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Sep 8, 2022
Information & Education

Pro Tips for Renewing Your Firearms License

Over Silvercore’s many years of experience in teaching, training, and certifying a countless number of instructors, students, and otherwise, we’ve realized some tips and tricks which may aid those in the process of renewing their firearms license, PAL, to achieve a faster renewal.

So in this blog, we are discussing tips that may make your renewal go from tedious and lengthy to easy and renewed in no time at all!


Renew Early

Renew before your PAL expires. Why? Because if you let your PAL expire, the application process to have it reinstated is much longer. In fact, it’s the same process as when you first applied- including the 28 day waiting period! Take it from us, renew early and save yourself both time and stress.

Another item worth mentioning is that if your licence is expired and you need to renew, you will need to present a copy of your course reports. If you do not have a copy of your course reports, which articulate you went through the required training for your PAL, you may have to retake the CFSC/CRFSC training.


Renew Online

The good news is that you can easily renew online via the RCMP’s website, which can be found here. Online renewal ensures that your renewal gets to the RCMP promptly, but also gives you peace of mind knowing that it won’t get lost in the mail. Another bonus- you also save postage! 


In Possession of Restricted Firearms? Have Your Proof of Membership Handy!

As a restricted firearms owner, you need a membership from a club or range to have the Long Term Authorization To Transport or ATT. This allows you to purchase, possess and transport your restricted firearms.

So, if you’re renewing your firearms licence and you currently have restricted firearms in your possession, one of the best things you can do to speed along the process is to include your proof of membership with your renewal application to the RCMP. This saves time because then they don’t have to send you a letter telling you that they need that proof of membership for the ATT.

If you don’t have a valid membership and need one for your renewal, you can join the Silvercore Gun Club to meet the ATT requirements. Bonus: this membership not only comes with North American wide liability insurance, but it also has some pretty great perks, including annual members-only events with brag-worthy grand raffle prizes.

Silvercore Gun Club Stickers

Include the Right Fees

Effective March 31, 2021, the Canadian Firearms Program has updated its service fees for firearms licences for individuals and businesses. The fees for each licence are as follows:

  • Individuals upgrading from PAL to RPAL $40.88
  • non-restricted firearms (PAL) $62.55
  • restricted firearms (RPAL) $83.40

Keep in mind that if you’re applying for your RPAL, this includes your PAL, so the total fee for both the non-restricted and restricted firearms is $83.40.


Check, Check, and Check Again!

Be sure to review your application form, more than once. This will ensure that you haven’t missed any crucial details. Leave the form for a day and return to it on a new day. Fresh eyes tend to see new things, and likewise, tired eyes can miss details.

Unsure about details on your application form? Contact us! We can provide you with the information and advice you need to complete your forms and be on your merry way in no time!


Below are links referenced in this post that will help you with your firearms license renewal endeavours:

PAL application form: Possession & Acquisition License (PAL) Application Form

PAL application form for Aboriginal Peoples: Possession & Acquisition License (PAL) Application Form for Aboriginal Peoples

PAL renewal form: Possession & Acquisition License (PAL) Renewal Application Form

Online application status check: Possession & Acquisition License (PAL) Application Status

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