Tiffany and Travis Bader
episode 100 | Apr 11, 2023
Experts & Industry Leaders
Law Enforcement/Military
Personal Growth
Hunting & Fishing

Ep. 100: No Holds Barred Q&A

We asked for your questions and feedback and were blown away by the response. Nothing was off limits and every comment and question that was asked by the Silvercore Podcast audience and past guests was answered on this special 100th episode. This is an inside look into the inner workings of Silvercore, the podcast, the challenges and successes we have seen and what our aspirations for the future are.
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Thank you to everyone who has been on this journey with us, it has been an amazing adventure so far and we are just getting warmed up!


[00:00:00] Travis Bader: I'm Travis Bader, and this is the Silvercore Podcast. Silvercore has been providing its members with the skills and knowledge necessary to be confident and proficient in the outdoors for over 20 years, and we make it easier for people to deepen their connection to the natural world. If you enjoy the positive and educational content we provide, please let others know by sharing, commenting and following so that you can join in on everything that Silvercore stands for.

[00:00:40] If you'd like to learn more about becoming a member of the Silvercore Club and community, visit our website at

[00:00:59] Holy Crow episode 100 of the Silvercore Podcast here we go. So this one's gonna be a little bit different. I'm joined by my wife, Tiffany Bader. Welcome. Thank you. And what we did is we reached out to past podcast guests and to the Silvercore podcast audience and asked if you had any questions or comments, and we're gonna be reading them off and answering those questions throughout this episode.

[00:01:29] I should let you know that in conjunction with this podcast, there's gonna be a pretty sweet giveaway. Yep. There's a Scope sa I scope from Armament Technologies. It's gonna be given away. You gotta pick out some key information from this podcast and look on social media cuz a social team, we'll have that one all organized.

[00:01:50] But, uh, make sure you pay attention as we go through here for your chance to win a pretty darn sweet scope posted 

[00:01:58] Tiffany Bader: on all social media, right? Yeah, yeah. It'll be all good dog. Instagram, Facebook, 

[00:02:03] Travis Bader: all this stuff. Yeah. And there's gonna be some Silvercore swag in there as well. Excellent. Before we get rolling, I really should say thank you.

[00:02:13] Thank you very much for everyone who has liked, who has commented, who's subscribed and who's shared this podcast with their friends or anybody else who they felt would find value from this. The only reason that we are where we are right now, the only reason that we're at episode 100 is because of you.

[00:02:32] So thank you. So without further ado, why don't I give a quick introduction for you, Tiffany, and you can fill in any blanks if you'd like. Uh, Tiffany, we've known each other since we've been teenagers and. Because you are always the earner. You're the one who went to school, went to university, have the degrees, working in the fancy office jobs, bringing in the money, which allowed me to learn how to be a businessman and learn how to be an entrepreneur in my early twenties.

[00:03:08] And, uh, mind you, you didn't stick around in those jobs very long, did you? 

[00:03:14] Tiffany Bader: I was motivated just, you know, not very patient. 

[00:03:18] Travis Bader: You found something else that you had a much more passion for. Exactly. Which was cooking Yep. And working with food and ended up working in a number of very high end restaurants and prestigious restaurants.

[00:03:30] And that helped because we could get wholesale food when I was bringing in very little. And the restaurants are paying what restaurants pay. And, uh, now because of that, Silvercore was able to be thought of started. And based on the hard work and the, uh, ingenuity and the ideas that you bring to the team now, uh, is where the reason why Silvercore is where it is.

[00:03:57] So, oh, super jazzed to be able to have you on this podcast, even though it's not your first time you're on the Fly Fishing Women's Fly fishing group podcast. Yeah. And. Apparently the audience wants you on here too, cuz I did. I don't know what they're thinking. Some, some of these, some of these questions I've seen.

[00:04:16] Some you've seen. Yep. But we haven't seen them all. So do you want me to start? Why don't we, why don't we. Okay. What do you got? 

[00:04:24] Tiffany Bader: Okay. I will start with a question from unknown. Uh, I never know what to expect from each podcast episode. Is that intentional or did it grow into that? I personally like the unknown.

[00:04:37] Has it ever backfired? 

[00:04:39] Travis Bader: Yes And yes. So yes to both. Is it intentional? A hundred percent. It's intentional. The reason it's called the Silvercore podcast is because it allows me latitude to talk about things other than, let's say if it was the well popular podcast, the Meat Eater podcast, you know exactly what you're getting into.

[00:04:59] It's gonna be talking about something to do with eating meat or, or around there, right? Yeah. Uh, so I call it the Silvercore Podcast. It gives me latitude to talk about whatever it is that's of interest to me that I think will bring value to the audience and bring value to the guest. Has it backfire?

[00:05:19] Well, there's a couple of episodes that have never aired and some are because of some recording issues and maybe something else wouldn't 

[00:05:27] Tiffany Bader: say backfire just hasn't always worked out. Mm-hmm. Yeah. 

[00:05:30] Travis Bader: If learning experience, right. And I guess it's like working in the kitchen. Only the perfect food leaves the kitchen.

[00:05:34] Right, exactly. So if we have something that we don't think is gonna be bringing the perfect level of information or entertainment or education to the audience, then um, then we just kind of hold that one in the, uh, in the back 

[00:05:49] Tiffany Bader: burner and often no fault of the, the guest at all. Absolutely not. There's, there's been a, a few that were just technical difficulties and stuff like that.

[00:05:56] Mm-hmm. Which is a shame. 

[00:05:57] Travis Bader: Mm-hmm. Mm. All right. I got one here from, uh, past Silvercore. Podcast guest episodes 55 67 99. You've heard 'em. It's Seb Lavoie. And I got his name right this time. 

[00:06:12] Tiffany Bader: Awesome. Yeah. Unlike French names, you, 

[00:06:15] Travis Bader: unlike episode 55, very first one on, and I butchered your name. I'm sorry, Seb.

[00:06:21] Yes. Um, man, Seb, I'm sure he'll be on in future episodes. He brings his a game every single time. Uh, Sean Taylor, x jtf, two past podcast guests. He says, you know, Seb is a true leader and he really is, and every sense of the word, uh, he's got his mental health walks that he does every single week, every single Sunday.

[00:06:44] Uh, he's going to school, building some pretty cool things within, uh, what, what he's gonna be bringing to, to everybody else. I'm excited when he's able to finally announce that to everybody. So without further ado, he says The platform and quality of the podcast is unmatched, but it still seems to be fairly underappreciated in my opinion.

[00:07:05] Hey, thanks, Seb. What is the plan to grow the audience and bring incredible value to many more folks? You know, it, it's sort of a catch 22 because just like in business where I don't chase the dollar, I don't chase the likes, I don't chase the audience, I don't chase the, uh, the size as part of what I'm doing here, but that is one of the measurables that is litmus, right?

[00:07:32] Tiff? Yeah. That's one of the things that people look at and they say, well, where are you ranking on the, uh, on listen notes? Where are you ranking on? I tend not to look at these things because you don't want to be disappointed if it's doing poorly. It in the same way. You don't wanna be taken a whole bunch of pleasure if it's doing well because, and if it does do poorly, it'll have the equal amount of impact on you as it would if it's doing really well.

[00:07:57] But I guess I'm gonna continue to follow the same thing that I've always looked at, and that's to bring in the best quality people with interesting stories who are gonna help elevate the audience. And that's it. Yeah. And that's what I'm looking for growth. Now, we do have a very talented team at Silvercore that works behind the scenes and helps coordinate everything.

[00:08:18] And, and I'm sure they've got their ideas and plans for how, uh, they can see growth happen. But for me, I just wanna see a positive community of people who enjoy the outdoors and enjoy being better on a daily basis. 

[00:08:31] Tiffany Bader: I think in the same way that you say that the podcast hasn't been about getting listeners in the same way that business hasn't about, isn't about chasing the dollar.

[00:08:41] You haven't strictly monetized the podcast either. And as much as it takes up a lot of your time, um, which has really been a blessing for you. Mm-hmm. Um, it's been an amazing outlet for you. I think the fact that you haven't monetized it and you don't have sponsors supporting everything and paying you for doing this podcast, it gives you a heck of a lot more freedom to do what you think is right.

[00:09:09] When you say something, you mean it. You're not saying, I love blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, because they gave you money to say it. Mm-hmm. So it, it creates a path forward that's pretty exciting and fun and, uh, leaves things really open too. 

[00:09:25] Travis Bader: Yeah. You know, I've, and I've always followed the mantra, follow our heart, right?

[00:09:30] Mm-hmm. You follow your heart with work and everything you do. I follow my heart with business and everything I do. If I get too caught up in the likes or what everybody else wants, it becomes an echo chamber. Totally. And you just start delving down. Maybe everyone gets really vocal and they liked one thing, and then I just kind of specialize in that.

[00:09:48] My personality type just wouldn't, wouldn't allow for that to make me happy. No. 

[00:09:55] Tiffany Bader: Okay. Cool. Okay. I'll ask the next question. Yep. Okay. Okay. Another question from unknown. Uh, do you think the liberal handgun ban will ever be reversed? Yes. Yeah. You said that since 

[00:10:07] Travis Bader: day one? Yeah. Yeah. I do believe that. And I base that not on having any inside knowledge or, or really anything other than my gut feeling based on people who are on the inside and speaking with them.

[00:10:21] Um, whether that be politicians, whether that be within the firearms program, uh, I don't see this as being a long-term thing that's gonna be in place. Mm-hmm. This ban, uh, I don't see it going away very quickly, even if there is an election and we have a completely different government. Uh, but I do see the handguns coming back and, you know, if we look at the phrasing of it, it's not actually a ban.

[00:10:48] It's a, I'm gonna do an air quotes here. It's a freeze. Right. That's much more palatable. Well, if it's frozen, it can thaw. And I do believe that'll happen. 

[00:10:56] Tiffany Bader: Yeah. Yeah. You've been, you haven't advertised it from day one, but it's, you've been pretty steadfast on 

[00:11:04] Travis Bader: that. Yeah. And if someone asks me, 

[00:11:07] Tiffany Bader: You're also a positive guy, but I think this is bit beyond positivity.

[00:11:12] Travis Bader: Yeah. I think to be an entrepreneur, you're always glass half full, right? 

[00:11:16] Tiffany Bader: Yeah, totally. 

[00:11:18] Travis Bader: Yep. All right. Let's see. Pass podcast guest Jason Bud. Episodes 34 49 84. Man, Jason. Amazing individual, uh, expert Army. I've known him since I've been about what, 12 years old? 

[00:11:33] Tiffany Bader: Yeah, A long time. Yeah, long time. Like 70 years now.

[00:11:37] Travis Bader: Um, you know, Vancouver Fire, a C M G guide. I mean, he's, uh, he's done things that most people would be happy to accomplish in one lifetime, and he's done multiple things like this and he's, uh, I'm sure gonna be on future episodes. Very, very interesting individual. He says The Silvercore podcast is very inclusive.

[00:12:01] Your podcast and your guests are reflection of that. There are many diverse experiences and stories that appeal to different demographics. What are some of the other areas or interests or guess you might want to explore in 20 23, 20 20? For your podcast. You know, I Jace I think it's gonna be along the same trajectory if it's going to bring people value, if it's gonna be something that will, uh, bring insight or education that'll help a person get outdoors.

[00:12:27] Cuz I find the outdoors to be therapeutic. Awesome. For mental health. Awesome. For physical health. Uh, and there's a hook that ties into the guests that allows 'em to do that. I, I see that as being the, the major push that and just constantly striving to find people with unique experiences and unique stories that'll, that'll sort of, um, break past the traditional narrative of what a, uh, an outdoors media outlet or podcast would be.

[00:12:57] Tiffany Bader: Yep. Or any guests that live in Hawaii. Cause it'd be cool to go travel there to record it. 

[00:13:01] Travis Bader: Yeah. Kimmy Kimmy, we're talking to you. Kimmy Swimming. Kimmy Werner, just, uh, just putting that out into the universe. Phenomenal free diver. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Or Matt. Yeah. Pro surfer. Yep. Met Meola Hunter. Yeah. Maybe we'll do a couple there, eh?

[00:13:20] Yeah. Uh, actually Jace had more than just that one question. I'm looking at it here now. He's talking about, he actually talks a year, TIFF. He says, I see you two as a power couple. While it makes your relationship function so well with your shared hopes and dreams and what's it like raising kids in 2023 and the challenges, including what it takes to educate them on the outdoors.

[00:13:43] Tiffany Bader: That's a lot of questions. That's a lot of questions. Chase. Chase. You could just ask us. 

[00:13:49] Travis Bader: Um, and, and really some of these things that we look at in the questions, they could be a podcast unto themselves. Yeah. So we'll try and be brief about it, but communication. Yeah. That's it. 

[00:13:59] Tiffany Bader: That's and it working together.

[00:14:02] I know I have friends that are like, I don't know how you work with your husband. Not because they know Travis and they're like, how could you work with them? But they just, it's a lot of time to spend with one person. Mm-hmm. But we communicate really well and it makes our personal life stronger, personal relationship, much stronger because we have to communicate well.

[00:14:22] Mm-hmm. And we've had to learn how to do that and get very good at it. And I think the reason why we've pushed ourselves to do that is because we truly respect and care about each other. And that's just what we've had to do. And it's, it's built our relationship very, very strong personally and, and through work, so.

[00:14:42] Travis Bader: Yeah. Yeah, I agree. Uh, raising kids in 2023 hopes and dreams, what are the challenges about educating them on the outdoors? I mean, the obvious challenge would be just all the distractions. Yeah. I mean, there's always gonna be distractions, but kids today are facing just in, in order, in an amount of stress, distractions.

[00:15:05] Um, I mean, you, you look at kids' sports, Now our kids right now are almost 16, and the other one's 14, uh, young kids. We, we'd play soccer, we play football, you play baseball and nobody expects you to be a pro athlete. Now kid goes into something and they have feeder programs and they have the whole thing mapped out until, until they're pro-care, until they crash.

[00:15:32] That's a heck of a lot of stress and expectation to be putting on a kid. And then all they ever see through social media is all the glorified best moments and somewhat argue all the fake moments. Yeah. So one thing would be just moderating social media. 

[00:15:50] Tiffany Bader: Yeah. Screens in general. Yeah. They, uh, they don't bring out the best in anyone, I don't think.

[00:15:56] Um, minimize that. And for us as a family, we spend a lot of time outdoors. That's, that's how we spend time. We're not a, you know, Sunday afternoon watching football kind of family. That's never, that's never been our thing. So, uh, it helps to have those shared experiences and connect with them in the outdoors.

[00:16:16] Yeah. Huge. Yeah. It's how we communicate, 

[00:16:20] Travis Bader: right? Yeah. Through the outdoors and through food. Mm-hmm. And really hunting and fishing is all a part of that food process. And the outdoors, it was just a very natural, natural progression. Yeah. And the 

[00:16:30] Tiffany Bader: more the kids are able to contribute in that world, the more confidence they have and the more self-sufficient they are.

[00:16:37] And, Builds 'em into my, I don't know, I may be biased, but I think better, more capable human beings. 

[00:16:44] Travis Bader: I agree. All right, Jace, I think we got your questions there. Who's 

[00:16:48] Tiffany Bader: next? Okay. Uh, another one from unknown. Okay. Uh, your presence is shifting online. Can you talk more about that? 

[00:16:56] Travis Bader: Yeah, yeah, I can actually. Um, so our social media has been something that's been a work in progress for many years, and we finally just bit the bullet and said, you know, we need a team on board that knows what they're doing and can, uh, because it's not a place where I enjoy to spend my time.

[00:17:12] I mean, I can see it being in an addictive place where people can spend so much time trying to build the perfect video, the perfect picture, the uh, the perfect message. And if you look at, um, people that are in the marketing world, like Gary Vanner, jock, he's like, just, just get it out there, document what's going on.

[00:17:30] Don is better than perfect. Get it out. Get onto the next thing. And so, um, we found people who are very enthusiastic and capable on that front. Um, and you're gonna notice a much more diverse sort of, uh, display of what Silvercore is about than just traditionally we're the gun company, we're the gun people.

[00:17:50] Yeah. And we've got a goal in mind that will bring firearms as opposed to making guns. The, the central talking piece to just an ancillary piece while. Promoting it, still having firearms there, but essentially normalizing firearms because the second you make firearms object of your interest, it'll attract all the people who love firearms, all the people who hate firearms.

[00:18:15] And then you're just talking about that. And to my way of thinking, that's pretty crazy. It's sort of like vehicles. All the people make the vehicle the object of your interest and you're gonna get all the people that love or hate it. Maybe just talk about the journey the vehicle takes you on. And the vehicle is just a part of all of that.

[00:18:32] And knowing how to use that vehicle properly is going to, uh, bring you on more adventures and more journeys and introduce you to other cool people. So we're looking at a different approach. We 

[00:18:43] Tiffany Bader: also have a lot of interests outside of firearms. Mm-hmm. And we found more and more people were asking us, oh, can you show me how to do this?

[00:18:51] Or, you know, can you take me on a foraging trip? Can you show me some mushrooms? Things like that. Mm-hmm. And we realized that we have pretty diverse interests and, uh, a lot of people shared our interests and they wanted to learn more. And I think we realized that we were missing an opportunity by just strictly focusing on the firearm side of things.

[00:19:13] So bringing in a wider range of people and um, you know, just sharing that love with the outdoors. 

[00:19:22] Travis Bader: All right. I got an next one here. Brian Nsca, episode 33. So Brian was ski a spay lodge. Wicked fishing lodge out in the terrace area. Uh, top, top quality food, top quality destination, top quality fishing.

[00:19:39] That's awesome. Like I love that place. It's, it's amazing. And everybody there, everyone there is just, they love what they do. They're a family essentially. You see the same people in and out. They, they work well together. Um, and Brian's a cool guy. I mean he's, if you listen to episode 33, you'll hear just his passion for what he does and Yep.

[00:20:00] Tiffany Bader: You know, not even mentioning how he can, uh, chuck a fly about, oh my God, he, 8,000 yards. 

[00:20:06] Travis Bader: Yeah. I felt pretty privileged being out in the river, getting some time there with them. That's, uh, definitely changed me from a absolute horrible spay caster to a slightly less horrible spay caster. In fact, I would categorize myself under his tutelage as a pretty good spay caster.

[00:20:23] Which dis which disappeared the second he wasn't 

[00:20:27] Tiffany Bader: looking. Yeah. I was a little jealous. He got so much one on one time with him, but 

[00:20:31] Travis Bader: that's okay. The second he disappeared at kinda, I don't know. 

[00:20:34] Tiffany Bader: So it's, and you came back with so many different cats. Oh, you should try the snake roll. You should try. I'm 

[00:20:38] Travis Bader: like, so Brian says, do you have a strategy to increase the number of listeners you're reaching, an especially to get your content in front of new audiences?

[00:20:49] And Yes. That strategy is diversity. Yeah. And that's reaching out to other groups that might not necessarily. Uh, be in the wheelhouse, but they have some sort of a hook or some sort of a one, even just a toe in that wheelhouse. And that is a strategy to its growth with the end goal of introducing our core values and what we do as a community to a much wider audience.

[00:21:14] Yeah. 

[00:21:14] Tiffany Bader: Including other people and groups that share our, our same ethos. Mm-hmm. Like, you know, the amount of positive, amazing people that you've met through this podcast is, blows my mind. Yeah. You know, just to, it's not about money having a conversation with se. Right? Sure, sure. You know, the influence of that after the fact is massive.

[00:21:41] Travis Bader: Everyone, everyone who's been on this podcast, I end up learning something new and you're, I go into it sometimes with a certain expectation and I leave always on a cloud. Right. Always up high. Totally. Because there's just something magical about sitting face to face with somebody and being able to share some experiences and, and try and delve a little deeper than we normally do in daily conversation.

[00:22:05] Mm-hmm. All right. I think you got the next one. 

[00:22:08] Tiffany Bader: Oh, right. Okay. Um,

[00:22:14] would you rather be a club moss or a cactus? What the hell? Okay. Who asked that one? It's this fian. 

[00:22:21] Travis Bader: Okay. Would I rather be a club moss? How wouldn't neither? Yeah. I would rather be neither. Yeah. I've made my life by not playing by the certain rules that are in place, but finding a way to, uh, navigate in a way that, uh, is beneficial for everybody.

[00:22:38] I tend to look at things a little bit differently. I don't know if that's an ADHD thing or an entrepreneur thing or what it is, but, uh, column A, column B. How about you? What would you rather be? Let's say you had to be, you 

[00:22:50] Tiffany Bader: know, when you, when I read this, cause I read this question in advance, I was like, I don't know how the hell to answer this question.

[00:22:56] And then I said it to you and you're like, neither. I'm like, well, that's a good answer. I wanna answer it like that. But in the interest of actually answering the question, um, I would like to think that I am less cactus and more club mossy, and I can like, uh, you know, thrive and live over millennia and have, like, club Moss is one of the most ancient types of living material ever.

[00:23:25] Mm-hmm. Um, cactuses can only grow and thrive in specific environments, albeit harsh. Mm-hmm. But really specific environments. I'd like to think I could thrive and grow all over the 

[00:23:36] Travis Bader: place. See, that's a better answer than mine. That was good. I 

[00:23:39] Tiffany Bader: don't know. I, I don't know. That's sort of what I was thinking.

[00:23:42] Travis Bader: All right. Well, I got one here. That's interesting. So why don't I take a look at Andy Uck, episode 81. Keep Fish wet. So Andy, pretty cool dude. Listen to that. Listen to keep Fish wet. Listen to that episode. Um, you get more insight into him. So smart knows so much about his natural world. Says it seems like Silvercore focuses a lot on risk management, predominantly for hunters and anglers, but there are a lot more people that go into the woods and onto lakes and rivers that could benefit for the tips and techniques to stay safe, hikers, paddlers, even car campers that start to explore a bit more undergraduate, graduate students getting into the field of research, et cetera.

[00:24:33] Does Silvercore plan to do more in these spaces? Yes, that's the easy answer. Yes, a hundred percent. And in fact, I think, uh, I think in the next few weeks here, Andy and I have been talking, we might actually be recording another podcast, um, just dealing, he's written papers on, uh, on mentorship programs in the outdoor community and what that looks like.

[00:24:58] And that's one thing that is near and dear to my heart, because, you know, people get into the outdoors because what? Because they're interested in it. They've got a, they're, they're drawn towards it, but there's certain areas of the outdoors like hunting and fishing, let's say. That they'll get into it because their family was involved.

[00:25:16] They had a family member show them, or they had a close friend or relative. There's a level of mentorship that happens because a barrier to entry for some of these can be rather difficult. Mm-hmm. There's a huge knowledge acquisition phase. Some of these things are, there could be a massive gear phase.

[00:25:35] Yeah. If you're to read every magazine and book and sp 

[00:25:38] Tiffany Bader: casting, we're looking at you. 

[00:25:40] Travis Bader: Right. And then you realize that maybe we don't need all of those little trinkets and, and all that gear, but you, you learn that through either through time or through some sort of mentorship. So finding a way to have accessible mentorship for individuals is a huge push in an area that we've been working for a few years on.

[00:25:58] And who knows when this podcast comes out, you might actually see the launch of, of that one. If not, it'll be shortly after this, this episode here. Uh, but yeah. Yeah. There is, there is a, uh, a plan to go into there and I think if people keep their eye on Silvercore, you're gonna see some cool things. 

[00:26:15] Tiffany Bader: Yeah.

[00:26:17] Cool. Okay, me, next question. I think, um, from last mash standing, have you noticed a growth in interest in firearms slash hunting since the pandemic? Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. Unprecedented. 

[00:26:33] Travis Bader: Yeah, absolutely unprecedented. We've known some people who started up businesses during the pandemic based around firearms and hunting.

[00:26:40] Thinking that there's gonna be this ongoing, uh, trend and we are seeing that interest level kind of abate a little bit or perhaps a lot, a bit like that, that covid trend. Yeah. It was fueled by fear. People are looking at firearms as a means of protection. Some were looking at it as a means for, uh, acquiring food, not realizing how much there is to acquire food to be Yeah.

[00:27:08] It's not cheap. Right. Or or to be successful. Yeah, totally. You, you can go out in all the wrong places and do all the right things and still come home empty-handed. Yeah. But Covid there is a huge push there. Mm-hmm. And then, you know, there's that other side to it as well. You lock a person up indoors that's gonna do something to their mental health.

[00:27:28] Yep. 

[00:27:29] Tiffany Bader: Food shortages after covid, um, government restrictions on, um, fertilizers and all the pushback from the farmers. And I think people are seeing that our food security and the government's ability to take care of millions and millions of people mm-hmm. Is not quite as secure as we once thought it was.

[00:27:53] And so people are, you know, it was funny during Covid seeing all the, the victory gardens in everyone's front yard that have now kind of. Some are still doing it, some, some less so is, you know, there's only so much time in the day and you start buying groceries again. But we did see a lot of people start realizing that for real confidence and security further themselves and their family for their food, they need to take more of an active role in, in understanding it and participating in securing it themselves.

[00:28:25] Travis Bader: And there's been a push for a very long time to, whether intentional or otherwise, to reduce the perceived level of agency and individual has over themselves. Don't worry, I can go to the store and I can get that. Mm-hmm. Don't worry. I'll be taken care of by whatever government agency it might be. And when you start to see those, those structures start to collapse, it really drives to the forefront the, uh, the idea of knowledge acquisition and that you actually can affect change for yourself in a positive way.

[00:28:58] And I think that part is, is sticking with 

[00:29:01] Tiffany Bader: people. Yeah. I think, I think a lot of hunters can relate to the whole, why do you hunt? There's no need to hunt that's just cruel and unnecessary. Well, you know, during covid when people were hoarding like toilet paper, people kind of get a little crazy and having the confidence to know that if food did run out, you could go out and get some yourself.

[00:29:21] Mm-hmm. Makes you feel pretty good. Mm-hmm. Right. I don't know who's, who's up next? Who's up next? Uh, your, your. Am 

[00:29:30] Travis Bader: I, I thought I just did, Danny. Nope, I 

[00:29:32] Tiffany Bader: just did last Mash standing. 

[00:29:34] Travis Bader: Okay. Jenny Lee. And I'm sorry, Jenny. I know I've called you Jenny Lee and Jenny Lie, but you have said both of those names to me, so I, I think I'm kind of forgiven.

[00:29:46] Episode 19, Jenny, she was, uh, chasing food club. It's not like 

[00:29:50] Tiffany Bader: you don't know her really super well. Yeah. Sorry, Jenny. 

[00:29:55] Travis Bader: Sorry. Jenny. Jenny Lee. Jenny Lie. Um, and Jenny's amazing. She's just the 

[00:30:02] Tiffany Bader: sweetest person. 

[00:30:03] Travis Bader: If you check out her, she's got a couple Instagram pages and Chasing Food Club is one of 'em and her personal page.

[00:30:09] But she's the epitome of jumping out of the plane and building a parachute on the way down type type of a person. 

[00:30:17] Tiffany Bader: She, I love Jenny so much. She's 

[00:30:19] Travis Bader: awesome. She says, oh, I just got my, uh, just graduated from the, uh, core course, a BC Hunter education course. Um, I met somebody else on that course who's also quite interested in hunting.

[00:30:31] I know. Let's do a fly in hunt for caribou in a remote, northern wilderness vbc area for her very first hunt. Yeah. And not only that, let's be successful on that one. She's 

[00:30:43] Tiffany Bader: like ridiculously successful. She, uh, the, like the goat hunt she did where she's like, I'm just gonna go off my own now and then like comes back with a goat.

[00:30:50] I'm like, oh my god, Jenny 

[00:30:53] Travis Bader: and her love for food. Yep. 

[00:30:55] Tiffany Bader: Awesome. I've met my, I've met my match. She, uh, she, I, I hate the term, fills my cup, but she does with food. 

[00:31:04] Travis Bader: She says, the first question that comes to mind for you to name three dream folks you'd want on your podcast, I'm all about big, hairy, audacious goals.

[00:31:16] Couldn't hurt to put it out there. Ask it on the air. Well, you know, it's funny because we're talking about this a bit for episode 100, and some people are like, oh, you gotta get some, like a real big person to be on episode 100, and who do 

[00:31:30] Tiffany Bader: you bring your wife? 

[00:31:31] Travis Bader: Yeah, it's fantastic. Like if, if you put that much value into one individual that devalues all the other people that have been on the, on the podcast in the past, and everybody who's been on the podcast has brought some fire and they've brought something which is gonna speak to the audience in different ways.

[00:31:50] Uh, I do have a list. Like, I put a list of people as I, if I see them or I hear them on TikTok, I'll click follow and I'll watch and I'll see do they say, have the same messages? It's the same positive message over and over it. Do they bring value? And if it reaches a certain point, then I'll reach out to them.

[00:32:08] I mean, John Sonai, he's, yep, he's a, uh, good example of that one. Um, he, I talked to him, he's uh, from South Africa and he's in Dubai at the time I'm talking with you. He's like, what do you think a guy like me. Why would you watch somebody like me on your podcast? You're like this hunting, fishing podcast. I said, because you have value that'll apply to the audience.

[00:32:28] And there are things that you talk about that are intrinsic to all of the people that I talk to in the hunting and fishing community. Um, so with that on the list, let's see three, only three. Like I gotta, I got a long list. Yeah. More than that. Uh, I've always wanted Bear Grills and based not on the fact that, you know, some people will say, oh, bear grills.

[00:32:50] Did he, um, uh, he was caught in a hotel room one time, or, uh, when he was supposed to be out roughing it, like Les Stroud and yeah, maybe, maybe that was the production team, maybe. Who knows? Right. Um, but what he's always done though, is brought positivity, just a high level of positivity, which he tries to share with others to get them outside, to get them active and moving.

[00:33:12] And he's been unwavering in that. He's like the youngest Brit who have summited Everest Guinness Book record, highest, 

[00:33:19] Tiffany Bader: he's done, like ridiculous amount of things. And he doesn't sit there and like repeat it to everyone, to, to, you know, shower himself and, and praise from 

[00:33:29] Travis Bader: people. Yeah. I remember a long time ago there was a beef between the, uh, uh, outdoor media folks sort of thing.

[00:33:36] That probably wasn't created by those in there. It was probably the, the fan base just stirring stuff up. Right. But everyone's saying, oh, Ray Airs is better than Bear grills. He's more the real deal. Or What's Bear say? Yeah, you're probably. He's the real deal. This is what I do and I'm bringing it forward.

[00:33:53] And I've always admired that level of, uh, drive and, uh, positivity. Uh, Megan Hein, she's up there as well too, like just avid outdoors person. Um, Peter McKinnon for Canadian, I think you'd be a cool one to have on the podcast, right? Um, he's motivated a lot of people out there to get into photography and videography I, and always in a positive way.

[00:34:21] So, uh, if I were to say three, those would be three of 'em. Mind you, I wouldn't say 1, 2, 3 in order because man, I got a big list of people and they're, they're all up in the same sort of category. Don't forget Kimmy Werner. Yeah. Hawaii. Is it? Come on, Kimmy. Um, I think it's your 

[00:34:41] Tiffany Bader: turn. Okay. My turn. Let's see.

[00:34:45] Um, from unknown, I was really sensitive to hunting and guns prior to following Silvercore. Through your education, my perspective has shifted. What do you think is the most common misunderstanding or judgment when it comes to firearms and hunting?

[00:35:01] Travis Bader: Well, firearms and hunting, it's been pointed out. I say firearms. I've had to do a lot of voiceover work for some online courses, and that was one of the ones that I had pointed out. So for firearms and hunting, a misconception is that it's all about, Yeah. And it isn't right Or it's all about the kill, right?

[00:35:23] Or that, that, that part, yeah. Of, of the activity that has to do with the firearm. So even if, so let's say hunting, pulling that trigger is just a fraction of a second on a hunt. Hopefully there's practice ahead of time and you're at the range and you're getting everything dialed in and carrying that firearm around all day is, is gonna be a, uh, a part of it.

[00:35:46] But I think the biggest misconception is just how gun heavy these things really are, right? Mm-hmm. Um, hunting is about plant identification and animal identification and knowing, I mean, like we were out, uh, everyone will find something different when they're out looking at things. People will kind of specialize in certain areas that pique their curiosity and their interest.

[00:36:07] Uh, you were looking at the, um, the flora and fauna. Oh, with bears, right? We were on the bear hunt, right? And you're saying, oh, spruce tips aren't out here. Let's go lower. Right? We were, yeah. Our elevation was getting too high. I'm like, wow. Yeah, I was, I didn't even think about looking at that. Good observation.

[00:36:25] You're looking for new growth for new things coming out. So dandelions and 

[00:36:29] Tiffany Bader: burdock. Yeah. They love that. Wherever, not in I'm, this isn't a blanket. If you wanna get a bear look for dandelions and burdock, but in that particular spot, y the spruce tips had to be just so and dandelions and burdock, and we just kept seeing bears in the same spot, same elevation.

[00:36:44] Travis Bader: So I think the biggest misconception is, is hunting is all about the. Hmm. It, it could be, it could be, uh, a bow, right? Uh, but there's so much more to it. It's outdoor survival. It's navigation. It's, it's all of the things that, that make it up. And even on the firearm side, I mean, there's, there's a huge mental aspect to it.

[00:37:06] And those are the people who do well if they're a competitive shooter, if they're just looking to be a good marksman, a good shot, that mental side is huge. And that's got nothing to do with the, the gun. And then there's all the other sides to it. I mean, if you want to go long distance with stuff, there's math that can go into it, and there's muscle memory.

[00:37:27] But I, I guess that would probably be where I'd say the biggest misconception is. Yeah. 

[00:37:31] Tiffany Bader: I agree. Okay. There you go. We agreed on something Awesome. 

[00:37:34] Travis Bader: That's Communication 101. Um, Nicholas Johnson from the gun blog ca, episode 66 and 91. I like Nicholas. I do too. I, I mean, he's, he's a consummate professional.

[00:37:51] He's, uh, this is what he does. He's worked in for organizations in the media outlet of a very high level and a very high ranking. He, he's very professional what he does. And when you're looking at information on his blog, you know, you're not getting some, some knee-jerk reaction or some rhetoric. He puts thought into everything he does.

[00:38:12] So, um, if you don't already follow it, follow it gun He says, he's got my questions in order of priority number one. How has a podcast changed you? Ooh, that's interesting. And number two, how have you changed the podcast? How has a podcast changed me? Well, for me, this isn't natural. It never has been.

[00:38:34] I've never wanted my face or my voice to be on the forefront, to be out there. Uh, I've always worked at building other people up, either within the company or, or what have you, because my goal is always to build a process within the company, watch it, watch it grow, and be independent of me. I've never wanted to be solely tied to something.

[00:38:55] Uh, but I realized a while ago that it was time for me to ha where I had to step up and start putting my face out there and start putting my voice out there. So the podcast has changed me by, um, I'm, I'm not an extrovert, I'm an introvert. By, by the definition of being in a group of people doesn't give me energy.

[00:39:17] It actually drains energy. I've gotta perform. Uh, it's changed me to how I speak. Like when I first started this podcast, holy Crow, you listen to like episode one, two, it would take me forever to edit them. Every, um, every awe I'd take out. I have some guess. Oh, okay. I'll just say, Hey Brian, 

[00:39:38] Tiffany Bader: I didn't think you'd 

[00:39:39] Travis Bader: name him.

[00:39:41] He's got a speech pattern, which I'd noticed. Here you go. Just a little one before every single sentence. I would take that out, scrub the whole thing. Now I realize done is better than perfect. I work on, I work on what I'm saying, so that it's got hopefully the most concise way of bringing a meaningful impact.

[00:40:07] And it's really opened my eyes to different ways of doing things. Like, you have to leave your preconceptions at the door because people will come in with some just crazy angles at things that make sense, that are crazy from your, from my perception or from my perspective of how I've always done things.

[00:40:25] So I, it's, uh, I, I'd say that's been a very positive change. What would you say? 

[00:40:31] Tiffany Bader: Yeah. I, I think from an outsider's standpoint, looking in, you've been doing Silvercore since 94, basically. Mm. Teaching the farm safety course, building the business day in, day out, grinding it out and throwing everything at it.

[00:40:48] And that's a long time for you to be like, you can get super hyper focused on things, but that's like really, really long for you to be super hyper focused on something. And you know, there's been challenges along the way that kind of like, It took a little bit of wind outta your sails and it, it, you know, this podcast has reinvigorated you and just shown you that there's a lot of positive people in the industry, a lot of people that believe in the same things you believe in and wanna bring you up and you wanna bring them up.

[00:41:27] And, uh, for me, that's, that's been huge. It's such a massive positive outlet for you. And, um, yeah. 

[00:41:36] Travis Bader: Yeah. And you know, the podcast is here because, uh, the range Langley, Dustin says Trav, I've been watching this guy Gary Vanerchuk. He says, everyone's gotta be a media company. You got, you gotta start some sort of a media company.

[00:41:51] I'm like, I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that. Uh, who is this Gary Vanerchuk guy? So I check him out. I don't like this guy. Right. Well, after a while it's like, okay, I, I see how he's got a different approach to getting this message out, but his message, message is one of positivity. Um, Ryan, you know, talking with him and I say, you know, there, there is a lot of negativity that's around the firearms industry.

[00:42:18] And he says, and we're talking about different things and really laying different stories, and he says, maybe, maybe you gotta change the type of people that you're hanging around. And I thought, Interesting. Yes. So we use a podcast for that. Who do I see that's doing things well within the industry and doing it from a position of positivity?

[00:42:39] Because it is a low barrier to entry industry. And which means if there's a propensity to be able to make money and that barrier is low, then you're gonna get all different types of people who might not have the same, uh, morals, ethics, standards, acumen, what have you. The same experiences as somebody who's, uh, maybe a higher barrier to entry industry.

[00:43:02] So that's why the podcast is born. How do we find positivity? How do we surround ourselves with it? How do we share that with others? Uh, so that's changed me for sure. Yeah. And you know, the circles of people that you meet, like, that's so cool. The fact that we're getting questions from the community on this, the fact that people are, um, that the guests are interacting with each other and the, uh, that's cool.

[00:43:26] And the audience is interacting with the guests and just growing. That's pretty darn cool. Yep. I wouldn't say I did that, but I'm like, the fact that I, we've had that small part in making that happen. Part of the, the 

[00:43:38] Tiffany Bader: web. 

[00:43:38] Travis Bader: Yeah. How have I changed the podcast? Well, let's see. I've painted the walls paint.

[00:43:43] Yeah, painted the walls. I made some frames. Sound panels made. This little table here, tables 

[00:43:49] Tiffany Bader: behind us. I think you've built some confidence in yourself to push beyond hunting and fishing and firearms, 

[00:43:56] Travis Bader: but always in a way that has. Tied to it. Totally. Uh, I don't know how else to answer. How have I changed the podcast, but yeah.

[00:44:05] I don't know. But I, but I think it's the direction where we originally started just talking. Mind you, I always knew from square one that we wanted to branch out further. Yeah. But knew we needed to get our toe, just dip that toe in the pool and get it. Just start. Okay. I think you're up. Okay. 

[00:44:22] Tiffany Bader: Let's see. Uh, on the surface, I thought Silvercore was one thing, a gun club.

[00:44:28] In reality though, Silvercore offers a lot more. Can you speak to the importance of shaking reputations good or bad from unknown? 

[00:44:36] Travis Bader: We got a lot of, lot of unknowns here. I wonder if it's all the same. Unknown. Yeah. Um, on the surface was a gun club. That's what they thought. Uh, shaking reputations, 

[00:44:46] Tiffany Bader: uh, speak to the importance of shaking reputations good or bad.

[00:44:51] Travis Bader: Yeah. You don't wanna get pigeonholed into anything. I know. I don't. I mean, the idea of staying in your lane doesn't appeal to me. If there's something that you really enjoy and you want to move towards, I, that lane can be as wide as you want it to be and still encompass whatever is in that lane. And the beauty of having your own business, you got it.

[00:45:15] And being, having a, a federal club, I mean, originally it was the Silvercore Gun Club. Mm-hmm. People probably notice it's not called a Silvercore Gun Club anymore, but it's called the Silvercore Club. Yeah. And there's a reason for that. And we are growing and it's growing. Past Canada and throughout North America and, and, and beyond.

[00:45:32] And it's still remains the same nonprofit, but with the concept of how do we get people outside and how do we build a positive community? More 

[00:45:42] Tiffany Bader: value. Right. Always adding more value. The Amazon model you like to say, right? Right. Give more, just 

[00:45:49] Travis Bader: what more can he give? Yep. Um, so I, I think it's important to, uh, to not, what do they say if you're not growing, you're dying?

[00:45:58] Um, well, I I, I do think that there has to be a level of adaptability. The world's changing. Yep. Things change. Circumstances, politics change, people's, uh, priorities tend to change, and you have to be able to roll with that if you want to see what it is that you're doing to survive through it. People who often say, oh, hunting and fishing is a dying activity, or firearms are a dying activity.

[00:46:22] I don't think that necessarily has to be the case. They're just not. Maybe the way that they've looked at it in the past might be an antiquated model, but it just says, Shane Mahoney from Pa Pa, past podcast guests said, you can get in the river, you can put your hands up and you can start trying to push the water upstream and you're never gonna win.

[00:46:44] But if you can find something that's floating down the river and jump on it, you're still in the river and you're helping direct the flow. You can take whatever it is that you are interested in and you're passionate about, and use that river in order to reach greater places. 

[00:46:59] Tiffany Bader: I who wants to live or, or run a business in a world where you feel like you have no ability to make changes or make things better.

[00:47:08] Mm-hmm. I mean, that's just like, why would you bother? 

[00:47:10] Travis Bader: Mm-hmm. And throughout the process, I've always done it in the same way. I put the blinders on, I look at what I think is gonna be important. If I always asked the same group that we've had along the way, I'd always get the same answers. And you're then stuck in a necklace chamber.

[00:47:29] And so my goal is always to be outside of an echo chamber because if we're off course, I want to be able to feel that. Right? Yep. 

[00:47:40] Tiffany Bader: Your question I think, is it up to me now? It is up to you now. Okay. 

[00:47:45] Travis Bader: Greg Grins make Kyle Stetler of Wild Sheep Society awesome organization. There talk is Sheep Talk is Sheep podcast.

[00:47:53] If you're in a sheep, listen to it. If you aren't into sheep, listen to it. Yeah. If you're just into hunting outdoors, I mean, they got a fantastic podcast, very popular. And while Sheep Society's doing some pretty cool things for the outdoors in general, uh, that was episode 46 that they were on. Uh, Kyle says, great job on the podcast.

[00:48:12] Keep up the fantastic work. Thank you Kyle. Greg says, I enjoy the mix of guests you have on it. It's a great variety. We are striving to do similar with talk is sheep. One thing that I look for and something that is difficult but can pay off is recording in the field. I don't mean anything specific, but outta the studio.

[00:48:33] So you can feed off your guest energy from whatever is going on at the time. It's risky with re risk, but with risk. There is reward just my 2 cents. And he says, congrats on closing it on episode 100. That's a big deal. I look forward to listening to it. So yeah, it is risky to record in the field. And since bringing cameras into this and realizing that not everybody consumes their podcasts just through the audio that they also like to watch the video and putting it up on YouTube, that's a whole new dynamic.

[00:49:04] Thankfully though Canon in, uh, Richmond has helped us out with a number of cameras that are pretty top shelf, that have small enough and robust enough that we can take in the field. We did do one strictly on battery power out at the, uh, hunting Shack, and that was with, uh, repeated podcast guests, Paul Ballard, and we're talking about flying hunts.

[00:49:26] Um, man, that guy's a wealth of knowledge. Yep, yep. And he's got a great podcasting voice, I swear he works on that. Yes. So, uh, that was complete battery power for the cameras, for the lights, for the, uh, for the microphones Also, uh, I'm Trevor Public over at, I, I took a remote kit over there, so I've had a little bit of experience recording remotely.

[00:49:52] Mind you, we were able to plug in for that. There will be some campfire chats on the podcast, I'm sure in the future around the campfire. Hopefully we don't destroy all the equipment in the process. Everyone's tripping over cords in the dark. But that is some of the goals to take it out remote in the field.

[00:50:09] The easiest way would just bring the recorder, but I don't know if I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it right and I'm gonna have everything there. 

[00:50:17] Tiffany Bader: You're also kind of terrible about, um, I shouldn't say terrible. You're really good about not ruining a good hunting trip or fishing trip. Yeah. You, you don't, you don't wanna walk out of, uh, your waiters and sit on the side of a river when you could be trying to catch a steelhead.

[00:50:34] Right. 

[00:50:35] Travis Bader: Yeah. Case in point, we've had the gear out on a number of different trips. Mm-hmm. And it's stayed packed because so many times, you know, having too much fun. I'd rather live in the moment. Totally. But if I can plan something specifically that we're gonna do Yeah. We'll we're going to do that. Yeah.

[00:50:50] Tiffany Bader: Okay. My question now, I guess. Yeah. Okay. Um. Can you speak to being in business with your wife? Would love to hear both sides, how you've structured a successful business together and seem to still see, I love this, seem to still get along this damn unknown. 

[00:51:11] Travis Bader: Uh, yeah. Uh, being in business with your wife, it's just, you know, one thing I would tell everybody is don't get into business with friends or family.

[00:51:19] Yeah. Mind you, sometimes it happens. Yeah. So luckily we spend enough time together to really ensure that we are the type of people that are compatible, that we want to be with each other. And we are always open to reasonable persuasion. Even if we feel that our thoughts are a hundred percent banging on and there could be no other right way, we'll hear the other person out and we'll listen to their perception and their perspective.

[00:51:50] And oftentimes that process will either convince, convince me that perhaps I was wrong, or through the process, convince you that Wait a minute, as I'm going through this and saying it out loud, maybe there's a couple of points within my, with not wrong, 

[00:52:07] Tiffany Bader: but just less than less. You didn't say wrong. 

[00:52:11] Travis Bader: Wrong.

[00:52:12] Yeah. Yeah. That and every single morning, yeah. We'll get up and we'll talk. Yeah. Okay. What are the plans? What are we doing with the family, the kids? What's a week looking like? What's a day looking. Uh, what are we looking like for business? 

[00:52:23] Tiffany Bader: I think it also helps that we have spheres of influence within the business.

[00:52:29] You know, you, I, I'm not the entrepreneur in this, in this relationship. I am not the dreamer. I'm not the the one that gets up and motivates everybody. I, I deal with a certain side of the business. Um, and I think that probably, hopefully is a good match for your, like, never ending thoughts and, and, you know, ideas for how to drive business.

[00:52:57] Travis Bader: Yeah. And that just comes down to trust that we trust each other. We trust that the other person's got the, got their job function. Mm-hmm. And, and it doesn't hurt that we've got a great support team all around us as well. Everyone at Silvercore that's doing their thing, they're passionate about what they do, and they genuinely care about what they do.

[00:53:12] Mm-hmm. So, I mean, that all helps. And sometimes, sometimes we're not always that lucky. Right? It's, um, and that's a, that's a learning pro process. But as, uh, uh, Lucas Hok said in this podcast, you gotta know when to pull weed sometimes. So being able to identify, uh, areas that perhaps aren't bringing us positivity, rather the inverse might be true.

[00:53:39] Learning how to pull that, identify it quickly and either correct or pull it. Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:53:43] Tiffany Bader: For sure. Yeah. Um, okay, 

[00:53:46] Travis Bader: so it's on me. Is it, it's. Mark Kenya, episode 97, wired Hunt podcast, one of the, uh, meat eater folk there. Resident whitetail guy. Man, I love Mark. I love his energy. I love his passion for what he does.

[00:54:01] And he's, you know, he's real. I, he's, yeah, he's not one of these glorified, he is a hero in what he does, but he's not one of these like action figure heroes that always shows the shiny side up. Yeah. Which is nice to see. Yeah. Yeah. So he'll, he'll show his successes, he'll show his failures. He brings people along and he's got a North star and he can see it.

[00:54:27] Just talking with them, interacting with him, even just watching him on his social media, there's something bigger than himself that he's always chasing. His family's important and what's being left behind for his family in this world is very important. And so his actions all work towards that, and I think that's quite inspirational.

[00:54:44] Mm-hmm. He says What insider lesson from a guest over the first 100 episodes has most inspired or changed your own life? Damn, mark, that's a good question. And I don't know if I can single out one thing. Like if I look at Colin Doller and his iron will to survive, he's in Mexico right now. I don't know.

[00:55:13] Well, probably not now. All this thing's air. Mauled by a grizzly bear, horrific injuries like horrific. And he is able to fight it off with his pocket knife and get on his bike and pedal it with one good foot. I think it was seven kilometers or so. Yeah. That's, that's the part that always gets me holy crow.

[00:55:36] I mean, the amount of, uh, tenacity that he had in that situation and continues ahead and, and continues to have, and now he's taking others out who've been through horrific accidents or injuries and he's taking the mountaineering and overcoming, um, massive obstacles and he's using what he knows to, to grow.

[00:55:55] Like, like that's hugely inspirational. Uh, guy Kramer, I mean, just brilliant individual. I think he's, uh, he's outta town at the moment, but, um, uh, you know, no university education, uh, no, no real formal background in inventing, but the things that he's coming up with, like he invented the invisible cloak.

[00:56:16] Holy crap. Like I laughed when I, when he first heard about this, but he brings it in. Yeah. It's a lenticular lens array with a, a special viscous fluid in the middle that, uh, will refract light in such a way that whatever's behind it immediately behind it disappears. And behind that it's, uh, is visible.

[00:56:34] It's literally what people look for. And in an invisible cloak. And that was neat. What're to do with a podcast. And he keeps looking at his watch, and I think this is podcast, like two or three. And I'm just learning the process and I'm like, finally I paused. I'm like, look it, I'm sorry. If you gotta go, let me know.

[00:56:51] It looks like, looks like I'm blowing it here. You got other things to do? And he's like, no, not Trav, just getting text messages coming through on my watch here. That was Fox News there. You know, this is another news source. And he's like, you're the first person who's breaking this story on the, uh, on the invisible cloak.

[00:57:06] I tried to sell it to different armies. No one's picked it up, so now it's going public. But his ability to do what other people think is impossible. He never said an invisible cloak is impossible. He just said, why not? Let's do it. Like everybody. Sean, what you're doing, Sean Taylor, uh, X jtf two, what he's pushed through and now new areas that he's pushing into.

[00:57:31] Said what you're doing, Jay, like I don't wanna single anybody out, son. I mean, watching you fight your bare knuckle boxing, your first pro bare Nole podcast. That's crazy, man. I remember when, uh, it was, uh, yourself and your opponent and prior to the fight and Tiff you looked, he was like, oh my God, I'm a little worried for Sonny.

[00:57:50] Yeah. He's gonna get killed. That's right. This guy looks crazy. And I said, yeah. You know, I, I don't think you know Sonny. Right? Yeah. And said, said that right off the bat. Even the announcers as he's going in, they're like, ah, he looks like he belongs in the office. Right. Um, look at this pretty boy coming 

[00:58:09] Tiffany Bader: in.

[00:58:09] They changed their tune 

[00:58:10] Travis Bader: pretty quickly though. They sure did. And all, all of our guests have been people who have said, why not? I want to push a little bit further. And yeah. So I don't know if there's any one individual person, mark, but I think it's a cumulative effect and each and every person builds on it.

[00:58:29] And it just reinforces in my mind how much positivity there is out there and how much we can accomplish when we start surrounding ourself with the right mindset and the right people. Yeah, 

[00:58:42] Tiffany Bader: totally. Okay, next question is from Brock Fisher. Hey Brock. Hey Brock. Uh, if you could hunt one animal for the rest of your life, what are you picking?

[00:58:53] Come on, Brock. I know that's, that's what I thought. I'm like, uh, yeah, no, I'm, I'm 

[00:58:57] Travis Bader: not, I don't know. I mean, is it like, based on what, on, on the flavor and which animal you like to eat the most on? The ease of getting it, if it's a story, the difficulty 

[00:59:10] Tiffany Bader: of a challenge. He didn't say, what kind of meat do you want to eat for the rest of your life?

[00:59:13] So what, what you could hunt one animal. So I, I don't think the meat is what he's talking about. I think he's like the enjoyment of the hunt, 

[00:59:23] Travis Bader: huh? Well, for enjoyment of the hunt, I mean, People will go and they'll book time off of work and they'll go on a hunting trip and they'll see something on day one and they're like, yeah, maybe they'll hold off.

[00:59:38] Right? Maybe they'll give it a few and then they'll see nothing for the rest of the week and be kicking themselves in the butt. And the old saying is a shooter on day one is a shooter on day seven. Right? Or a shooter on day, whatever. Um, but the reason people do that is not because they're hoping to get something bigger and better.

[00:59:56] Predominantly I've found is because they just got out there. And the idea of the hunt isn't necessarily the animal. It's being out there and learning about the environment and learning about the, the, the, how the animals move and being in tune with nature. I don't think I could pick one animal. I don't think I could just say this is the one animal that I'd want to continue to hunt.

[01:00:19] Uh, and it's the only one cuz I do require, excuse me. I do require that diversity. How about you Tiff? 

[01:00:30] Tiffany Bader: I like bear hunting in the spring because I can wear a t-shirt. That's pretty cool. And the last year we got a bear in the morning and then we're picking morels in the afternoon. That was a pretty cool experience.

[01:00:43] Mm-hmm. But I don't think I'd pick bear as like the one animal to hunt. There is that added level of interest. And I guess stress a little bit too. Is that the animal you're hunting? Potentially hunting you as well. Yeah. 

[01:00:59] Travis Bader: Yeah. I remember that grizzly. Oh 

[01:01:01] Tiffany Bader: my god. Yeah. No, that wasn't fun. That scared the 

[01:01:04] Travis Bader: bejesus enemy.

[01:01:05] Yeah, that was last year. That was, uh, oh my God. How close did 

[01:01:08] Tiffany Bader: that one get? That was like, it was too close. I don't know. I'd say like 30, 40 yards maybe. Uh, like max. But it just, should we tell the story? Sure. Sorry, Brock, we're not gonna answer your question. Bear's not my answer. I'd say me this if I, if I had to answer something.

[01:01:25] Travis Bader: Okay. Yeah. Yeah. The grizzly bear. So that was an interesting one. We're, um, we're actually coming down out of location, thinking we'd head to another place. Um, we see a deer on the road actually on a logging. That was cool. Yeah, it was pretty cool actually. You can go at my Instagram account, you can see a video clip of it and, um, just kept coming closer and closer.

[01:01:47] Small buck. Yeah. And, um, and I've got a, uh, a little dough call and it's like, I'll get a little call, it kind of comes in, give it a call. It kind of comes in closer. Like, this is, this is pretty cool. I mean, deer where it opened, but I kept hearing a sound off in the distance and it kind of sounded, uh, elk like, right.

[01:02:06] Tiffany Bader: It was, yeah, it was weird. Yeah. 

[01:02:08] Travis Bader: Yeah. Sort of a sound like that. As, as I called back, I'm like, we're not in an area that's really elk. Right. It's, I mean, it's, it's not known for it. And, and it kept getting closer and closer, like, oh, this is me. So I call it calls, I call it calls. And you hear the way it's moving through the bush.

[01:02:28] I'm like, oh, okay. That's a bear. That, that's big. Yeah. It's, that's bear. That's a big bear. We're looking for bear. And, uh, couldn't you hear it getting closer and closer? And we're looking and we're looking and all of a sudden in this one spot that was a little bit open in the trees, you see this flash of Tawny color, right?

[01:02:49] Yeah. And your brain's trying to process this, right? Because you've got deer that was on the road that just went off into the side, into the bushes. This tawny color is kind of deer colored. But no, that was fur. Like that wasn't, that was like longer hair. 

[01:03:01] Tiffany Bader: We, it, I remember thinking it was that a cougar that was like the biggest cougar I've ever seen in my life.

[01:03:06] Right. 

[01:03:07] Travis Bader: And the way it moved was just a flash of it. Yeah. It was so fast. And then keep making the noises and then you can hear it moving back. Moving back and it just runs right out into the open right towards us. Big old grizzly bear. Yep. So yeah, it does have that added, um, what you're hunting can hunt you.

[01:03:27] And of course we can't hunt grizzly beer fair here in bc. Um, but that was an interesting experience. 

[01:03:35] Tiffany Bader: Yeah, it was. Uh, I was, I was shaken for a while. 

[01:03:41] Travis Bader: Yeah. Okay. Um,

[01:03:47] interesting. Such a i think Silvercore episode 86, extreme ownership. So, such. Got it in his sight. He's gonna run across Canada and he's raising money for the Honor house. The Honor house is a place that helps first responders and military, um, out dealing with, with all sorts of issues. And they've got, um, uh, got a fantastic organization.

[01:04:12] So he's been progressively doing more and more long distance endurance runs, phrasing awareness, and raising money, and he's doing it selflessly for them. Pretty cool guy. Uh, he says, who is your most memorable guest and who do you wish to have on your 200, 200th episode? I think for most memorable guest, I can't, it's like saying, who's your favorite child?

[01:04:37] And honestly, I don't have a favorite child. Right. Who's your favorite guest? I can tell you who my worst. I'm just kidding. 

[01:04:45] Tiffany Bader: I was like, don't do that. 

[01:04:48] Travis Bader: Uh, yes. I one right now. Uh, who do you wish to have on your 200th episode? Well, I think I'm sitting across from the person I'd like to have on the 200th episode.

[01:04:56] Nice. Thank you. Here we go. 

[01:04:58] Tiffany Bader: Here we go. Okay. Uh, my favorite Instagram handle, uh, Mr. Meat Showerer. 

[01:05:06] Travis Bader: Oh, yes. 

[01:05:07] Tiffany Bader: Uh, asks, Silvercore provides so much for the gun community. What's next up on the list? 

[01:05:14] Travis Bader: Well watch the website. Yeah. So hopefully launch day is gonna coincide with this. There might be some delays. I mean, we are almost a year delayed from the last launch date, so I'm putting it within the reasonable realm of expectation that there could be delays.

[01:05:32] That being said, uh, we're pretty damn close. Yeah. So what's next? Uh, it's gonna be something that's gonna be bringing value to all of our members and hopefully, uh, growing the community, hunting, fishing, outdoors, firearms, hiking. Mm-hmm. Camping the outdoors community, uh, into a much larger thing than what it currently is.

[01:05:59] And 

[01:05:59] Tiffany Bader: with Travis, you never really know what's gonna happen next either. Yeah. Yeah. We might open up like, I don't know, like a pitch and put or something. 

[01:06:10] Travis Bader: Half the time. I don't know what's coming next. Yeah, don't, can I do it? Pretty 

[01:06:12] Tiffany Bader: much? As long as it's fun. 

[01:06:18] Travis Bader: Um, so Al Arsenal retired Vancouver police, episode 83 Street Proof, your martial art, bit of a legend in the, in his industry.

[01:06:29] Uh, very cool guy. Always fun talking with you. Al, kudos to your good work. You're a great interviewer who places guests at ease. Many people are uncomfortable being filmed or interviewed. You have the ability to draw out the best in them. Keep it up Al. Huh? Thanks Al. I actually didn't read that ahead of time.

[01:06:50] I thought there's a question coming. Thanks, Al, I appreciate that. Okay, t up to you. Okay. 

[01:06:57] Tiffany Bader: Uh, how do you stay focused and organized with a, this is a question by Tiffany beater. How do you stay focused and organized with ADHD when your biz has many branches? Uh, 

[01:07:08] Travis Bader: who was that your question? 

[01:07:09] Tiffany Bader: No, it's not. I didn't write any of these.

[01:07:11] I dunno who wrote that. It says unknown. It doesn't have anything actually. 

[01:07:14] Travis Bader: Um, you know, some people will journal. I just use the, the notes app and the, uh, the calendar app and I write things down. And when it comes to my mind of something that needs to be worked on, I'll write it down. And the biggest thing is having people around me who are able to fill in the gaps of areas where I know I'm weaker deficient.

[01:07:36] So being able to easily recognize where you're weak, surround yourself with those who can compliment that, so that I can double down on the areas where I'm strong, which is part of the reason why the relationship here has worked out so well. 

[01:07:52] Tiffany Bader: Yeah, there's a lot of awesome ideas and you tell me and I think.

[01:08:00] How are we gonna execute this? And then you're off to the next awesome idea and then go from there. And usually I see 

[01:08:05] Travis Bader: execution as a, the execution piece. I see all of that fairly easily. Mm-hmm. You'll say, I don't see how this ties in with everything else. I don't see, hold on, stop. Slow down. Okay. Explain it to me.

[01:08:17] What do they call it? Explain as if I'm five eif. Right. Explain it 

[01:08:20] Tiffany Bader: like a five. Yeah. Are you, are you suggesting that I'm the five year old in the 

[01:08:25] Travis Bader: relationship? No, but you will help me condense the thoughts into something that'll be able to, uh, be in, essentially if we're in an elevator doing the elevator pitch, get on floor one, we're getting off at floor 10, whatever it might be.

[01:08:38] Does it still make sense by the time we get to floor 10? Yeah. And that sort of sounding board, and if it doesn't make sense, okay. Maybe it's not without merit, but maybe it goes on the back burner while we look at other things. Yeah. Cool. Good question. Why don't you go again? Okay. 

[01:08:55] Tiffany Bader: Um, sorry. Let's see here.

[01:08:57] Um, what's the most interesting piece of inside info you're allowed to share about government or military? Who asked this one? I have no idea. There's four questions here. I don't, there's no name on the, any of 

[01:09:10] Travis Bader: them. Okay. Interesting piece about inside information that I'm not allowed to share. 

[01:09:15] Tiffany Bader: That's a loaded question.

[01:09:17] I know what I would say, but I, I, there's no way that's covered out of my mouth. Hmm. There's actually. There's a lot of good stuff, but there is, so guys, 

[01:09:28] Travis Bader: tell you what, why don't I answer that one through upcoming videos in ways that I can put my head towards how I can answer this in a way that makes sense.

[01:09:39] Where I'm not burning things and I'm doing things in a productive way. Yeah. Because if you've got inside information on things, there's one reason for that. And that's based on trust. Yeah. 

[01:09:50] Tiffany Bader: Um, you're not gonna get anymore. Right. Okay. Do you want me to answer or ask another one or 

[01:09:57] Travis Bader: you have one? I got one here from, uh, Jeffrey Thor, dilen French 

[01:10:03] Tiffany Bader: name, uh, French name, 

[01:10:06] Travis Bader: uh, episode 18, the Science of Violence.

[01:10:08] So Jeffrey, super cool guy, local, uh, past Silvercore student, uh, subject matter expert gtd scientific forensic investigation. They predict human injury in any environment. And he was also on TV's Deadliest Warrior. So a lot of people have seen that one. I sure I should have led with that. He should have led with that one.

[01:10:28] Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Why didn't I lead with that? So he's talking about, uh, I think I'd like to know what you think about the sub 500 feet per second velocity. Kinetic projectile pistols for home defense in Canada, since it's under 500 feet per second, it's not a firearm in Canada, but since the projectiles are 0.68 caliber, no weight is given.

[01:10:50] So I cannot calculate kinetic energy or kinetic energy. D. Of course, Jeffrey. Yes. But I plan to measure everything soon. Thoughts on these hokey effective ceiling here. And it goes to 

[01:11:06] Tiffany Bader: I'm getting this question a 

[01:11:08] Travis Bader: lot. Yeah, actually. Um, so does he have anything else? Okay, that's it. So a firearm that's regulated is 500 feet per second, I think is 5.7 jewels of energy that the projectile has to have.

[01:11:22] If it's underneath that, it could still be considered a firearm, just not a regulated firearm, which requires a license and training and background checks and all the rest that go with it. But you can still be charged with a firearm offense. Let's say you take a pellet gun, shoots less and it's lighter, less energy and use it at your local liquor store to hold it up.

[01:11:41] And you're gonna be charged with firearms offenses. So it brings these burner things. I haven't used 'em, but it looks like a paintball gun and it shoots pepper ball essentially. So pepper ball would be a prohibited, specifically named thing in Canada. Consequently, you can have this paintball gun. You can have their training rounds, but you can't have their proprietary pepper balls to then go with it.

[01:12:08] And that's going to, and I guess it's a, they use a powder instead of liquid in there, and they've got both an capsicum as well as a, uh, OC slash CN or CS proprietary kind of tear gas. Uh, round as well. If I understand those things correctly. I've played with pepper ball in the past. You know, pepper spray is as effective as it's carry it, and it's, and then how a person gets it.

[01:12:37] I remember as kids spraying each other just with stuff, and if you inhale it in your lungs, it feels like you're gonna die. You get it in the face. Okay, yeah, that burns. But, you know, I can still function in the lungs. You're coughing up everything in the world. I don't think bringing a paintball gun to a gun fight's a good idea.

[01:12:55] I don't think having welts from a paintball is, uh, an effective defensive tool here in Canada. Maybe the peppers might be of effective thing for, depending on how it disperses for, let's say, predatory animal defense or just kind of keeping them at bay. But even that pepper spray is not going to deter a, um, predatory aggressive, uh, a animal who's, uh, who's attacking you.

[01:13:21] But it'll get the one that's sort of just passively acquiescing and, okay, you, you're more trouble than it's worth my opinion. I'd give it a big thumbs down. And the fact that it looks like a gun can land you into a position which might escalate a, uh, a lethal force situation where it yeah, wouldn't happen before.

[01:13:41] There are far greater things starting with basic situational awareness that I'd be, uh, advocating for before a, uh, a paint. It sounds 

[01:13:52] Tiffany Bader: like the intended use of that product isn't super legal anyway, 

[01:13:58] Travis Bader: right? Well, it was made in the states, and, uh, from a defensive standpoint, you are allowed to defend yourself.

[01:14:03] And that's a funny thing too, like with pepper spray, let's say you just had an oc uh, spray. You can't buy that as something to be used as a defensive mechanism against people. But you can, for bears and for, uh, for other four-legged predators, if you happen to use that on a person, I mean, then there's a whole legal thing that maybe Ian Ronk could op opine on much better than myself not being a legal expert.

[01:14:30] But that's, um, that's essentially my two bits on there. Yeah. 

[01:14:37] Tiffany Bader: Okay. Next question. Let's see here. Sorry, I've lost my spot. Uh, how do you balance raising kids in a digital age, but instilling the importance of the outdoors? I think we talked about that. Yeah. Who, who asked that one? No, no name on these ones.

[01:14:52] Travis Bader: Okay. Done. If you had a name, I'd put some more insight into that. Yeah. 

[01:14:56] Tiffany Bader: Sorry. No name. Uh, what's something you've never gotten used to while hunting or something that took time for you to overcome? 

[01:15:04] Travis Bader: Hmm. Why don't you answer that one, because I think I already know your answer. 

[01:15:08] Tiffany Bader: Well, yeah. My answer's gonna be very different from yours.

[01:15:10] Yeah. Uh, so for any of you, uh, that don't know, I did not grow up outdoors in the same way that Travis did. So, As a, for example, story, Travis and I, and, uh, another person went on a hike one time into his family's cabin. Yeah. And Travis was being nice and let his friend lead us in there. Middle of the night, middle of the night.

[01:15:34] And his friend got us lost. And it was one of the most terrifying nights of my life up to that point. Um, because the thought of sleeping outside with no tent, no idea where we, well, I had no idea where we are. Uh, and just getting in my sleeping bag and I cinched that thing up over my head, like, that was gonna protect me from many sort of animal attack or something, but I, I was not comfortable outside.

[01:16:00] So that's, that's taken me some time. Um, and actually to tie in a past podcast guest Nikki and what she talked about. Mm. Um, I've, I've actually started doing something similar and man, that works like a hot dam. What's that? The, the sort of introduction to yourself, to the outdoors. Right. It's when she said it, I'm like, that sounds kind of silly.

[01:16:26] But then I started thinking about it. I'm like, no, that's a really good idea. Started doing it, I've 

[01:16:31] Travis Bader: noticed. And just so, just so people 

[01:16:34] Tiffany Bader: know what that means. Yeah. Sorry, I'm totally not explaining it. Um, you actually, you might be able to explain 

[01:16:38] Travis Bader: it better. You, so she was taught this and she thought it was hokey as well, uh, until she started doing it.

[01:16:44] She goes out and you're coming from a city environment and you go out into the outdoors and you say, hello Forrest, it's me, Travis, right? Yeah. And you introduce yourself and you go, and she says, all those little brown birds that start chirping you, all the little chipmunks that are chirping away, all the animals that are screwing away because you're bringing this energy in with you, which isn't congruent with the environment that you're currently in.

[01:17:09] And one step to helping you get on the same energy level as where you're moving to is to just introduce yourself, slow down, sit, observe, and you just start, the animals start ignoring you. You's just something extra in there that they don't see as a threat. Yeah. So I think that's what you're, yeah. And 

[01:17:30] Tiffany Bader: I've started doing it when I go for a hike on my own, when we go hunting, like every single time.

[01:17:36] First thing I do when I get out there is I do that and I've, it's a massive, massive difference in, in how I like, I don't get nervous. I enjoy being outside so much more. I notice, like you said, with the animals, I just, so many more interactions with animals, I feel like I'm just part of the system instead of being a terrified observer.

[01:17:59] Isn't 

[01:18:00] Travis Bader: it funny? How's that sort of, it's crazy. Mental wave link. People would say, wow, that's a little hooey. This little hokey. Yeah. It's a reason why the Silvercore podcast expands past just the, the how to. But we talk about these sort of things, you know, it might might not be for everybody, but, um, but I think there's something to it.

[01:18:18] Yeah. 

[01:18:20] Tiffany Bader: Um, so the thing that I've never gotten used to while hunting, I don't know, I don't know what I'd say about never gotten used to. I actually, I'm, I'm surprised how used to so much of the process of all, all the little steps of hunting. That's, it's just, man, it's just clicked. Yeah. I love it. I like the whole process.

[01:18:47] I love it. 

[01:18:49] Travis Bader: Yeah. And I don't, I don't know how to answer that question cuz there's nothing that I can think of that I've never gotten used to, um, cold 

[01:18:56] Tiffany Bader: maybe in the mornings. 

[01:18:57] Travis Bader: That even even that, I, I just, I still struggle. I I just know that's part of the process. Yeah. Right. And I'm used to it and I know it ahead of time and I just, I enjoy it.

[01:19:08] I mean, that's, that's that type two fun. I might not enjoy it in the moment, but you know, it's temporary. 

[01:19:13] Tiffany Bader: Yeah. You're better than me though. Getting up in the 

[01:19:15] Travis Bader: morning, remember that? That's gonna be a sound clip. We'll just take that getting in the morning for, 

[01:19:19] Tiffany Bader: we'll get it framed. Yes. We'll get it, uh, put on a pillow.

[01:19:23] There you go. Yep. 

[01:19:26] Travis Bader: Okay. Um. 

[01:19:28] Tiffany Bader: That's the end of my question. So I rest 

[01:19:30] Travis Bader: her with you, Nick Bitch and Nick, episode 61, mercenary is an augmented reality. So Nick, cool guy, he's an entrepreneur, he's always, so I met him and Dominica on a course that I was teaching out in Vancouver many, many years ago. And I thought, holy cow, who are these people?

[01:19:48] Right? They're Dominica, she's got an energy level to her that's, uh, that's really unique. That's really cool. It's contagious. And uh, uh, Nick, the thing that's things he was talking about, he helicopter pilot who's, uh, um, just his schooling, his military career is, uh, the different things he's interested in.

[01:20:11] He says, uh, at the end of this basic safety course, like 20 something years ago, he says, uh, is there any more advanced courses I can take? I'm, I'm really interested in this. And I jokingly said, oh, you know, there's a zero to hero mercenary course he can take out. I think the shooting Edge is hosting it.

[01:20:27] They got a group coming in and they're, uh, uh, it's one week shows you how to use a gun and then people can apply to work as a private military contractor overseas, right? And oh, okay. So he calls him up and says, Hey, can I come for free if I bring a film crew with me? Like, does he do filming? Not really, but he's said, why not?

[01:20:47] Right? I will, I'll do it. So then that took him through that chorus. That was kind of neat. Then next thing you know, he is over in. Uh, Sierra Leon, he is over in areas of Europe. He's talking with, um, uh, Blackwater and, uh, he puts out a movie called Shadow Company. You can watch it. It's online. It's fantastic.

[01:21:04] It was awesome. Yeah, he's got Gerard Butler doing the narrration because he's, I think Gerard Butler owed him a favor. They know each other for somewhere. It's just interesting fellow. Anyways, uh, his question, um, congratulations. If you don't think it'll get too political, I'd like to ask something like, 

[01:21:22] Tiffany Bader: ask political question 

[01:21:23] Travis Bader: here.

[01:21:24] Thank you. Any people will notice. I tend to stay away from the politics more or less in this podcast unless I can find a positive way to speak about it. Um, Travis, you're an entrepreneur, a responsible gun owner, and have a ton of experience teaching firearm safety. What would you advise the US government to address, uh, do to address the repeating cycle of gun violence in schools?

[01:21:48] Wow. So that is a, uh, a podcast into itself, and that's a question that'll never be answered really, because there's just too many different facets to it. However, when we talked earlier about hunting and firearms and what's a misconception and how people will make that gun the object of their. I think the same thing applies here.

[01:22:10] I think when we talk about gun violence, we're talking about violence. The fact that the user word gun violence is a way to be able to statistically track something and create policy around, or create more policy around, if they wanna call it knife violence or car violence or Jerry can guy violence, gas, violence, right?

[01:22:32] Um, I think most people can come to terms with the fact that if you remove that object that you're looking at completely, let's say we remove guns completely from the picture, guns aren't available. Have we solved the problem? I'd say the answer is no. There's a reason why the problem is happening anyways.

[01:22:54] The firearm just happens to be something that has a fairly high rate of lethality associated with it, and it's got a very emotional connection. And that connection is built through media. Whether we watch movies and people glorify the gun or demonize a gun, it's built through, um, news cycles cuz that's, we know this is something that's gonna be, uh, uh, getting people's attention.

[01:23:19] Um, if we remove that gun completely, have we address a problem. No. And I think addressing whatever that root cause might be is an important factor. I personally don't believe that everybody has a God-given right to own a firearm because some people might be just terrible at life. The best predictor of future performance is past performance.

[01:23:43] And if they have a past performance history of not being a responsible individual of having violence issues, mental health issues, what have you, I think there should be checks and balances in there. And I think there should be a conversation that's had and accepted and being able to, uh, to work further towards whatever that root cause might be.

[01:24:05] And if that be in schools quick and easy, being able to call things out and say, look, it looks like you're having problems. Let's address it. Let's have a process to be able to take you through. Um, there's a, uh, a Dr. Bruce Alexander. He's, I think he's in North Vancouver. Uh, I'd like to have him, right guy.

[01:24:21] Yeah, I'd like to have him on the podcast at some point. Haven't reached out to him, but he popularizes theory and it was to do with drugs. And they would take a rat and they'd put into a cage and they'd give him two water bottles, one with water, one with laced with opiates or some other narcotic. And they find that this rat, by and large, over and over again would choose the drug laced water over the regular water, become addicted and die.

[01:24:50] And they use that as a means to say, look at how bad drugs are. And this Bruce Alexander Guy says, well, hold on a second. How would you act if you were put into a cage and you had access to nothing and all you were given these two water bottles? What a depressing life you would have. What do you have to live for?

[01:25:07] Like, why wouldn't you want to overstimulate yourself in these different ways that would eventually lead to this negative outcome? What if we made a rat park? What if we gave 'em all other rats to play with and toys and food and all this stuff that they can have in this great park? And he found that by and large, the rats avoided the drug laced water, and they went to the normal water bottle.

[01:25:32] Some, apparently, in his words, would still like to party, but they, they wouldn't abuse it to the point of death. Yeah. Now, the repeatability of his studies, uh, has, from what I understand, come into question because it's not a hundred percent and all the rest. Well, what he did do is he opened up the conversation about harm reduction.

[01:25:57] Yeah. And he really helped drive that one home. Why are we looking at demonizing? They say, let's get rid of all the drugs and we won't have drugs anymore. That's work. Right. Well throw 'em in jail. Well, you know, the easiest place for these guys to get drugs was in jail. Yeah. So if that's not working, if what we've done in the past hasn't, has led us to where we are now, what's to make us think that doubling down on that is going to make it better?

[01:26:22] Blaming 

[01:26:23] Tiffany Bader: the guns is. Right. And I, I think, I think the States is, is winning at like a lot of stuff, but I think they really need to take good hard look at a lot of things within their, their culture and, and their, you know, their systems of education and, and it's just, it's a hot mess. It's so bad. And without looking at all those things and looking at why families are falling apart and why their education system's so terrible and, and why people feel like they don't have any other option than, than to take a firearm out and shoot a bunch of people, I think unless they address those rude issues, it, it just, I mean, how do you explain how a kid does, goes out and kills a bunch of their peers?

[01:27:09] Right. That's, that's not an easy question, 

[01:27:12] Travis Bader: you know, uh, Dave Grossman past podcast cast, he wrote the book on killing, on Combat, on Hunting is another one. And he points to the disassociation between, uh, how death has become a closed door activity. Yeah. And where it used to be, people would see the animals and they understood the circle of life.

[01:27:34] That's all behind closed doors, open caskets and the rest tend to be cremations and behind closed doors. And there's a disassociation. And he's a, a learned individual, although some of his thoughts have come under, um, criticism as well. I, I think he raises some very valid points. I would say, you know, mother Teresa not often quoted, but says, if you want to change the world, go home and love your family.

[01:28:03] Yeah. And I think that core value is something that creates community. Mm-hmm. Which helps mitigate the end result. Like I, there is no ultimate answer here. And Nick, yeah, this is kind of a, uh, it's a, and it's an excellent question and I'd love to talk with you about this on the podcast cuz you're damn smart.

[01:28:30] So I'd love to hear, hear your, uh, your take on it so we move on. Sure. Okay. You've got no more? I don't have any more, no. I thought you had one from Dave Qatar 

[01:28:39] Tiffany Bader: in there. I, uh, ooh, maybe I do. Yeah, I thought these Oh yeah, sorry. I think, I think some are, some of these are repeated so lemme just double check.

[01:28:50] Yeah. Sorry, I have a bunch more questions. Um, some of these 

[01:28:55] Travis Bader: are done. Hey Dave, you're coming up, apparently. 

[01:28:57] Tiffany Bader: Oh yeah. Dave Katas. Uh, talk about how to find answers for new pal holders. Like what programs or classes are available, where to go to find answers. New people are so confused about what to do and most of the time they make the wrong decision because they listen to their 80 year old uncle for advice.

[01:29:16] There's a bunch of que there's a bunch of questions in here. Does he have 

[01:29:19] Travis Bader: a, what should we address 'em individually? 

[01:29:22] Tiffany Bader: Um, well, let maybe just Yeah. Start with how do find answers for new p holders. 

[01:29:27] Travis Bader: Yeah. Call Lisa. Yeah, there you go. Uh, that's, that's an easy one. I mean, then they got the firearms program.

[01:29:34] Yeah. Um, but, but, but the questions are gonna change, uh, club members. Silvercore Club, that's what it's all about. Phone us up. If we don't have the answer, I'm sure we'll will be able to put you in touch with an expert who does. And we 

[01:29:46] Tiffany Bader: have a fantastic, incredibly detailed and valuable blog through the website that has so much information.

[01:29:53] YouTube videos that have a bunch of stuff. If you have ideas on things that you just don't know, or if there's things that you and your friends did, your pal and you wanna know something, let us know and we can do a new blog or Yeah, do a video and 

[01:30:08] Travis Bader: Yeah. But that's one of the huge benefits of the Silvercore Club.

[01:30:11] A lot of people take advantage of that. It's just at your fingertips. People would say, oh, I'm looking for a lawyer. Do you know one that's a firearms lawyer, right? Yeah. Actually we do know some, right? Mm-hmm. Uh, I'm, I'm looking for, I want to get into this sport. Who would I talk to? That's easy. Go over to here.

[01:30:26] We've, yeah, we've dealt with 'em. They've been good. Yeah. So I, I I got this legal question. Okay. Go talk to a lawyer or fires program. We can tell you what we've known and seen as a, um, a general consensus, but we can't give legal advice. That's one caveat, Ty. 

[01:30:41] Tiffany Bader: Typically the legal advice questions that come into the office, were not able.

[01:30:46] Whole heck of a lot for it, but mm-hmm. 

[01:30:48] Travis Bader: We can tell you what the general consensus is, but we can't give. Yeah. 

[01:30:51] Tiffany Bader: Yeah. Um, okay. Let's see what else from Dave? Dave has a couple more. Um, can you do more personal stories about your trips, share more poems like you did on the last podcast? That was cool. I play the part of what the podcast over and over again.

[01:31:08] Travis Bader: So personal parts of o trips. Absolutely. That's one thing that I've noticed and I think we've, uh, already shared one story without looking at get, getting too late on this one about the, uh, on a bear hunt, about the grizzly bear. That was a good learning experience too. Um, but that's one thing I realized was it took me a while Anyways, the audience and the guests.

[01:31:30] Number one, audience and guests, what value are they bringing? How can we bring that out? How can I bring value to the guest? Well, there is a staple in all of these, and that's me. And I do come from a very, I guess, shy personality type, more introverted, not wanting to share personal details or personal things.

[01:31:49] And I realize that's one part that has been lacking and I have moving forward. In the next a hundred episodes, we'll be sharing, select things within my comfort, put, pushing my comfort zone. A always knowing that. You know, if it brings value, if I feel that there's gonna be something in there that brings value and that's it.

[01:32:11] Tiffany Bader: Yep. They're, you're not showing pictures from our family vacations and stuff like that, but 

[01:32:15] Travis Bader: Yeah. Looks good with the carousel. Yeah, totally. 

[01:32:17] Tiffany Bader: So you asked about poems, uh, yeah. Ya what a poem. He wants you to read a poem. Okay. This one's dedicated to you, Dave. This is for you, 

[01:32:24] Travis Bader: Dave. So, some poems I have memorized and I have a number.

[01:32:28] Um, this one I don't, so I'll read it for you, Dave. Okay. It's called Rule the Dice by Charles Bikowski. If you're gonna try, go all the way. Otherwise don't even start. If you're gonna try, go all the way. This could mean losing girlfriends, wise, relatives, jobs, and maybe your mind go all the way. Could mean not eating for three or four days.

[01:32:52] It could mean freezing on a park bench. Could mean jail, could mean derision, mockery isolation. isolation is the gift. All the others are atest of your endurance of how much you really want to do it. And you'll do it despite rejection and the worst odds. And it'll be better than anything else you can imagine.

[01:33:12] If you're gonna try, go all the way, there is no other feeling like that. You'll be alone with the gods and the knights will flame with fire. Do it, do it. Do it all the way. All the way. You'll ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is. There you go, Dave. There's a problem.

[01:33:33] Nice. 

[01:33:36] Tiffany Bader: Um, do you want one more from Dave? Yep. And then we've covered the, uh, Dave ones. Yep. Okay. This is my favorite question of the whole all of them, the entire podcast. It's not even a question, it's just a statement from Dave. Do an interview with your wife. That'd be super cool. 

[01:33:52] Travis Bader: Yep. Okay, Dave. 

[01:33:54] Tiffany Bader: There you go.

[01:33:54] Dave, this one's for you. Yeah. 

[01:33:56] Travis Bader: Love it. Thanks for those. Okay. Do you have any more? I do. I'm just kind of moving 'em outta order here a little bit. Okay. We have Trevor Public over episode 90 a t i, tangent Theta, s a i, Tenex, that Rolls Royce of Rifle Scopes is the episode name, and he says, I'm a super cool dude.

[01:34:24] Yeah. Amazing guy. Yeah. Honestly, the whole group over there is amazing. I love them. Yeah. Flew over there from Vancouver over to Nova Scotia, not knowing what to expect when I got over there. Met this awesome guy, um, smart, insightful, picked me up at the airport. Wasn't expecting that. I figured I'd be taking a, a cab or something.

[01:34:48] Go out for dinner, get the full tour of the, uh, the facilities, meet all the people that work there. I mean, it's like a family that, that whole place. Everybody that works there, you can tell genuinely cares. Mm-hmm. And head out to the reins. Did some shooting, tried out some of the products. Uh, I can save.

[01:35:07] Without a question of the doubt. They make phenomenal, phenomenal rifle scopes. And, uh, that's backed up not just by my own anecdotal, uh, experience, but Ilia Kashkin past podcast guest, the Dark Lord of Optics and his observation, being able to quantifiably measure these scopes based on other, all the other top tier ones.

[01:35:33] Anyways, uh, Trevor says, um, A Silvercore. Congrats on hitting a hundred shows. Your commitment to providing high quality information and training on such a wide variety of topics is invaluable. Keep up the great work. We look forward to the next 100 shows. Question, do you have any special plans or celebrations in mind for your 100th?

[01:35:56] And how do you plan to mark this milestone? In addition, any plans for Silvercore to expand and open the East Coast division? Well, yes. Yes, and yes, I guess would be the, uh, the answers to those Trevor, uh, special, special plans for celebrations. That's one thing I've always been poor at. I think we've both been poor at that.

[01:36:17] Aiff Yeah. Is we'll work really hard. We'll set our, our sight on a goal and we even before reaching that goal, once we know it's in sight and we're getting there, we've got another goal. Yeah. And we're looking at the next one and the next one. And the ability to stop, regroup, and celebrate those wins is intrinsically important, I think, to one's mental wellbeing and psyche.

[01:36:44] Yeah. So we'll be celebrating this with the family. Yep. We're gonna be celebrating it with the staff. And there's also, you know, there's gonna be a little bit of a giveaway of uh, a pretty damn good scope. So I figure this is a good place to interject that one for everyone who's been listening from the beginning here.

[01:37:03] Mm-hmm. And, uh, I would say follow the social media cuz a social team's gonna have all the details on that one sorted out, but it's gonna involve, gonna have to follow at i that's our amendment tech. So make sure there's a follow for them, A follow for Silvercore. In order for us to be able to track that, use a hashtag Silvercore podcast 100.

[01:37:24] So Silvercore Podcast 1 0 0 and we'll be able to track that one. I think that's a pretty good way to help celebrate the, um, hundredth episode. Yep, I 

[01:37:34] Tiffany Bader: think so. And Lobster Fest. 

[01:37:37] Travis Bader: I think a lobster fest is in order. So when we went over there I was like, man, you know, I'm in Nova Scotia, I'm gonna have to have lobster.

[01:37:44] Right. You can't go to Nova Scotia and not have lobster. And uh, so had some and I was, uh, reassured that was, although I thought it was fantastic. That's a, a very poor showing for what lobster is in Nova Scotia. They said, come on back in June, we'll show you a proper lobster. 

[01:38:00] Tiffany Bader: Yep, we're 

[01:38:01] Travis Bader: gonna do that. We're gonna have to do that one.

[01:38:03] And, uh, as for expanding and opening in the East Coast division, um, I'd say watch the, uh, the, uh, launch of what we're doing here. Hopefully it's coinciding with this episode here, but you're gonna see, uh, what that's looking like. Trevor, thank you so much. Amazing fellow, uh, love the love the question here.

[01:38:26] Tiffany Bader: Okay. Uh, we're almost done with questions actually. Um, next one is from Agron. And I'm sorry, Agron is Agron. See, I can't, I didn't even Ag 

[01:38:36] Travis Bader: Rock. Tori, come on. How hard is that? 

[01:38:38] Tiffany Bader: I was gonna say, I don't know how to pronounce his last name. I know you can do it. So I should have let you do this question. Sorry.

[01:38:44] Agron. Uh, where do you see the podcast going? Staying true to the Silvercore culture or exploring other ideas? 

[01:38:51] Travis Bader: I'd say both. 

[01:38:52] Tiffany Bader: I think exploring the Silvercore culture is exploring other ideas, exploring 

[01:38:56] Travis Bader: other ideas. Is staying true to the Silvercore culture? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So I think we've kind of touched on that a bit through this, but yeah, we're gonna be, uh, uh, expanding the podcast always with that hook back.

[01:39:07] It's gonna be positive value to the guest. Value to the audience. Cool. So, uh, uh, Linda Miller, Keith Cunningham, and Lieutenant Colonel David Grossman, cuz he's American. He's not a left tenant, they're a Silvercore podcast number 98. They all got together. They wrote the book on hunting. Fantastic book.

[01:39:28] Highly recommend. It's on Amazon. You can download the thing. They've got an audible version, which is really cool cuz it's got all of them talking into it. Actually we recorded the podcast shortly after they've wrapped up doing the, the, all the audio for them and that was, uh, probably the most finagling we've had to do on a podcast cuz everyone had to be in separate rooms on separate computers.

[01:39:49] And it was, uh, it was a little bit of work, but we got there. It worked out well. And uh, you know, Linda says, um, there's a couple things I'd mention at the S sci convention. We talked to a fellow from the First Hunt Foundation and he suggested that all the mentors he has in the network should read on hunting.

[01:40:10] I'd agree. And that was probably Razzled dazzle, Rick Brazel probably, uh, who's also past podcast guest says. He also mentioned that he had been talking to you about setting up some Canadian mentors. Your thoughts. I would say, I would think that Rick is correct on that one. Yeah. Um, stay tuned and watch. Uh, you recently went on your first outta country hunt and I'm curious whether any of the on hunting echoed with you during that hunt and Yeah, absolutely did.

[01:40:40] Yeah, totally. You know, different cultures different, even though it's not that different of a culture they've. In the middle of the Pacific and, uh, different hunting styles, but the core ethos that speaks to what a hunter is resonated in, that's so aptly, um, and properly wrapped up in the odd hunting book.

[01:41:00] Mm-hmm. Um, yeah. And Rick Braswell First Hunt Foundation. Guys, if you haven't checked out for Central Foundation, I'd say check it out. It's a pretty cool organization. Uh, they're growing like wildfire. They've got over a thousand volunteer mentors operating in 43 US states, and, uh, they've got their, uh, connecting heroes and hunters, veterans and first responders share the heritage.

[01:41:24] H e r is capitalized. Girls and women forgotten rights, people of color programs that are all growing. And, uh, they've got a huge grant from the nra. Hunter's Leadership Forum is developing the first of its con kind online hunting mentoring course. Let's see, where's the next page? Uh, the ABCs of Outdoor Mentoring.

[01:41:46] It'll be free for anyone interested in learning to be a better mentor. Cool. So guys, check that one out. Guys and gals, are you out on yours? I'm done, yeah. Okay. I got a few more. We'll, we'll run on through them. I got one here that you can read off. Uh, Matt Mendel, episode 59, Juan Stalls. So Matt, if you want, if you really want to get a chuckle, just follow Matt on social media or follow w Stalls.

[01:42:14] I mean, honestly, I, I know Matt's a big, uh, brainchild behind a lot of their commercials and stuff, but they're hilarious. 

[01:42:21] Tiffany Bader: Yeah. If you're looking through, uh, the YouTube thumbnails, he's a guy holding two flame throwers, and everybody that looks at that, they're like, is that, are those flame throwers? And you're like, yeah, yeah, that's 

[01:42:31] Travis Bader: it.

[01:42:31] And he's the, uh, if you ever watch No nwe national, national Weapons Enforcement Team here in Canada, division of the RC m p, they do some training with businesses and they've teamed up with a CS Triple A, and they're doing, uh, training on, for example, how to find a straw purchaser. And so they've got some videos set up, and Matt is the infamous, uh, bad guy, the straw purchaser, the background directing the person to buy guns for a on in their videos.

[01:43:01] Uh, how does Silvercore see the hunting slash sustainability community changing in the next a hundred episodes? And how will Silvercore maintain its positive message in an ever-changing political social landscape landscape? So the, the hunting community it's ever diversifying? Yeah, I mean, just what we're talking about there with Rick Brazel and First Hunt Foundation, uh, I think everyone recognizes this isn't a bunch of gouts, grumpy, old white dudes.

[01:43:29] I mean, things are changing and the ability to accept people in is. Everybody sees it. I, I heard it said before, like, a person will go out to a hunting location. I, I think it was Mark that said it actually go to a hunting location and he's like, ah, damnit, this is my favorite spot. And there's somebody else here.

[01:43:47] Yeah. He's like, or you could say, awesome, there's other hunters out here. This is great. Right. There's my fellow, fellow kind out here. Yeah. I'll have a chat with them. We'll talk about different areas. Maybe we can learn about things and we'll hunt this area. They'll hunt that area. Mm-hmm. It's all a perception.

[01:44:02] Right. And I think that's the biggest thing that people are, uh, learning. And though it's changing move, people are getting into hunting might not hunt the way that you do, but they're hunting. Yeah. And if you invite them into the community, they can learn the social norms associated with it, and you just might learn something as well too.

[01:44:22] Tiffany Bader: Yeah. I think the second part of the question too is how do we stay positive in an ever-changing climate? It's simple. It's like change isn't a bad thing. Change is good. Yeah. Change is exciting. And, and, and if it is, you do see negativity out there and people are feeling challenged or having a hard time, then it's just such an awesome opportunity for us to be, to be an outlet of positivity.

[01:44:51] Yeah. 

[01:44:52] Travis Bader: Listen to the Johnston Eye podcast that mm-hmm. Um, uh, the expansive listen to his podcast, right. Yeah. And listen to. The one we did together talking about aliens and, 

[01:45:03] Tiffany Bader: and that was crazy timing. I just have to say like for people that don't realize that was recorded prior to aliens being like, just a common thing that everyone's like, oh yeah, there's aliens.

[01:45:13] Just, I don't know. Might as well just let you know this now. Yeah. 

[01:45:16] Travis Bader: Adaptability and change is very, very important. Don't be fearful of change in things that are coming. Embrace a change and be like, what Shane Mahoney says is that river is going down and you can jump on something and that changing river, see how you can steer it.

[01:45:29] I mean, that's, that's exciting. Yeah. That's what keeps things interesting because you have the, I I think that's the biggest thing that, uh, people are learning is that they have personal agency. They can control things. They don't have to be behind their cell phone recording if something's going off. They can change things.

[01:45:46] They don't have to wait for the government to do something. They, at the individual level have the ability to make massive changes and those changes can be done in a way that's beneficial to them and their community. Totally. Um, Casey, episode 88. Curious case of the meat eater. Nome. So, Casey is a super talented artist, just all around.

[01:46:08] Good guy. He's very, very seldom when I meet somebody and I have to look up to, I'm six foot six. He's taller than you, isn't he? He's taller than me. Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. It and just, you know, like, like most big guys just. Heart of gold. Mm-hmm. I say that cause I'm a big guy. Yeah, no, totally. 

[01:46:22] Tiffany Bader: Yeah. 

[01:46:23] Travis Bader: Just, just generally 

[01:46:24] Tiffany Bader: awesome.

[01:46:24] Like every tall guy with a beard, he's just awesome. Just 

[01:46:27] Travis Bader: generally awesome. And it's funny because it was Brian Miska talking about this community who says, there's this guy Casey, you've gotta see his pictures, you've gotta see this paintings. You've gotta see how talented he is. He's got this ab ability to draw an animal and it's got the sense of movement in it on a still object.

[01:46:47] And Oh yeah. By the way, he, um, he made the gnome for meat eater. Yeah. And that was all of his shirts and hats and, and, um, anyways, so Casey says, okay, so here's a question. You've po you've hosted a hundred podcasts now and you've talked to many interesting and often influential people in the Silvercore wheelhouse.

[01:47:04] So one, what are the top influential things that you've heard in those interviews that have motored you, motivated you into action at, or change in how you go about your life? Maybe you could give some examples and even invite listeners to do the same. Well, I don't see two, so, um, that's a fantastic question, by the way, Casey, uh, what would you say Tiff?

[01:47:30] Tiffany Bader: What have I learned that's changed me? Or what would have I, I mean, like I mentioned before, the, the Nicki thing going into the woods. Yeah. Hearing her say that, that that's, that's definitely had an effect on me. Um, I don't know. There's, there's been so many, like the positivity in a lot of the people has been good.

[01:47:51] You know, sometimes I have a bad day and I'll like, listen to people talk about awesome stuff and it just kind of, it's a good break. 

[01:47:58] Travis Bader: Yeah. I, I think the, um, just that stupid, I talked to one of the podcasts in the before when I was a teenager. I, I said, you know, a real good design for a t-shirt when everyone's talking about no fear, and they were taken off these no fear t-shirts.

[01:48:16] I was like, what about Know your limits? But instead of can o Ws, no. Like, you, you don't have limits. You're limitless. And that is one thing that comes over again and again through the guests. I mean, Sonny. Yeah. I think I want to be a professional bear and alcohol boxer and he just does it. Mm-hmm. Right.

[01:48:34] Yeah. I think I want to, um, make an invisible cloak and he does it, uh, Casey. Yeah. You know, I'm, uh, I'm, I'm liking this mediary thing. Um, I want to make their gnome. He just reaches out. Mm-hmm. You know, when I was in grade 11, I think it was, I had a book report. It was, uh, Mr. LaMer was the English teacher, and he was so passionate about this book called Shoeless Joe.

[01:48:59] And the movie Field of Dreams with Kevin Costner was based on that book. And, uh, he'd bring in baseball bats and gloves and it was like a very romantic thing for him. And the smell of the gloves and like, he'd just get right into this thing and. I was never one to follow the, the normal path. And uh, we had a, nor were you a big baseball fan, nor was I ever a big baseball fan.

[01:49:23] Yeah, I like the movie. Um, but our book report's coming up, it's due and I haven't got anything done. I don't even think I'd read the book. Sounds 

[01:49:33] Tiffany Bader: like typical tracks in school. 

[01:49:35] Travis Bader: And I thought, well, I gotta get over book report. There's no chat. G p t, we don't have internet to get things done. Right. I'll just call the author up.

[01:49:46] And so I found the author, I went through the white pages cuz I had heard that the author had lived in um, uh, I think it was, uh, hope or something was supposed to have lived, but I found him, got a number, turned out it was, I think it was South Surry at the time and the number had an answering machine.

[01:50:01] Answering machine. Went to, uh, left a number in Florida for emergencies. So I flown it up cuz this is an emergency Right. Obviously had a book report due. Yeah. I call up and I talked to, what was it, WP Illa, I believe is the, uh, author of that one. And, uh, he's in Florida. Sounds like he's on the beat, or at least that's what's going through my grade 10 head.

[01:50:20] Right. And he's got some, uh, person he's with, he's asking, what do you do? He's like, this is a book report. So kids pointed me up, right. And I, I ace that book report. Um, and, uh, teacher thought I was trying to, in his words, fly one over and left field on him, but uh, uh, finally was able to convince him otherwise.

[01:50:39] But that whole idea. Nothing is impossible, just go out and do it. Uh, you set your sights to it, and if you're able to bring others with you, will you do that? And that's something that Seb has recently talked about on a recent podcast, and I've felt very strongly about that. If I am in a position of advantage or if I can see things from my perspective that others can't, I will do whatever I can to bring those right people over so they can see it as well.

[01:51:07] Mm-hmm. Because guess what? They're gonna travel further. At some point they're gonna look back and they're gonna invite other people to do the same, and it's just gonna benefit us all. Yeah. So I, I think that is the, uh, it's not an individual thing. It's more of a cumulative thing that I've noticed that is, uh, coming in the last hundred episodes.

[01:51:25] Like Rat Park. Like Rat Park, yeah. Uh, without the opioids says maybe you could, uh, give some examples and even invite listeners to do the same. I'll put the challenge out there. Mm-hmm. Anybody out there listening to this, if you made it this far into the podcast, if you could write down what it is, anything from the past hundred episodes that has spoken to you, that has helped you, that has, uh, changed the way you've lived, looked at things, or, uh, benefited you in any possible way, put that onto the silver course social media, and we'll make sure to highlight that.

[01:52:02] Cool. Speaking of that one, I do know that one came in on one of my sheets here, which I've wrote a Libo side that said, Tiffany, So we'll see if I can find that. There it is. Patrick Grundle. 

[01:52:18] Tiffany Bader: Oh, okay. It's the longest one. Uh, to Travis and the Silvercore team, first congratulations on your hundredth episode.

[01:52:28] I've been an avid listener since hearing the first episode. In my opinion, the best title was episode three, the Man Who Refused to Wear Pants. I know Doc, and that is always a memorable site to behold, and it's an accurate description of him too. Yep. Uh, very impressed how you've covered such a wide range of topics that keep people engaged.

[01:52:48] In fact, several guests have motivated myself to improve the person I am and want to be. In addition, in an indirect way, your podcast and its awesome. Guests also assisted my son, currently a Reg Force c AAF member serving in Latvia one R c h a with him and his journey forward as a father. I thank you.

[01:53:08] One question, how do you see the podcast future unfold? Do you have a long-term plan in mind or will the guests in episodes evolve in an organic way to reach out to additional listeners covering vast topics? Keep up the great work and really looking forward to what the future holds. Patrick 

[01:53:23] Travis Bader: Grundle, so, and Patrick re recently reached out and, uh, got a message here at nighttime and, uh, looking for, he says, love to touch base and chat with you, and I want to make sure everything's okay.

[01:53:38] Things are okay. I said, great. Busy at the moment, let's chat tomorrow. And you know, oftentimes the head goes to like, what does a person want? What did he want? He wanted to say thank you. And that was like massive cuz I just, you don't hear these things all the time. And, uh, he mentioned something similar to that which harken his back to the last question as well, if we're able to help make a change in other people, like that's, that's awesome.

[01:54:04] I, um, thank you Patrick. I appreciate that. But more specifically to your question, uh, do I see it, uh, developing organically as it, as it moves forward? There's gonna be definitely an organic nature to it. Um, I've found a long time ago not to force things and even in the early podcasts, like somebody would know, be known for one thing and I would be talking to them about that one thing, only to find that they just don't have the same level of passion or enthusiasm for that one thing at that one time.

[01:54:36] Mm-hmm. And to learn to change gears quickly. In fact, you know, Brad Brooks of our galley and he's got a, uh, he makes high end outdoor equipment, super lightweight. He's avid mountaineer, rock climber, hunter all around. Really cool dude. And, uh, uh, before we start the podcast and I had all these different questions like, what do I think people want?

[01:55:00] And, you know, the Silver Girl podcast audience had had some stuff and he says, you know, man, uh, just before we get going here, I just want to say we can talk about whatever you want. If we have to do like a boring podcast where we talk about kit and gear and all of these things. I mean, I, we, we could do that if you want, but, ah, I'd rather tell stories.

[01:55:18] I'd rather get into the adventure of it. I'd rather really just delve into the, uh, uh, the personal side and the, um, the storytelling that surrounds it. Totally. 

[01:55:28] Tiffany Bader: And I so like, oh yeah. Throw away all 

[01:55:31] Travis Bader: your questions. Totally. All my notes gone. Right. And, uh, and I 

[01:55:35] Tiffany Bader: love that podcast. Yeah. That's, that's one of my favorite runs.

[01:55:37] Yeah. Because you guys just talk like buddies. Totally. 

[01:55:40] Travis Bader: And so, uh, knowing how to, to change, having that organic approach, I think is very, very important. Mm-hmm. And every podcast I do, I'll prepare for most every podcast I do. I never have to look at my notes. Yeah. Because once a conversation starts, all those notes that I had we're on a completely different track now.

[01:56:01] Mm-hmm. Um, and so we'll follow that track and it's always been an organic process, and I found that tends to bring the best value. And, you know, there, there could be times when, uh, um, no, I'm gonna save that one and I won't, I won't go down that one. That'll be a surprise. Okay. Uh, we've got one here from, here we go.

[01:56:28] Oh, you need those? I'll take those. Okay. You got this. Okay. 

[01:56:34] Tiffany Bader: Uh, let's see. Okay. Uh, gray Man, dad, uh, says, given the current economic climate pending legislation, and as a bus business owner and someone who's made a career in the firearms industry, what do you see as an untapped opportunity for the future generation of firearms en enthusi enthusiasts who want to not only make a difference, but like yourself, make a business or career in the industry?

[01:57:01] Travis Bader: Untapped opportunity. Yep. They're everywhere. There's so many untapped opportunities. The worst thing that I think somebody can do if they're trying to make a business or career in something is follow what everybody else has done. Then you've got a job. Yeah. Right? It's like, and how fun is that? Right?

[01:57:16] It's like, okay, well, I want to open up a 7-Eleven. Well, there's a template in place. You can follow the process, but you're, you're working a job. Yeah. Right. I, I wouldn't look at that as, and, and it's an important thing to do. It's important that we have these seven elevens, but from my personal standpoint, you just take a look at where all the, um, uh, unfulfilled areas are.

[01:57:37] Mm-hmm. And don't ask other people. Don't be like, oh, what is, what do people wanna see? What do you want? Because you're gonna be getting the wrong kind of information back. Find something that you ask of yourself that you're passionate about. Because if everybody says they want one thing and you work towards that, but that's not your passion.

[01:57:56] The person who's passionate about that will outperform you totally. Every single day of the week. 

[01:58:01] Tiffany Bader: People love to tell you. You're gonna fail or something stupid, or it's not a good idea. It's so easy when you tell me, oh, I have this great idea, blah, blah, blah. It's so easy for me to just be like, that's not gonna work.

[01:58:15] That's no not gonna work. And it's hard to, to come up with the ideas and push through. So don't li like you said, don't listen to people when they're like, no, that's not gonna work. It hasn't been done yet. 

[01:58:26] Travis Bader: Right, right. Everyone, everybody. It's like you say, it's easy to say no. Yeah. And I think that comes from a standpoint of fear.

[01:58:34] Mm-hmm. Um, and maybe, maybe a more negative standpoint as well. Right. I don't want to see everybody else around. I don't want to be down here while everybody else around me is going up here. I don't want to put that effort or work in. I can see that it's not possible. I'll tell you know your limits. Right.

[01:58:50] Everything is possible. You might turn around at the end of it and say, I've achieved it. Now if I put that same level level of effort into some other job, I would've been way further ahead. Right. Perhaps. But for untapped markets, I mean from a business standpoint, it doesn't matter what legislation comes through, when it happens with firearms, there's always a way to make money.

[01:59:11] Mm-hmm. And that's one thing that's always sat at sort of a weird odds with me with Silvercore because I have a very personal idea as to what I think should be happening with firearms. And that always wins out over my business aspiration. Mm-hmm. For example, um, the Silvercore Gun Club, as it has been known for the longest time, the Silvercore Club, it was born out of the desire to limit hurdles that were being put in place by the firearms program and to allow people to meet the legal requirements so they could still have restricted firearms and go to the range and do what they do, and then hopefully join a range after they've had a chance to go through all of this.

[01:59:57] And it's just one, one of the levels in, in the process here, when Daniel Bofski Silvercore Club member says, Travis, I'm having an issue in, in Ontario here. And, um, and, and I, I think I'm gonna end up taking these guys to court because they're not recognizing and they're not issuing ATTs, they're not re issuing our Ps.

[02:00:19] I did everything I could in my power to assist Daniel on that court case, of which the ultimate outcome of all of that was Ontario as one of the provinces that no longer is the only province. It no longer requires you as a mandatory policy measure within the program to belong to a gun club or a range to get your restricted firearms license or your at t.

[02:00:45] And I feel very strongly about that. Now, from a growing a club standpoint, that's completely contrary, but from what do I think is right for the people, yeah. If I could replicate that in every province and territory, fantastic. Cuz I've never ever wanted the value proposition of the club to be a policy requirement for the, uh, for the rcmp.

[02:01:07] Totally. There has to be a greater value above that. And there has to be a value of community, of education, of mentorship, of access, of insurance, of all of these different things. Discounts. Discounts, yeah. And just bringing the community together, right? Yeah. So, uh, other untapped, I mean, people say, oh, they're talking about having a central repos repository for firearms, right?

[02:01:31] Which is talk time and time again from a business standpoint, man, you can make a lot of money doing that. Mm-hmm. And in fact, you can still use that

[02:01:41] to meet requirements, but put things back essentially to where they were before. And I can expand on that in a later episode. I mean, there's lots of times you can meet all the legal requirements Yeah. In a business way, in a way that an individual wouldn't be able to do it and restore the same rights that people enjoyed before, whether they want to call it a workaround or, or what have you.

[02:02:03] It's just, it's not a workaround, it's working with a system that's in place, but thinking creatively. Mm-hmm. Um, so yes, there are, there are lots of untapped. Yeah, totally. And, and there's gonna be 

[02:02:15] Tiffany Bader: more, and the fact that it's changing constantly, just more and more and more. 

[02:02:20] Travis Bader: But I think for anybody looking at business, the biggest thing that they can be looking for is, uh, working as a community in the business industry because the short-sighted monetary gain is not play, does not play into the macro picture.

[02:02:34] If you start looking at things as 10, 20 years sort of, uh, endeavors, all of a sudden your decision making process changes from, if you're looking at a day by day, month by month, year by year, how can I make as much money as I can right now before the new Yeah. New law comes into place and all you end up doing is alienating those within the community, reinforcing negative stereotypes, and you're, you're basically choking it off.

[02:03:01] And we see that time and time again, and it, it's a short, it's a short game and it doesn't play out to everyone's benefit. Yeah. Okay. Um, let's see. I got one from Zachary Hansen, episode 94, turning Ferrell. That's a book he wrote, A pretty cool dude. In fact. Um, we've registered for a trapping course based on his recommend Silvercore of how much trapping is assisted him in being a hunter.

[02:03:32] What's been the most unexpected outcome or learning you've had a, you've had after doing 100 episodes. Is it a specific piece of information, a way of looking at things, a specific inspirational guest, looking forward to the next 100. You know, I, I think this question's been asked, uh, a couple of different ways and I, and I just can't think of one individual specific thing, but I can't think of the, the accumulation of the guests and how they build off of each other.

[02:04:05] Cuz some of our guests will come on and they'll listen to past episodes so they can have a little bit of a flavor and they'll end up building off of things that they've said as well. Mm-hmm. Like Daniel f Fritter, man, like guy's Sharp, he's a sharp cookie. He's, uh, from Caliber Magazine and some of the ideas that, uh, that he comes up with that are inspirational at a grassroots level for the, uh, the Canadian firearms community, Ian Runkel, who we've talked about on here as well, and he's brings in different ways to, uh, to look at things and mm-hmm.

[02:04:36] I'm looking forward to, if we talk about inside information, some of the things that he's looking at doing into the future. Yeah. Because, uh, I think it'll benefit everybody in the community. Totally. Um, 

[02:04:47] Tiffany Bader: I like Daniel's points because he advocates for personal accountability. Accountability and like, Stop passing the buck.

[02:04:57] Mm-hmm. Firearms community. You guys have gotta get off your butts and make things happen yourself and stop looking for others to solve your problems. And I really like that cuz I think it, it mirrors what we wanna do with Silvercore is get people to take accountability over their own lives and learn new things and become confident and wanna get outside and do interesting things and yeah, I like it.

[02:05:21] I do 

[02:05:22] Travis Bader: too. Do you have any more? 

[02:05:23] Tiffany Bader: Yeah, I think there's one more. I think it's half of a question from before. I think it's from Greg, uh, from one dad to another, but also someone who is a role model for many in the firearms and hunting community. What is one dad advice talk, uh, do you wish someone had with you and in celebration of your hundredth episode, what is the message you wanna give to not only listeners but all Canadians?

[02:05:45] Travis Bader: I think that was Dre. 

[02:05:47] Tiffany Bader: Was it? Because the pages got 

[02:05:48] Travis Bader: mixed up here. Okay. So, uh, dad advice talk I wish I got, uh, really wouldn't matter cuz I don't know if I'd listen honestly. Yeah, I mean you don't really grow a brain until you're about 28. I think that's nice thing when brains fully mature. I was always the type of person and someone would say that stove is hot.

[02:06:05] I'm like, huh? I wonder, what do you mean by hot? Like how hot? Like really, really hot. Like I bet you if I touch it quickly I won't get burned. Yeah, 

[02:06:12] Tiffany Bader: no. And I'm still kinda like that. Yeah, no, you, you haven't changed a whole lot. So 

[02:06:17] Travis Bader: I, I don't think there's any specific piece of dad advice that I wish I got because I don't know if.

[02:06:23] It would have made a heck of a difference. What's the, what's the other part of the question? 

[02:06:26] Tiffany Bader: Uh, the second part is, sorry. Uh, in celebration of your hundredth ep hundredth episode, what is the message you wanna give to not only listeners, but all Canadians? 

[02:06:39] Travis Bader: Uh, that's just gonna be continued positivity.

[02:06:41] Mm-hmm. Yeah. To, to the listeners. All Canadians, there's always a positive side. So many people, we are negatively biased creatures, humans are, you drive by a car accident and you're gonna look, why are we looking? Who got hurt? What's going on? Right? It's an instinctive thing that's built into us as a survival mechanism.

[02:07:00] What could go wrong? We can recognize that. We can accept that, but we should strive to look for where the positive is. Yeah. What could go right, if I do this, what could go right? And I think that would be the biggest message for Canadians, the listeners, everyone in general, that I could look at. How can we, how can we look at what is positive and how can we practice a philoso philosophical idea of charity, which is somebody says something to you and you don't automatically come back and say, well, I know exactly what they're saying to me and I'm insulted and I'm this, and I'm gonna come back with whatever it might be.

[02:07:45] What's a positive outtake on that? Why do you think they might be singing that? Is there any other ways that they could be saying that or coming from a different position? Take the time. Have them explain it as you work through a little bit of patience and optimism and positivity is, I think would just benefit everybody as a whole.

[02:08:04] Yeah, I like it. You're done. I think I got one last one here, right? Okay. Uh, yeah, I'm done here. Okay. Nikki Van ChinDe, episode 47, surviving Alone, 52 Days in the Arctic and one of her favorite books. My Side of the Mountain happens to be one of my favorite books when I was in, I think grade four, grade five.

[02:08:26] And Nikki, if you're listening, I'm gonna get you to autograph that book cuz I have things here in the studio from past guests and I figured that'd be a cool one to have up there. Little Sam grimly type, uh, callback says, uh, question is what adventure in the wild have you always wanted to go on to push your edge and what are you doing this year to make it happen?

[02:08:50] Well, I have always been a firm believer of not talking about your, I'm kidding. Talking about what it is that you're looking at doing and just doing it and then talking about it afterwards because there is that whole, um, False satisfaction that you get the dopamine release that happens when you talk about something and all of a sudden the energy to move towards that is lessened.

[02:09:16] So I do have a couple things that I am actively working for on right now, which definitely push my comfort zone. It's something I've been looking at for a long time. Um, out in the wild. Uh, I could say there's a few places I'd like to head to, which I haven't been. I'd like to love to go to Iceland. I'd like to go to Finland.

[02:09:37] I'd like to go to Italy and do some hunting there. I've been to Italy, but Germany not hunting. Some hunting in Germany. Yep. I'm talking to you, Marcus and Florian, uh, who are gonna be on the podcast in the future. Very, really, really cool individuals. Marcus is the, uh, head of Firearms and Hunter education for, uh, region of Bavaria There.

[02:10:00] Uh, Florian is a photographer for a national Geographic and Playboy and uh, very, very cool individual. Yep. Um, but it says to shift perspectives about yourself in the natural world. Well, Nikki, when you get your business going, luminary Wilderness Ventures, I want to go there. Yeah. Because that's very different.

[02:10:22] Talking about going into the wild and saying, hello Forest, it's me, Nikki. Hello Forest. It's me, Travis. Right. That whole sort of thing is something that I could probably, uh, use some education on. And that's, uh, what I'd be learning in luminary Wilderness Ventures. That's one thing that would be pushing what I know and I'd love to look forward to.

[02:10:43] Cool. So I hope I didn't miss anybody in all of this. Is there anything that you'd like to say before we close off, Jeff? No, I don't think so. Okay. Um, I do know Ryan, I'm from ibi, international Barrels, huge supporter. They've been on here on the podcast in the past great episodes, um, and as well as Martin from MBTs been on the podcast, high quality chassis and stocks and firearms accessories, and they're all local.

[02:11:11] Really cool. Uh, both of them were in the process of putting something together. May have come through, but we haven't had a chance to get 'em yet. So I'd give them a shout out in here anyways, um, everybody that works at Silvercore that's helped make the podcast possible, holy crow, fantastic. The effort that everybody puts in is just amazing.

[02:11:33] Uh, even past people that have worked, I mean, like I've become friends with, uh, a number of people who've we've employed, or coworkers and, uh, the multitude of Dave's that I know have taught me to be an entrepreneur and, uh, uh, who have put their heart and soul into building the next section of the, um, uh, the Silvercore journey here, which is gonna be launching soon and.

[02:11:58] I mean, it's just amazing. Uh, the Jason's I know and you know, one of 'em that really knows what is best in life. The Infa, infamous Ja, Jason, and I think I mean by that, that he's more than famous. Yes. He's more than famous. Yes. Yes. Um, and you know, VOE, I see you on all our comments on all the, on every single podcast.

[02:12:21] You didn't ask any questions on here, but I see you on there. Thank you so much for the support. Every single time that something comes up, you're on there and you're supporting. Really appreciate that. Yeah, I'm sure there's a bunch of people that I've missed on here and I'm sorry if I didn't get to it, but, uh, do know this wouldn't be possible without everybody else in all the work that they put in and the support from the community.

[02:12:43] Thank you again for the hundredth episode. Share with others and subscribe if you wanna see it.

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