Coho salmon fish in water
Sep 8, 2022
Information & Education

What Do You Need to Go Fishing?

So you want to go fishing? With modern technology and the internet, sometimes finding the information you need that can be considered reliable and trustworthy can be difficult. This is why Silvercore is here to guide you through what you need to go fishing.

First, decide what type of fishing you want to do. By that we mean, would you like to fish for freshwater fish, also known as non-tidal, or would you like to fish for saltwater fish, also known as tidal. The regulations for these types of fishing are different. Non-tidal fishing is provincially regulated, whereas Tidal fishing is federally regulated.

Freshwater Fishing (Non-Tidal)

In British Columbia, if you plan to go for freshwater fish, you will need a Basic Licence, also known as a Non-Tidal Angling Licence. This is for every angler who is 16 years of age or older and will allow them to fish in the non-tidal waters of beautiful BC.

In addition to your Basic Licence, you may also need a Conservation Surcharge Stamp, a White Sturgeon Conservation Licence, and / or a Classified Waters Licence.

Why? Glad you asked. There are two reasons why these are required. If you plan to fish for a specific type of fish such as Steelhead, non-tidal Salmon, or Sturgeon, or you’re going to specific locations that are regulated as Class I or Class II Classified Waters.

Purchasing these licences can be done either online through the BC Recreational Freshwater Fishing website, or from any vendor who offers this service.

Saltwater Fishing (Tidal)

If you plan to go fishing in the saltwaters of BC , you’ll need a Tidal Waters Fishing Licence. Although free for juveniles (under 16 years old), you’ll still need a licence for them which can be done online under your account.

This licence also has the option to purchase a Salmon Conservation Stamp. In the event that you catch Salmon in saltwater, and you intend to retain it, then you must purchase this stamp. This is not required if you catch and release. The fees for the Salmon Conservation Stamp help generate funds which are provided to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to the Pacific Salmon Foundation. This helps to support Salmon restoration, stewardship and enhancement projects in British Columbia.

These licences can be purchased through the Department of Fisheries and Oceans of Canada website or through an Independent Access Provider.

Camo Jacket Fishing by Water


When you plan to go fishing, be sure to always check for new regulations as things change from time to time.

If you’d like to know more about Freshwater Fishing such as the species, regulations and limits, equipment and setup and use thereof and more, we would recommend signing up for our online Pacific Northwest Fishing course.

This course was designed with the beginner in mind and is a must for anyone looking to get into the sport of freshwater fishing.   This is a veritable A to Z of everything a new angler needs to know and includes information on how to safely and legally fish in beautiful British Columbia.

To provide you with the best, Silvercore’s course was created in partnership with the world renowned angler, guide and conservationist April Vokey.


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