyle Lamb: And watch them be executed.

[01:29:38] Kyle Lamb: Think of what's going through their hearts as these angels. So when when Jesus finally died They roared. Very powerful. Is it? Yeah. Sadness, anger. What is it? You know, frustration. Yeah. They don't know. They don't know what it is. But when Jesus died, the world went dark. The earth shook. And what happened in the temple, the curtain was ripped from the top to the bottom.

[01:30:15] Kyle Lamb: That's when that really sunk into me because as a Christian, I should have understood that I should have understood what that meant. I didn't understand what that meant till like a year and a half ago, the curtain ripped from the top to the bottom because now you don't have to separate those artifacts and this special area from us.

[01:30:39] Kyle Lamb: Jesus died for our sins. We have direct access. We don't have to, we don't have to go through, you know, like I said, we don't have to go through the box of goodies and we don't have to go and kill a bunch of animals that Moses was told to do. We don't have to do that because that's what happened on that day.

[01:30:58] Kyle Lamb: So, and I'm not trying to make people out there get all crazy about, Oh, this guy's a weirdo. He's thinking, no, you don't, I'm telling you a story. You can take it or leave it, but I'm going to tell it in a way that you're going to be like, Whoa. And at the end of it, you're going to be thinking. Man, I might need to check in on this Jesus, bro, and see what, you know, see what this guy's all about.

[01:31:22] Kyle Lamb: And that's, once again, that's that one person. We need them to read that story and, and, uh, yeah, and some of it's pretty gruesome. Um, there's a guy, Benaiah, who's probably the baddest dude in the Bible. He's way badder than King David because he was out, he was doing the work of King David. Um, and then there's other people that are, are interesting, like Rahab, the prostitute in Jericho, who happens to be the great, great, great, great grandmother of King David.

[01:31:55] Kyle Lamb: Mmm. And she was a strumpet. Right. 

[01:32:00] Travis Bader: See, my rec I was just going to say my recollection of the, uh, of all of that, it's not nearly as good as yours. I, um, been, uh, uh, grew up going through the Catholic school system and, uh, elementary and high schools and the rest, but, uh, it'll be, it'll be very interesting to read your take and those stories on that.

[01:32:22] Travis Bader: Cause that'll, uh, uh, there's, there's some stories there that I've completely 

[01:32:25] Kyle Lamb: forgotten too. Yeah. And that's the thing we've all read. I mean, I've, I've read the Bible from front to rear. I did that too, cause I'd never done it before. And I read it and I was like, I didn't even, I don't remember this story.

[01:32:38] Kyle Lamb: What is this? And you know, like Esther and Mordecai, that's a great story. That's in, in this book, Jael with the tent peg and Deborah, who was a very strong woman that all happened at the same time when Deborah and Barak met. And he's like, I'm not going into battle without you. That doesn't mean she was a warrior.

[01:32:57] Kyle Lamb: That means that she was somebody that they needed for her, her direct line to God. So. You can't, you know, I'm not trying to make something out to be something. It's not like I had, uh, one of the things my wife read it. She's like, uh, no, Barack would not have touched her and she would not have touched him because at that point in the world, a man didn't touch a woman and a woman didn't, you know, that's how it was or the way their hair was done or, or any of this kind of stuff.

[01:33:28] Kyle Lamb: And then when you think about, um, Esther and Mordecai, that this Jewish gal gets taken in to be the wife of King Xerxes. You know, she goes through the process and she gets selected from hundreds of other virgins to be the She must have been something special to be selected by Xerxes to be You know, that woman, and then what she ended up doing, it's, you know, she's like the behind the scenes guerrilla warfare lady on the inside, while Mordecai is doing his thing.

[01:33:56] Kyle Lamb: And by the way, if you really want to stump people, the next time you order a Starbucks coffee and they ask you what your name is, just tell them Mordecai. And you will see some crazy spellings of Mordecai. 

[01:34:07] Travis Bader: Well, being very conscious of your time and being a note guy as well, I got all these different things that I'd love to chat about.

[01:34:14] Kyle Lamb: But let's chat. I am in no hurry. So you tell me what you want to talk about. 

[01:34:19] Travis Bader: Okay. Well, there's a question that, um, you talk about the shadows and you're clearly passionate about making sure that you can help other people, um, both in a leadership capacity, as well as a, um, uh, spiritual and mental wellbeing.

[01:34:38] Travis Bader: Positivity is a very, um. Important thing for you, as it is for me, how do you deal with the shadows or what advice would you give somebody else that you have learned through your experiences that they might be able to apply to their own dark thoughts?

[01:34:59] Kyle Lamb: Oh my goodness. Looks like it's time for me to go.

[01:35:09] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. So here's what I want. The first thing that I would say is. Everybody has that. Everybody. I don't care who you are. Everybody, unless you're completely brain dead, you, people have things that they have to deal with and how we get through that. Everybody handles it differently. So I'm going to, I'm going to address this.

[01:35:35] Kyle Lamb: Maybe a little different than you might expect I hang around with a lot of law enforcement and military guys And they have a lot of struggles because of things they did do didn't do will do should have done You know I'm saying there's a lot of I should have done this should have done that at this point or I did this and I did that and that was the wrong decision or I did this and I did that it's right But I killed somebody or I maimed somebody or I I Should have ran out there and grabbed this guy and saved him or I should have you know There's a lot of that going on and as they talk about this You know they get together with their buddies and they're, they're, they're going down memory lane.

[01:36:12] Kyle Lamb: Give me a, fill up a, give me a shot of liquor here. So they take that shot of liquor and they, they drink a depressant. And you think a depressant is going to help you get through a time like that? Like you think alcohol is going to give you some sort of right answer? I'm not going to buy that, okay? So one of the first things I tell guys is, why are you drinking?

[01:36:43] Kyle Lamb: If you want to go out, if you can go out and have a beer with your buddies, that's not what I'm talking about. Or you work hard all day and you want to go have a beer or whatever your drink happens to be. But for me, it's got to be none of that. Because there's nothing, there's not one thing that I get out of alcohol that is positive in my life.

[01:37:03] Kyle Lamb: It's not going to make my wife happy. It's not going to make me a better person. It's not going to make me feel better the next day when I'm on the range. It's not going to make me healthier. None of that. So that's one of the quickest ways I believe to deal with a shadow is not give in and, and drink that.

[01:37:21] Kyle Lamb: So, so how do you, how do you not drink? Well, it's going to sound crazy, but just don't do it. You want to talk about a more impressive person, the person that steps up and says, I'm going to do what everybody else does, or the person that goes, no, I'm good. You don't have to say you don't drink, but I usually just say, no, I'm good.

[01:37:40] Kyle Lamb: I don't drink. And people are like, Whoa, what do you mean you don't drink? It's not weird, bro. I don't drink. You don't know if I'm not doing that because I was an alcoholic, if I'm not doing that because you don't know, it's none of your business. I don't drink, period. That's it. So if we can get a young guy or young gal out there that is struggling, just to stop that one thing, then that, and I've seen this happen with hundreds of people in both directions.

[01:38:07] Kyle Lamb: Drugs and alcohol and kill themselves, get off drugs and alcohol and be a vibrant, beautiful human being that's helping people. You know what I'm saying? And I, and I haven't even talked about the religious part of it, because that's, that's something that some guys will say, well, I'm very spiritual. Okay.

[01:38:28] Kyle Lamb: What does that mean for me? Spiritual is I'm, I get to talk to my best friend who's Jesus and I can, we can have this discussion. And that's part of it too, because as my buddy says, my buddy, Johnny dog cone, he's an old fella from Utah. I grew up, he he's I grew up in South Dakota and he was this guy that he's just a character and we've become good friends.

[01:38:48] Kyle Lamb: He really helped my mom when my dad passed away and him and his wife helped him and now his wife passed away. And he told me one day, he said, uh, when his wife was struggling with her. She had had a really bad stroke. He said, uh, yeah, sometimes I got to just stare at a rock and you know And sometimes I got to talk to Howard and I'm like talk to Howard who's Howard and he goes boy Don't you read the Bible?

[01:39:11] Kyle Lamb: And I said, yeah, I've read the Bible. He goes says right in the Bible Howard be thy name It struck me that here's a guy who at the time was probably 78 years old because he's like 81 or 82 right now Um, when he struggled, he didn't call me, he called somebody else and had that conversation. So whatever your spirituality is and you want to avoid that darkness, then, you know, be able to do that.

[01:39:45] Kyle Lamb: The other thing I'm going to say is there's nothing wrong with a little darkness.

[01:39:54] Kyle Lamb: I really believe there's not because I believe that in this, let's go back to what Jordan Peterson said. The only people that truly can be good people are those that have the ability to do evil. Yet they chose not to do it. They know how to use a sword, and they carry it every day, but they They choose to keep it in the sheath.

[01:40:21] Kyle Lamb: And that's, you know, I have these, I have thoughts and I look at things and how would I attack this and how would I do that? You know, and so those are, there's some dark thoughts, but I'm on the, I'm on the side of the good. So at least currently I am. Some other people may say that I'm not. And then on the other, the other part of it is.

[01:40:44] Kyle Lamb: Um, there is a guy that was my team leader in Somalia, John Hale, and he is one of the greatest leaders I ever worked with, worked for, and I still have the utmost respect for him. And I'm not going to go down the rabbit hole, but I'm just going to say this, John took his own life. And that makes me really sad.

[01:41:13] Kyle Lamb: That doesn't make him less of a man. It doesn't make him less of a great. leader. It shouldn't diminish any of that. He, he felt like he needed to do that to relieve those around him of the struggles he was having. That's, that's how he felt. And I, you know, I've talked to his brothers. His brother was kind of pissed at me and we had this conversation.

[01:41:35] Kyle Lamb: He really changed my mind about how I would view what John had done. So, okay, that happens. Well, he was a team leader in Somalia a couple months ago. Another one of our team leaders in Somalia. killed himself and the only other team leader for that troop He got killed in Somalia. So of all the three team leaders in one of the troops, all three of them are now dead.

[01:42:02] Kyle Lamb: One, because he was killed by the bad guys and on a mortar attack after the 3rd of October. And two guys, because they took their own lives. So when that happened, I called up Another one of the guys who is, and I'm not going to tell you his name, but I called him up because he's was very good friends with the last guy that killed himself.

[01:42:21] Kyle Lamb: And I said, man, just thinking about, you know, and he goes, let me tell you something. If you ever hear that I killed myself, you better call the cops and start an investigation. He goes, because dudes like you and me are not going to do something like that. And when he said that, he gave me ownership like crap, because I've had some dark thoughts.

[01:42:45] Kyle Lamb: But I can't do that because other people are depending on me. We can't, we, we, we can't do that. If you want to keep leading, keep leading. You have dark thoughts. That's fine. Why? Tell me what you're fixing by killing yourself. Tell me what you're fixing by doing something. I don't know what it would be. I mean, if you want to.

[01:43:05] Kyle Lamb: Go out with a bang. I got better ways for you to do it than to, you know, to, to hurt yourself. Um, so I guess, I don't know. I, I, uh,

[01:43:19] Kyle Lamb: I don't know. It's, it's a, it's, it's kind of, it's a tricky one, you know, I wrote a, I wrote a poem kind of about that and it, uh,

[01:43:37] Kyle Lamb: it was at a kind of a very rough time I was having and at that point, maybe not at that point. Within six months of that, I realized a lot of things that were causing it, and I just took those out of my life. And the things that were causing it for me were going down memory lane. I can tell the story in a clinical environment.

[01:44:04] Kyle Lamb: When I get up and do a leadership seminar, I'm doing a seminar. I'm still very emotionally invested in that seminar, but I'm not with the people I was there with and going and Listen to this and then alcohol is involved and all that stuff. And when I had this bad experience it was right after one of those reunions and we went back to, um, we actually went back because some of the guys were getting upgraded some of their awards.

[01:44:28] Kyle Lamb: We had got upgraded previously. I got upgraded to a Silver Star like six months before that and then we went back and some guys were getting upgraded to the Distinguished Service Cross and it just, man it really, it it It really hit me and we left before the ceremony even started. I just left. And then I was like, why did I leave?

[01:44:49] Kyle Lamb: I'm a terrible person. It's not like I can go back and redo this because it's never happening again. And I started beating myself up for that. And then finally, I'm like, what am I doing? If it's if I'm not made a better person by going to that reunion, you know, I'll give you an example. And you were never in the military, right?

[01:45:08] Kyle Lamb: No. Okay. So let's, let's go back to your high school reunion. Let's say that, and I've never been to a high school reunion. So if you went to a high school reunion, why would you go? If you would go because you want to see your friends and have a good time, man, I'd say you should go. If you want to go just to see if you're better than everybody else, you shouldn't go.

[01:45:36] Kyle Lamb: I agree. If you want to go to make fun of other people. You shouldn't go if you're gonna go there and it's gonna bring back memories that were bad Maybe you were that kid that was beat up or who knows? Then don't go don't if it's not gonna make you a better person. Don't be part of that You know, that's difficult because a lot of people are pushing us in directions and you don't need to go don't go Don't don't let anybody tell you to go and hurt yourself and I'm not talking about like physically I'm talking like mentally I had to realize that too, like with my family, not my immediate family, cause my immediate family is five star awesome, but some of my other family, I realized like every time, every time I'm going to talk to them, I have to reach out to them.

[01:46:29] Kyle Lamb: They never reach out to me. And then when I get done, I always feel like I've done something wrong, man. I feel so much better. I haven't talked to any of those people in years. And I'm the better for it. So that doesn't mean they're bad people because I think they're good people, but we're not good together.

[01:46:47] Kyle Lamb: So I'm just not going to do it. So that's, that's what I, that's my advice. I, that's my advice. And I'll tell you one more thing. And I've said this in some other podcasts and other, other interviews I've done. If you get up in the morning and you think about somebody other than yourself, you're probably going to have a good day.

[01:47:12] Kyle Lamb: So what does that mean? You get out of bed. And you stretch out a little bit, go for a walk or work to the gym or whatever you do. And then you just think about, how can I help somebody else out? And I'm not talking about money. I'm not talking about going and doing their track, you know, dumping their trash.

[01:47:27] Kyle Lamb: I mean, you could do any of that stuff if you need to do that, but it might be as simple as reaching out to one of your friends and saying, Hey man, I'm just thinking about you. Hey, man, wanted to see how you're doing everything. How's the family doing? You may not think that's gonna help you I know it's gonna help them But at the end of the day that's gonna also fill your cup up and if you'll start thinking about other people and having a mission You know, I think that military guys suffer because they don't have a mission anymore they were they had just as many dark devils living inside their heart before and But they're able to focus on a mission with a group of people and accomplish that mission.

[01:48:05] Kyle Lamb: Well, what's your mission now? You have a mission you're all over the map. I mean, bro, you're you're doing all kinds of crazy stuff I'm doing all kinds of crazy stuff Why do I do that? because if I don't do that then I get inside my own head again and I start having I do bad things when i'm when i'm not busy when i'm not focused on a project whether it's writing a book And I was going to say, one of the things we're about to do, Dirty Cephalion, there's some guys that do this podcast and they They invited me to come on and talk about some of the books I've been reading and the first stack of books that I'm Gonna talk about is about Rogers Rangers and and that's exciting to me so now I'm putting my energy into making sure I got all my data correct or at least I can tell the story and Talk about these different books and then we've we've actually put a new thing on our website under podcasts So people can click on that go there and see this recommended book list click on the books and immediately go to Amazon to buy the books and Which I mean, we're going to get a little tiny portion of that, but you're going to get the book for the same price.

[01:49:07] Kyle Lamb: If you're going to buy it, just go on there and buy it that way. We're also doing a section on there for equipment. So this, we literally just started this process a few weeks ago and it's now live. So if you see the podcast thing, you can click on that. It might actually say. Um, blog beside that now too, but I know it says podcast.

[01:49:24] Kyle Lamb: You click on that. It'll go on there. And man, I'm excited. That's a new thing that I've got to do this next week on Tuesday. I've got to get going. I've got to have my notes and be squared away and do this presentation for these guys and, and make yourself uncomfortable. If you get uncomfortable, you won't have time to worry about the dark side.

[01:49:41] Kyle Lamb: Cause you'll be worried about the light side, you know, just trying to do things and get it done. But anyway, so I'll, uh, what's your next question? Well, man, you got some time. If I answered that one good enough. 

[01:49:54] Travis Bader: Yeah, you did. You did. And well, the other one was what, what gets you up? What gets you motivated?

[01:50:00] Travis Bader: And it, part of that's got to be all these different projects that you have. 

[01:50:05] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. Every day it's something different. And I I'd say that you, you got to have a mission. So you call it a project and I call it a mission like my mission is to finish these five daggers I'm working on and I've got these two integrals.

[01:50:16] Kyle Lamb: I'm working on I got a couple of tomahawks I'm working on and that's a lot of stuff. But once again, I'm I used to say I'm a scatological thinker But then I found out that scatological actually means the study of poop and that's not exactly what I intended for that to mean So my brain is going in all these different directions.

[01:50:34] Kyle Lamb: I've got to have a different project or a different mission. So right now my mission is that podcast to get that done next week. Um, the mission after that then is I leave to go shoot a NRL Hunter match in Alabama, a long range match. Um, my mission after that is I head to Florida to jump out of planes for a couple of days to get recertified so that I can go jump into Normandy, France in June.

[01:50:57] Kyle Lamb: So, so you see, I have a lot of things that are going on. If you would have said, go right before Thanksgiving, what are you focusing on? Well, I'm focusing on setting up blinds when my grandson comes here, we can hunt deer together. And my wife was right there with me. We're setting up game cameras and trying to figure out where these deer are at.

[01:51:17] Kyle Lamb: And then Thanksgiving rolls in and he kills this awesome buck. I mean, that was my mission. Like we got to get this dude to kill. I never thought he'd kill a buck. I thought he'd kill a doe. So we were, he kills this buck and we go find it ran like 50 yards and he goes, grandpa, we got to cut his head off.

[01:51:33] Kyle Lamb: And I'm like, Denver, we're going to harvest the meat. And, but you know, I'm like, he goes, yeah, yeah, I know all that, but we got to cut his head off because I got to hang his head on the wall. And I went, we never talked about that. My wife and I were like, this is crazy. We never talked about it because we always thought he'd shoot a doe.

[01:51:50] Kyle Lamb: Well now he shot a buck. He still wants the meat. He still wants all that and be respectful of the animal. But he looks in my office and he sees all these animals hanging on the wall and he's like, I kind of like grandpa's office. I want one of those hanging in my house. In my room. So we got, you know, I'm getting the, the, uh, European done there.

[01:52:09] Kyle Lamb: So he can have that and keep that for the rest of his life. Cause I mean, everybody I've ever talked to, everybody remembers the first deer they killed, they may not remember the fifth or the 10th or the 20th, but that first deer, they're going to remember. So that gun now it's his, that AR 15 that he killed that deer with.

[01:52:25] Kyle Lamb: That's going to be his. So for me, that's what gets me up every day. Something different. And I 

[01:52:32] Travis Bader: like that, you know, for me having, like you say, a mission, a project, something that I'm working towards the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. What do I think is worthy? But there's also a cycle that I find, okay.

[01:52:46] Travis Bader: I get to a certain point in something. I've got it. I've got it understood. What's the next thing? What's the next thing? Um, are you able to stop and just not require that next mission? Are you able to, in my. Cause I, I'm positive that you are appreciative for everything you have and you're appreciative for, for where you're at, but it comes back to like, there's a saying Rockefeller, he was talked to by a reporter.

[01:53:13] Travis Bader: It's like, man, you got so much money. How much do you need? He's like, Oh, just 1 more. Right. For him, that was the process. That was what he lived for. Is there a common theme or trend to all of your missions that you have lead to an overarching, um, I guess North star that would. See you constantly moving towards something without having the feeling of, okay, I've done it.

[01:53:41] Travis Bader: Now what? 

[01:53:44] Kyle Lamb: Yeah, I don't, I don't. So first of all, I don't have any bucket lists. I don't have a bucket list cause I've done everything I've ever wanted to do. And I never had a bucket list to begin with because I just said, Oh, either I said, or my wife said it. My wife said, why don't you try this special forces thing?

[01:54:01] Kyle Lamb: Well, I don't know if I can do it. And she goes, well, you never know until you try. So I did it. Well, then I went to the unit and then I did this and then I did that. Well. I just know I'm completely here. Let me ask you this question. Maybe this will answer it better for you My brother in law got cancer and for he had the it was his third time on cancer and they they told me had six months to live He ended live in like two years, but he still passed away So my wife and I were sitting here one day and I said man, can you imagine you're given six months to live?

[01:54:36] Kyle Lamb: I mean, what would you do and I'm asking you this question. Mm hmm. What would you do? If you had six months left to live, 

[01:54:47] Travis Bader: are we going to go to the dark side? 

[01:54:49] Kyle Lamb: Well, I just want you to think about it. I want the people out there to think like, what would you do? You know what my wife said? She said, I'm already doing it.

[01:54:59] Kyle Lamb: And you know what I said to myself, I said, I'm not doing it. That's that him die and change my life because you should live every day. Like you got six months left to live.

[01:55:19] Kyle Lamb: If I die tomorrow, I'm completely happy. You probably are too, but why do we why I don't know that if you go around every day thinking You're scared of dying and actually this is my son asked me this one time We were we were out at Fort Lewis, Washington, and I just got called back to the unit I'm we're going and We had a hot tub out back of our we lived on this river and we'd get up in the morning and hit that hot Tub and then we would we hit the river hit the hot tub and then we were plunging before plunging was cool You know and he goes Dad, aren't you afraid of dying?

[01:55:58] Kyle Lamb: Because I was going to go back and go right to Iraq and be a troop sergeant major and lead guys in combat. He goes, aren't you afraid of dying? And I, I looked at him and I didn't even think about it. I said, no, I'm afraid of not living. So, no, I got, I, I changed. I've changed my complete thought process and that's what I think everybody should do.

[01:56:24] Kyle Lamb: I don't care what your age is. If you had six months to live, what would you do? Does that mean you would just blow all your money? Okay. That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is like, what, what would you, who would you want to spend the last six months of your life with? Then you better daggum do that right now.

[01:56:42] Kyle Lamb: You know what I'm saying? Is that six months for me? Yeah. It's, it's family. Yeah. I mean my. Yeah, my family, that's, that's it. There's, there's, there's a few people I want to be with too. But my, my, my, my focus would be my wife, my grandkids, and then my children. If you don't have grandkids, you may not understand that, but grandkids are a special, they're a special thing.

[01:57:06] Kyle Lamb: So that's the, that's the thing that really changed my outlook on, I don't know, I didn't know how we got on that question, but that that's been, man, that's been a big thing to me. Yeah. Because I don't know what I was living for before. I mean, I was thinking maybe it was the money or maybe it was the fame or the, I mean, I don't know.

[01:57:30] Kyle Lamb: There's no, what am I trying to do? Well, I just, now it's, it's simple. I want to spend more time with my wife and I'm doing that. We're traveling more together. We're doing stuff. Um, I've backed off on my training schedule. Now there's certain things, you know, if you don't have enough money in the bank to pay your bills, then you better dig them, get out there and work hard.

[01:57:49] Kyle Lamb: But when you're done working, go home to your family, go home to the people that love you and are there supporting you every day. You know, and that's the other thing too. One thing I really, come to me one day, I was asked to speak in a church. And I was like, man, I don't know about this. I'm gonna get struck by lightning.

[01:58:02] Kyle Lamb: And as I was speaking, something come to me and I said, my son is an awesome dude. Why would I treat my son

[01:58:16] Kyle Lamb: Less better than I would a complete stranger on the street.

[01:58:23] Kyle Lamb: You better pull your head out of your butt, and that's your son, that's your daughter, that's your wife, that's your kids, your grand, whoever. That's your mom, your dad, or whoever. If you do not put them on a pedestal, there's something wrong with you because that person on the street could, could care less.

[01:58:40] Kyle Lamb: They might like you right now, but once, like I said before, if you do something bad, they're going to completely throw you under the bus, whereas your family's going to stick with you through thick and through thin. And so Yeah. Your kids, you want 'em to be the best, but treat them with respect and, and ad admiration, and they're gonna return the favor.

[01:59:02] Kyle Lamb: And you know, when you're, I'm 56 years old and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, both my children love me. So if you can say that, and I can, obviously, I say that back to them. Mm-Hmm. , if you can say that, then you're, then you're doing the right thing. If, if, if there's a question, then you better get it right because.

[01:59:29] Kyle Lamb: They're more important than any person you're going to meet on the street. I don't care how important that person is. So 

[01:59:37] Travis Bader: familiarity will breed complacency and people become close and familiar with their family and they're like, Oh, they'll be here tomorrow. And, you know, there's a reason why my children have never seen some of my family members, right.

[01:59:51] Travis Bader: There's, um, like you say, I'm going to pass podcast guests. He says, you know, sometimes it's time to just pull the weeds. Is it bringing you positivity into your life? Right. And then we use, um, every day we remind ourselves the most important thing, most important resource that we have is our time. The only thing that makes that important is death, that's what gives life value because now you have a finite amount of it.

[02:00:20] Travis Bader: How are we spending that time? And. It's that level of being present for those that you care about is, I think, the biggest gift that you can give yourself and that you can give them. So I'm, I'm a hundred percent on board with what you're 

[02:00:35] Kyle Lamb: saying there. I have a question too. I was thinking about that. You said something there and I want it.

[02:00:41] Kyle Lamb: I wanted to ask this when you said it before, but I want to ask it now. Earlier, earlier, you made that statement on leadership.

[02:00:51] Travis Bader: I was in a army cadet program here in Canada and it did a lot for me. Um, I was going down a path that, um, wasn't positive. There's a reason why I got kicked out of a number of schools and. Uh, it was, I was going in a direction that, uh, was just going to end up in jail probably in the longterm, not because I was doing bad things, but I was, uh, oppositional in my thinking, uh, I didn't fit in with the, um, uh, the established structure and the school system, and you got into the army cadet program and a lot of those traits were, um, We're looked upon fondly, right?

[02:01:31] Travis Bader: Not, not necessarily being oppositional, but being able to think outside, find creative solutions in order to, uh, to get the job done. So, um, uh, gave me a sense of community and purpose and structure that, uh, I think was very important. 

[02:01:50] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. And that's what I found was when I joined the military, I found my tribe, right.

[02:01:58] Kyle Lamb: And, you know, some people say we all have to get along. I, I, I couldn't disagree with that more. I don't think we have to all get along. I think what we have to do is we have to be with the people that are part of our tribe. That has nothing to do with what country you're from. It has nothing to do with the color of your skin or, or your religion or anything like that.

[02:02:17] Kyle Lamb: It has to do with being part of that tribe. And if people don't understand my tribe, they're not part of my tribe. Because I'm going to meet a guy that's a Muslim and he's going to become one of my best friends. And I, and he's going to change my heart because I used to hate all Muslims and now I, I don't because of that one dude, or I'm going to meet a guy that's, um, a Canadian guy, JTF2 guy or whatever.

[02:02:42] Kyle Lamb: And we're going to become very good friends because we were from the same tribe and we, we sound different. We look different, you know, but we're absolutely from the same tribe and you never know where you're going to meet those people. And the other thing in order to meet those people from the same tribe, you kind of got to tell people what your tribe is.

[02:03:01] Kyle Lamb: Otherwise, they don't know. So a lot of times if I say something and I get the weird look, I'm like, I know you're not part of my tribe and there's no reason that we need to carry on any conversation. Because I'm not trying to win you over. You're either with me or against me. There's no gray area. Um, so either you're on the team or you're off the team.

[02:03:23] Kyle Lamb: And if you're off the team, I'll, I, you're, I'm done 

[02:03:26] Travis Bader: with you. So you don't have to be a part of it. My thought process, my life, 

[02:03:32] Kyle Lamb: the only, probably the only people that I would say that doesn't apply to as kids. I mean, all kids are on the team until they get kicked off, you know, they're going to, they're going to make that choice.

[02:03:42] Kyle Lamb: But when you see a little kid, a little kid is you, you know, we've got to take care of them. And I think that's one of the struggles that a lot of us are having right now is we're seeing. Our children, you know, the biggest failure we have in America, and I don't know about Canada, but in America the biggest failure is the family.

[02:03:57] Kyle Lamb: So the fathers are not being fathers, and if the fathers would step up and be dads, all the trouble that we have from the bottom to the top would go away because we would take care of our families. We wouldn't look for welfare. We wouldn't look for any of the state to do that. The church and the family would do that.

[02:04:16] Kyle Lamb: The dad would stay present with his kids. The kids would then not go to be delinquents because their dad would be there to discipline them and to praise them and to make them a better human being and then they would go on to have families and do the same thing. Yet now what we're seeing is we're saying that Dad's a mom and mom's a dad and this guy's the dude and then he's a mother and then it's like These kids are completely Confused and then we're saying it's more stressful for a lady to have to leave her state to go get an abortion in another state it's like That poor lady, the struggle she had to murder her child, I feel so bad that she had to struggle to drive four hours out of her state to murder her baby.

[02:05:03] Kyle Lamb: You know what I'm saying? Like, are you serious? This is the family's gone. And if we don't get that back, and I don't, I think it's going to take something way more significant. I know you're Canada. You guys had the truckers, you know, the truckers are doing a thing down here now. 

[02:05:21] Travis Bader: I heard something about that.

[02:05:22] Travis Bader: What is that about? 

[02:05:23] Kyle Lamb: Well, they're going to do something in Texas and, and they're all getting together. And I think that, uh, it'll be really interesting to see what happens. Cause up there with, uh, um, what's your president's name? Uh, Hitler. Trudeau there. Yeah. Hitler. Well, you know what he did was criminal first of all, but it was like if Canadians don't just stand up and say Enough of this crap.

[02:05:52] Kyle Lamb: Well in America if we're not doing that either we deserve exactly what we get But if these right if these guys all go to Texas and they stop this illegal border stuff going on We could quite possibly I don't want to see the civil war that people have talked about. I mean, I don't, you know, I was going to lie to you there for a minute.

[02:06:12] Kyle Lamb: I was going to say, I don't want to see that, but part of me would like to see, let's get this sorted out a little bit here because you're saying it's, it's okay for illegals. Come on. We want immigrants to come in our country all the time. We want that. We don't want people to do it illegally. Right. And there's a process for it.

[02:06:32] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. My grandpa and grandma on both sides. They were immigrants. So I'm the second generation American. I'm really glad that they immigrated here and I'm glad they did it legally. So I don't know. Anyway, you break, 

[02:06:48] Travis Bader: you break down that value structure and you don't uphold it. And. People who would otherwise uphold a value structure say, well, why are we doing this?

[02:06:58] Travis Bader: The breakdown of the family unit, the breakdown of the value structures. And I don't think it's, um, you know, you, you look at social media and regular media and what people are being fed on a daily basis. You can see a very drastic change in the way that people think. And interestingly enough too, though, uh, As that pendulum swings further and further away, it's going to reach a point where it starts causing people to shake their heads.

[02:07:25] Travis Bader: The amount of people like yourself, they're talking about faith and religion and their value systems, uh, whether it's faith based or not, um, is, it's happening a heck of a lot more now than it was 10 years ago. And I think it's because people are seeing the need to have a shared value system that we can all sing off of the same song sheet.

[02:07:47] Travis Bader: That's where the military is fantastic. And that's where I think mandatory conscription is a fantastic thing. Everyone has had at least a shared adversity and they've got a shared experience and some pride in what they do. And they're working together off of the same song sheet. You dilute that too much and you're going to run into the inevitable problems that we're seeing right 

[02:08:06] Kyle Lamb: now.

[02:08:07] Kyle Lamb: Yeah. So I walk into a supermarket. And we've got conscription or whatever you want to call it, mandatory service or whatever. Um, conscription is kind of a rough word. Yes. You know, it really is. But so we have mandatory service and that doesn't mean that you got to be in the army. It doesn't mean that it means that you have to, to serve your country for two years or whatever.

[02:08:32] Kyle Lamb: So I walk in the local supermarket and I see a guy there. And I walk up to him and I don't care what color he is, and I don't care what language he speaks. He's in America. And I say, who'd you serve with? Immediately we have a bond because both of us served our country. And if, if we had mandatory service, we would, uh, We would have that bond with each other like you just said because now when I see guys that are military I mean, I immediately have a bond with him I had a guy that I met this kid and he said He goes I'm a veteran or his mom said he's a veteran.

[02:09:11] Kyle Lamb: I was like, oh you're veteran. Where'd you serve? What outfit were you with and he was a marine and I was like, oh, yeah cool So I started talking to him and I end up listening to him talk for 15 minutes, you know, and he's telling me all kinds of stories and everything's going great, you know, and his mom's over there and she's kind of getting teary eyed and, uh, get done talking.

[02:09:34] Kyle Lamb: I'm like, all right, whatever. So I go off to my thing and the mom says, excuse me, sir. I was like, yeah, she goes, I've never seen my son. He's never talked to my husband or me about any of that stuff. And I said, why? I said, why should he? I'm a veteran. He's a veteran. We're the same. So he's speaking to me.

[02:09:56] Kyle Lamb: We're. That's it. Don't, don't, it's not bad. It's just fine. He's there's, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not going to go talk about hunting or fishing to somebody that doesn't hunt or fish unless I'm trying to convince them they should or, you know, they should hunt or fish. You know, I want to try to attract people to do that.

[02:10:15] Kyle Lamb: I want to try to attract people to build knives and to do, I don't care what you do, make something, you know, make something other than a meme. I mean, Something worthwhile. Yeah, make something out of wood with your hands or I don't care what it is, you know, so it's fantastic 

[02:10:36] Travis Bader: Well, why don't we look at wrapping it up here?

[02:10:39] Travis Bader: There's like I say, we could probably go on talking all day. You've imparted a heck of a lot of value to me. I trust to the audience as well. Kyle, thank you so much for being on the Silvercore 

[02:10:51] Kyle Lamb: podcast. Yeah. Thanks for having me. This has been. And I'm not just saying this. This has been one of the best podcasts I've been on in a while because we didn't just focus on 1993 or, you know, Iraq or whatever.

[02:11:08] Kyle Lamb: We got to talk about the stuff that really matters because that other stuff is just, that's just a job. It was an adventure, a job or whatever, but man, life is about all these other really important things that we talked about. And I'm glad you're on the same sheet of music with me. You never looked at me like, man, this guy is from outer space, you know, so, uh, yeah, find your tribe, dude.

[02:11:31] Kyle Lamb: You know, might be a, some crazy Canuck up there. It might be a Muslim guy from Egypt. Yeah. I met this guy from Egypt on the shooting range. I didn't know he's from Egypt. I thought he was a Mexican. And I'm like. Oh, he's Egyptian. Well, I speak colloquial Egyptian Arabic. So I started rapping Arabic and he's like you speak Very good Egyptian Arabic and now he and I are very very good friends and he has changed my heart so open up open up to those people that are a part of your tribe and let them come in and Man, it's going to be amazing.

[02:12:05] Kyle Lamb: And then get up tomorrow and do something for somebody else and it's going to be awesome. All right. Last thing I'm going to say, God bless Canada and God bless America. I love the message. Thank you.

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